# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package OpenSLX::ConfigFolder; use strict; use warnings; our (@ISA, @EXPORT, $VERSION); use Exporter; $VERSION = 1.01; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &createConfigFolderForDefaultSystem &createConfigFolderForSystem ); =head1 NAME OpenSLX::ConfigFolder - implements configuration folder related functionality for OpenSLX. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module exports functions that create configuration folders for specific system, which will be used by the slxconfig-demuxer when building an initramfs for each system. =cut use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::Utils; =head1 PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =over =item B Creates the configuration folder for the default system. The resulting folder will be named C and will be created in the IC-folder (usually C). Within that folder, two subfolders, C and C will be created. In the C-subfolder, two files will be created: C and C, who are empty stub-scripts meant to be edited by the OpenSLX admin. The functions returns 1 if any folder or file had to be created and 0 if all the required folders & files already existed. =cut sub createConfigFolderForDefaultSystem { my $result = 0; my $defaultConfigPath = "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/config/default"; if (!-e "$defaultConfigPath/initramfs") { slxsystem("mkdir -p $defaultConfigPath/initramfs"); $result = 1; } if (!-e "$defaultConfigPath/rootfs") { slxsystem("mkdir -p $defaultConfigPath/rootfs"); $result = 1; } # create default pre-/postinit scripts for us in initramfs: my $preInitFile = "$defaultConfigPath/initramfs/preinit.local"; if (!-e $preInitFile) { my $preInit = unshiftHereDoc(<<' END-of-HERE'); #!/bin/sh # # This script allows the local admin to extend the # capabilities at the beginning of the initramfs (stage3). # The toolset is rather limited and you have to keep in mind # that stage4 rootfs has the prefix '/mnt'. END-of-HERE spitFile($preInitFile, $preInit); slxsystem("chmod u+x $preInitFile"); $result = 1; } my $postInitFile = "$defaultConfigPath/initramfs/postinit.local"; if (!-e $postInitFile) { my $postInit = unshiftHereDoc(<<' END-of-HERE'); #!/bin/sh # # This script allows the local admin to extend the # capabilities at the end of the initramfs (stage3). # The toolset is rather limited and you have to keep in mind # that stage4 rootfs has the prefix '/mnt'. # But you may use some special slx-functions available via # inclusion: '. /etc/functions' ... END-of-HERE spitFile($postInitFile, $postInit); slxsystem("chmod u+x $postInitFile"); $result = 1; } return $result; } =item B Creates the configuration folder for the system whose name has been given in I<$systemName>. The resulting folder will be named just like the system and will be created in the IC-folder (usually C). In that folder, a single subfolder C will be created (representing the default setup for all clients of that system). Within that folder, two subfolders, C and C will be created. The functions returns 1 if any folder had to be created and 0 if all the required folders already existed. =cut sub createConfigFolderForSystem { my $systemName = shift || confess "need to pass in system-name!"; my $result = 0; my $systemConfigPath = "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/config/$systemName/default"; if (!-e "$systemConfigPath/initramfs") { slxsystem("mkdir -p $systemConfigPath/initramfs"); $result = 1; } if (!-e "$systemConfigPath/rootfs") { slxsystem("mkdir -p $systemConfigPath/rootfs"); $result = 1; } return $result; } =back =cut 1;