# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vmware.pm # - declares necessary information for the vmware plugin # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package OpenSLX::OSPlugin::vmware; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Base); use File::Basename; use File::Path; use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::Utils; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { name => 'vmware', }; return bless $self, $class; } sub getInfo { my $self = shift; return { description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), !!! descriptive text missing here !!! End-of-Here mustRunAfter => [], }; } sub getAttrInfo { # returns a hash-ref with information about all attributes supported # by this specific plugin my $self = shift; # This default configuration will be added as attributes to the default # system, such that it can be overruled for any specific system by means # of slxconfig. return { # attribute 'active' is mandatory for all plugins 'vmware::active' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 0, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should the 'vmware'-plugin be executed during boot? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$}, content_descr => '1 means active - 0 means inactive', default => '1', }, # attribute 'precedence' is mandatory for all plugins 'vmware::precedence' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 0, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), the execution precedence of the 'vmware' plugin End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^\d\d$}, content_descr => 'allowed range is from 01-99', default => '70', }, # attribute 'imagesrc' defines where we can find vmware images 'vmware::imagessrc' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), Where do we store our vmware images? NFS? Filesystem? End-of-Here content_descr => 'Allowed values: path or URI', default => '', }, # attribute 'bridge' defines if bridged network mode should be # switched on 'vmware::bridge' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), Should the bridging (direct access of the vmware clients to the ethernet the host is connected to) be enabled End-of-Here content_descr => 'Allowed values: 0 or 1', default => '1', }, # attribute 'vmnet1' defines if the host connection network mode # should be switched on and NAT should be enabled 'vmware::vmnet1' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), Format ServerIP/Netprefix without NAT Format ServerIP/Netprefix,NAT enables NAT/Masquerading End-of-Here content_descr => 'Allowed value: IP/Prefix[,NAT]', default => ',NAT', }, # attribute 'vmnet8' defines if vmware specific NATed network mode # should be switched on 'vmware::vmnet8' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), Format ServerIP/Netprefix End-of-Here content_descr => 'Allowed value: IP/Prefix', default => '', }, # is to be discussed how to handle this - there is no single set of # vmware files!! -> to be moved to vmwarebinaries plugin!? # attribute 'binaries' defines whether or not VMware binaries shall # be provided (by downloading them). #'vmware::binaries' => { # applies_to_vendor_os => 1, # applies_to_systems => 0, # applies_to_clients => 0, # description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), # Shall VMware binaries be downloaded and installed? # End-of-Here # content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$}, # content_descr => 'Allowed values: 0 or 1', # default => '0', #}, # attribute 'kind' defines which set of VMware binaries should be # activated ('local' provided with the main installation set). 'vmware::kind' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 0, applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), Which set of VMware binaries to use? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$}, content_descr => 'Allowed values: local, path to vmware installation', default => 'local', }, }; } sub installationPhase { my $self = shift; $self->{pluginRepositoryPath} = shift; $self->{pluginTempPath} = shift; $self->{openslxPath} = shift; $self->{attrs} = shift; # location of the vmware stuff # if $vmware::kind 'local' my $vmpath = "/usr/lib/vmware"; my $vmbin = "/usr/bin"; # if $vmware::kind '/opt/openslx/plugin...' #my $vmpath = $vmware::kind #my $vmbin = "$vmpath/bin"; # get path of files we need to install my $pluginFilesPath = "$self->{'openslxPath'}/lib/plugins/$self->{'name'}/files"; # copy all needed files my @files = qw( vmware-init nvram.5.0 runvmware-v2 ); foreach my $file (@files) { copyFile("$pluginFilesPath/$file", $self->{'pluginRepositoryPath'}); } # generate the runlevel script (depends on distro/version and vmware # location) my $runlevelScriptPath = $self->{distro}->getRunlevelScriptPath(); $self->_writeRunlevelScript($vmbin, $runlevelScriptPath); # generate links for the user executables vmware and player and a # simplified version of the start script @files = qw( vmware vmplayer ); foreach my $file (@files) { # OLTA: this backup strategy is useless if invoked twice, so I have # deactivated it # rename ("/usr/bin/$file", "/usr/bin/$file.slx-bak"); linkFile("/var/X11R6/bin/$file", "/usr/bin/$file"); my $script = unshiftHereDoc(<<" End-of-Here"); #!/bin/sh # written by OpenSLX-plugin 'vmware' in Stage1 # radically simplified version of the original script $file by VMware Inc. PREFIX=$vmpath # depends on the vmware location exec "\$PREFIX"'/lib/wrapper-gtk24.sh' \ "\$PREFIX"'/lib' \ "\$PREFIX"'/bin/vmware' \ "\$PREFIX"'/libconf' "$@" End-of-Here spitFile("$self->{'pluginRepositoryPath'}/$file", $script); } } sub removalPhase { my $self = shift; my $pluginRepositoryPath = shift; my $pluginTempPath = shift; rmtree ( [ $pluginRepositoryPath ] ); # restore old start scripts - to be discussed #my @files = qw( vmware vmplayer ); #foreach my $file (@files) { # rename ("/usr/bin/$file.slx-bak", "/usr/bin/$file"); #} # TODO: path is distro specific #rename ("/etc/init.d/vmware.slx-bak", "/etc/init.d/vmware"); return; } sub _writeRunlevelScript { my $self = shift; my $location = shift; my $file = shift; # $location points to the path where vmware helpers are installed my $script = unshiftHereDoc(<<" End-of-Here"); #!/bin/sh # # parts taken from vmware start script: # Copyright 1998-2007 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This script manages the services needed to run VMware software # Basic support for the Linux Standard Base Specification 1.3 # Used by insserv and other LSB compliant tools. ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: VMware # Required-Start: \$syslog # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: 2 3 5 # Default-Stop: 0 6 # Short-Description: Manages the services needed to run VMware software # Description: Manages the services needed to run VMware software ### END INIT INFO load_modules() { # to be filled in via the stage1 configuration script modprobe -qa vmmon vmnet vmblock 2>/dev/null # most probably nobody wants to run the parallel port driver ... #modprobe vm... } unload_modules() { # to be filled with the proper list within via the stage1 configuration # script rmmod vmmon vmblock vmnet 2>/dev/null } # the bridged interface setup_vmnet0() { if [ -n "\$vmnet0" ] ; then # the path might be directly point to the plugin dir $location/vmnet-bridge -d /var/run/vmnet-bridge-0.pid /dev/vmnet0 eth0 fi } # we definately prefer the hostonly interface for NATed operation too # distinction is made via enabled forwarding setup_vmnet1() { if [ -n "\$vmnet1" ] ; then test -c /dev/vmnet1 || mknod c 119 1 /dev/vmnet1 # the path might be directly point to the plugin dir $location/vmnet-netifup -d /var/run/vmnet-netifup-vmnet1.pid \ /dev/vmnet1 vmnet1 dhcpif="\$dhcpif vmnet1" ip addr add \$vmnet1 dev vmnet1 if [ -n "\$vmnet1nat" ] ; then # needs refinement interface name for eth0 is known in stage3 already echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/vmnet1/forwarding 2>/dev/null echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/forwarding 2>/dev/null #iptables -A -s vmnet1 -d eth0 fi fi } # incomplete ... setup_vmnet8() { if [ -n "\$vmnet8" ] ; then test -c /dev/vmnet1 || mknod c 119 8 /dev/vmnet8 # /etc/vmware/vmnet-natd-8.mac simply contains a mac like 00:50:56:F1:30:50 $location/vmnet-natd -d /var/run/vmnet-natd-8.pid \ -m /etc/vmware/vmnet-natd-8.mac -c /etc/vmware/nat.conf dhcpif="\$dhcpif vmnet8" ip addr add \$vmnet8 dev vmnet8 fi } runvmdhcpd() { if [ -n "\$dhcpif" ] ; then # the path might be directly point to the plugin dir mkdir /var/run/vmware 2>/dev/null $location/vmnet-dhcpd -cf /etc/vmware/dhcpd.conf -lf \ /var/run/vmware/dhcpd.leases -pf /var/run/vmnet-dhcpd-vmnet8.pid \$dhcpif fi } # Ubuntu # . /lib/lsb/init-functions # SuSE # . /etc/rc.status # rc_reset case \$1 in start) # SuSE echo -n "Starting vmware background services ..." # Ubuntu # log_begin_msg "Starting vmware background services ..." load_modules setup_vmnet0 setup_vmnet1 setup_vmnet8 runvmdhcpd # message output should match the given vendor-os # Ubuntu #### # log_warning_msg "Not starting because of something ... # SuSE #### # rc_status -v ;; stop) # message output should match the given vendor-os echo -n "Stopping vmware background services ..." killall vmnet-netifup vmnet-natd vmnet-bridge vmware vmplayer \ vmware-tray 2>/dev/null # wait for shutting down of interfaces usleep 50000 unload_modules # SuSE # rc_status -v ;; status) echo "Say something useful here ..." ;; esac # Ubuntu exit 0 # SuSE (10.2) # rc_exit End-of-Here # OLTA: this backup strategy is useless if invoked twice, so I have # deactivated it # rename($file, "${file}.slx-bak") if -e $file; spitFile($file, $script); } 1;