#! /usr/bin/perl -CLADS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; my $abstract = q[ slxos-plugin OpenSLX-script to install/remove plugin modules into/from a vendor-OS. ]; # add the folder this script lives in and the lib-folder to perl's # search path for modules: use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin"; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib"; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../config-db"; # development path to config-db use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); use Pod::Usage; use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine; use OpenSLX::Utils; my %option; GetOptions( 'help|?' => \$option{helpReq}, 'man' => \$option{manReq}, 'verbose' => \$option{verbose}, 'version' => \$option{versionReq}, ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $option{helpReq}; if ($option{manReq}) { # avoid dubious problem with perldoc in combination with UTF-8 that # leads to strange dashes and single-quotes being used $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'POSIX'; pod2usage(-verbose => 2); } if ($option{versionReq}) { system('slxversion'); exit 1; } openslxInit(); my $action = shift @ARGV || ''; if ($action =~ m[^list-at]i) { my $plugin = shift @ARGV; print $plugin ? _tr("List of attributes supported by '%s' plugin:\n", $plugin) : _tr("List of plugin attributes:\n"); my $attrs = {}; require OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster; OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster->addAllAttributesToHash($attrs, $plugin); print join( '', map { my $attr = $attrs->{$_}; my $stage = $attr->{applies_to_vendor_os} ? '[stage 1]' : '[stage 3]'; if ($option{verbose}) { my $output; my $fill = ' ' x 28; for my $key (qw( description content_descr content_regex )) { $output .= "\n\t $key:" . ( ' ' x (15 - length($key)) ); chomp(my $value = $attr->{$key} || ''); $value =~ s{\n}{\n$fill}igms; $output .= $value; } "\n\t$stage: $_$output\n"; } else { "\t$stage: $_\n"; } } sort { my $stageDiff = ($attrs->{$b}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || '') cmp ($attrs->{$a}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || ''); return $stageDiff ? $stageDiff : $a cmp $b; } keys %$attrs ); } elsif ($action =~ m[^list-av]i) { print _tr("List of available plugins:\n"); require OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster; my $pluginInfo = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster->getAvailablePlugins(); print join( '', map { if ($option{verbose}) { my $fill = ' ' x 12; chomp(my $descr = $pluginInfo->{$_}->{description} || ''); $descr =~ s{\n}{\n$fill}igms; "\n\t$_\n\t $descr\n"; } else { "\t$_\n"; } } sort keys %$pluginInfo ); } elsif ($action =~ m[^list-i]i) { if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { print STDERR _tr( "You need to specify exactly one vendor-OS!\n" ); pod2usage(2); } my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); # create OSPlugin-engine for given vendor-OS and ask it for the installed # plugins: my $engine = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine->new; $engine->initialize(undef, $vendorOSName); my @installedPlugins = $engine->getInstalledPlugins(); if (!@installedPlugins) { push @installedPlugins, { plugin_name => '' }; } print _tr("List of plugins installed in vendor-OS '$vendorOSName':\n"); print join( '', map { if ($option{verbose}) { my $attributes = _tr("The following attributes were applied:") . "\n\t "; my $attrs = $_->{attrs}; my $attrInfo = {}; OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster->addAllStage1AttributesToHash( $attrInfo, $_->{plugin_name} ); $attributes .= join( "\n\t ", map { my $stage = $attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_vendor_os} ? '[stage 1]' : '[stage 3]'; "$stage $_=" . (defined $attrs->{$_} ? $attrs->{$_} : '-') } sort { (($attrInfo->{$b}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || '') cmp ($attrInfo->{$a}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || '')) || ($a cmp $b); } keys %$attrs ); "\n\t$_->{plugin_name}\n\t $attributes\n"; } else { "\t$_->{plugin_name}\n"; } } sort @installedPlugins ); } elsif ($action =~ m[^install]i) { if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) { print STDERR _tr( "You need to specify a vendor-OS and at least one plugin-name!\n" ); pod2usage(2); } my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; my $pluginAttrs = parsePluginAttrs(1); # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); for my $pluginName (keys %$pluginAttrs) { # create & start OSPlugin-engine for vendor-OS and current plugin: my $engine = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine->new; $engine->initialize( $pluginName, $vendorOSName, $pluginAttrs->{$pluginName} ); if (!-e $engine->{'plugin-path'}) { die _tr("plugin '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n", $engine->{'plugin-path'}); } if ($vendorOSName ne '<<>>' && !-e $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}) { die _tr( "vendor-OS '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n", $engine->{'vendor-os-path'} ); } if ($engine->installPlugin()) { print _tr( "Plugin $pluginName has been installed into vendor-OS '$vendorOSName'.\n" ); } } } elsif ($action =~ m[^remove]i) { if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) { print STDERR _tr( "You need to specify a vendor-OS and at least one plugin-name!\n" ); pod2usage(2); } my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; my $pluginAttrs = parsePluginAttrs(0); # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); for my $pluginName (keys %$pluginAttrs) { # create & start OSPlugin-engine for vendor-OS and current plugin: my $engine = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine->new; $engine->initialize( $pluginName, $vendorOSName, $pluginAttrs->{$pluginName} ); if (!-e $engine->{'plugin-path'}) { die _tr("plugin '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n", $engine->{'plugin-path'}); } if ($vendorOSName ne '<<>>' && !-e $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}) { die _tr("vendor-OS '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n", $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}); } if ($engine->removePlugin()) { print _tr( "Plugin $pluginName has been removed from vendor-OS '$vendorOSName'.\n" ); } } } else { vlog(0, _tr(unshiftHereDoc(<<' END-OF-HERE'), $0)); You need to specify exactly one action: install [= ...] list-attributes [] list-available list-installed remove Try '%s --help' for more info. END-OF-HERE } sub parsePluginAttrs { my $acceptAttributes = shift; my (%pluginAttrs, $pluginName, @attrSpecs); for my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg =~ m{^(.+)=(.*)$}) { next if !$acceptAttributes; my $attr = $1; my $value = $2; if ($value =~ m{^(-|undef)$}) { $value = undef; } if ($attr =~ m{^(.+)::}) { $pluginName = $1; } else { if (!defined $pluginName) { die _tr('You have to give a plugin-name before you can specify unscoped attributes!'); } $attr = $pluginName . '::' . $attr; } $pluginAttrs{$pluginName}->{$attr} = $value; } else { $pluginName = $arg; $pluginAttrs{$pluginName} = {}; } } return \%pluginAttrs; } =head1 NAME slxos-plugin - OpenSLX-script to install/remove an OS-plugin into/from an installed vendor-OS. =head1 SYNOPSIS slxos-plugin [options] =head3 Options --help brief help message --man show full documentation --verbose show more information during execution --version show version =head3 Actions =over 8 =item B<< install [= ...] [] ... >> Installs the OS-plugin(s) with the given name(s) into the specified vendor-OS, using any attribute values as specified. In order to spare you RSI, you can leave out the plugin scope, each attribute will be searched in the plugin that precedes it (see examples in the manual). =item B<< list-attributes [ >> List all attributes supported by the different OS-plugins. If you specify a plugin name, only the attributes of that plugin will be listed. In verbose mode, more details about the individual attributes are shown. =item B<< list-available >> List all available OS-plugins. In verbose mode a short description of each plugin will be shown, too. =item B<< list-installed >> List all the plugins installed into the specified vendor-OS. In verbose mode all applied attributes are shown, too. =item B<< remove [] ... >> Removes the OS-plugin(s) with the given name(s) from the specified vendor-OS. If you pass in any attributes, they will be ignored. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B installs or removes specific functionality extensions into/from an installed vendor-OS. That extension can be something rather simple (like a boot-splash) or something rather complicated (e.g. the automatic detection, installation and activation of the graphics driver most appropriate for the booting client). Installation of any plugin will result in some files being added to the vendor-OS (they will live in /opt/openslx/plugins//). These files can be accessed by the booting client.in order to integrate the required functionality into the system. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--help> Prints a brief help message and exits. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =item B<--verbose> Prints more information during execution of any action. =item B<--version> Prints the version and exits. =back =head1 EXAMPLES =over 8 =head3 Installing a Plugin =item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 example >> Installs the plugin named 'example' into the installed vendor-OS 'suse-10.2'. =item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop gdm=1 kde=1 >> Installs the desktop plugin into suse-10.2 and specifies two attributes. These attributes will be stored into the vendor-OS and pulled from there by the config-demuxer whenever it demuxes a system based on the suse-10.2 vendor-OS. =item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop desktop::gdm=1 desktop::kde=1 >> Same as above, only this time with completely scoped attributes. =item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop gdm=1 vmware binary=1 >> Installs two plugins (desktop and vmware) into suse-10.2. The attribute gdm=1 will be set for desktop, while binary=1 will be set for vmware. =item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop vmware binary=1 desktop::gdm=1 >> Same as above, only this time with a fully scoped attribute gdm=1, that will be set for the desktop plugin. =item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop vmware binary=1 gdm=1 >> Bogus example, which will install desktop and vmware, but try to set bianry=1 and gdm=1 for the vmware plugin. This will fail, as vmware does not support an attribute named gdm. =back =head3 Removing a Plugin =over 8 =item B<< slxos-plugin remove suse-10.2 example >> Removes the plugin named 'example' from the installed vendor-OS 'suse-10.2'. =item B<< slxos-plugin remove suse-10.2 desktop vmware example >> Removes the three plugins desktop, vmware and example from suse-10.2. =back =head3 Listing Available Plugins =over 8 =item B<< slxos-plugin list-available >> Gives a short list of all available plugins and their description. =item B<< slxos-plugin --verbose list-available >> Gives a detailed list of all available plugins and their description, including the names of all attributes supported by the respective plugin. =back =head3 Listing Attributes Supported by Plugins =over 8 =item B<< slxos-plugin list-attributes >> Gives a short list of all supported attributes, sorted by stage and name. =item B<< slxos-plugin --verbose list-available desktop >> Gives a detailed list of the attributes supported by the 'desktop' plugin, including a description of the purpose and possible content values of each attribute. =back =head3 Listing Installed Plugins =over 8 =item B<< slxos-plugin list-installed suse-10.2 >> Gives a short list of the plugins that were installed into suse-10.2. =item B<< slxos-plugin --verbose list-installed suse-10.2 >> Gives a detailed list of the plugins that were installed into suse-10.2, including a list of all.attributes and their respective values. =back =head1 SEE ALSO slxsettings, slxos-setup, slxconfig, slxconfig-demuxer =head1 GENERAL OPENSLX OPTIONS Being a part of OpenSLX, this script supports several other options which can be used to overrule the OpenSLX settings: --db-name= name of database --db-spec= full DBI-specification of database --db-type= type of database to connect to --locale= locale to use for translations --log-level= level of logging verbosity (0-3) --logfile= file to write logging output to --private-path= path to private data --public-path= path to public (client-accesible) data --temp-path= path to temporary data Please refer to the C-manpage for a more detailed description of these options. =cut