How busybox (version 1.9.1) is created: 1. Get the current sources from and untar them. 2. Change to the busybox- dir and create a sym link named patches pointing to ../busybox-patches 3. Use 'quilt push -a' to apply all patches from the busybox-patches/series file. Or apply the patches in the order shown in the series file. 4. Create a sym link named .config pointing to ../busybox-config 5. Call make oldconfig and adjust the configuration if required. 6. (Bind-)Mount the busybox folder into the build environment (which is 'debian-3.1-openslx-build' for i586 and 'debian-4.0_x86_64-openslx-build for x86_64). 7. Open a chrooted shell in the build environment (via slxos-setup shell), chdir into the busybox folder and call make to create the busybox binary. 8. Copy the binary to ../busybox. Current open issues - The process is not automated. - Should be moved to a place outside of the OpenSLX sources.