/***********************license start************************************ * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Cavium, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * License: one of 'Cavium License' or 'GNU General Public License Version 2' * * This file is provided under the terms of the Cavium License (see below) * or under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. 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MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS * OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH * RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY * REPRESENTATION OR DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT * DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) * WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET * ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE * ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES * WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ #include #include #include "common.h" #include "zip_inflate.h" static int prepare_inflate_zcmd(struct zip_operation *zip_ops, struct zip_state *s, union zip_inst_s *zip_cmd) { union zip_zres_s *result_ptr = &s->result; memset(zip_cmd, 0, sizeof(s->zip_cmd)); memset(result_ptr, 0, sizeof(s->result)); /* IWORD#0 */ /* Decompression History Gather list - no gather list */ zip_cmd->s.hg = 0; /* For decompression, CE must be 0x0. */ zip_cmd->s.ce = 0; /* For decompression, SS must be 0x0. */ zip_cmd->s.ss = 0; /* For decompression, SF should always be set. */ zip_cmd->s.sf = 1; /* Begin File */ if (zip_ops->begin_file == 0) zip_cmd->s.bf = 0; else zip_cmd->s.bf = 1; zip_cmd->s.ef = 1; /* 0: for Deflate decompression, 3: for LZS decompression */ zip_cmd->s.cc = zip_ops->ccode; /* IWORD #1*/ /* adler checksum */ zip_cmd->s.adlercrc32 = zip_ops->csum; /* * HISTORYLENGTH must be 0x0 for any ZIP decompress operation. * History data is added to a decompression operation via IWORD3. */ zip_cmd->s.historylength = 0; zip_cmd->s.ds = 0; /* IWORD # 8 and 9 - Output pointer */ zip_cmd->s.out_ptr_addr.s.addr = __pa(zip_ops->output); zip_cmd->s.out_ptr_ctl.s.length = zip_ops->output_len; /* Maximum number of output-stream bytes that can be written */ zip_cmd->s.totaloutputlength = zip_ops->output_len; zip_dbg("Data Direct Input case "); /* IWORD # 6 and 7 - input pointer */ zip_cmd->s.dg = 0; zip_cmd->s.inp_ptr_addr.s.addr = __pa((u8 *)zip_ops->input); zip_cmd->s.inp_ptr_ctl.s.length = zip_ops->input_len; /* IWORD # 10 and 11 - Result pointer */ zip_cmd->s.res_ptr_addr.s.addr = __pa(result_ptr); /* Clearing completion code */ result_ptr->s.compcode = 0; /* Returning 0 for time being.*/ return 0; } /** * zip_inflate - API to offload inflate operation to hardware * @zip_ops: Pointer to zip operation structure * @s: Pointer to the structure representing zip state * @zip_dev: Pointer to zip device structure * * This function prepares the zip inflate command and submits it to the zip * engine for processing. * * Return: 0 if successful or error code */ int zip_inflate(struct zip_operation *zip_ops, struct zip_state *s, struct zip_device *zip_dev) { union zip_inst_s *zip_cmd = &s->zip_cmd; union zip_zres_s *result_ptr = &s->result; u32 queue; /* Prepare inflate zip command */ prepare_inflate_zcmd(zip_ops, s, zip_cmd); atomic64_add(zip_ops->input_len, &zip_dev->stats.decomp_in_bytes); /* Load inflate command to zip queue and ring the doorbell */ queue = zip_load_instr(zip_cmd, zip_dev); /* Decompression requests submitted stats update */ atomic64_inc(&zip_dev->stats.decomp_req_submit); while (!result_ptr->s.compcode) continue; /* Decompression requests completed stats update */ atomic64_inc(&zip_dev->stats.decomp_req_complete); zip_ops->compcode = result_ptr->s.compcode; switch (zip_ops->compcode) { case ZIP_CMD_NOTDONE: zip_dbg("Zip Instruction not yet completed\n"); return ZIP_ERROR; case ZIP_CMD_SUCCESS: zip_dbg("Zip Instruction completed successfully\n"); break; case ZIP_CMD_DYNAMIC_STOP: zip_dbg(" Dynamic stop Initiated\n"); break; default: zip_dbg("Instruction failed. Code = %d\n", zip_ops->compcode); atomic64_inc(&zip_dev->stats.decomp_bad_reqs); zip_update_cmd_bufs(zip_dev, queue); return ZIP_ERROR; } zip_update_cmd_bufs(zip_dev, queue); if ((zip_ops->ccode == 3) && (zip_ops->flush == 4) && (zip_ops->compcode != ZIP_CMD_DYNAMIC_STOP)) result_ptr->s.ef = 1; zip_ops->csum = result_ptr->s.adler32; atomic64_add(result_ptr->s.totalbyteswritten, &zip_dev->stats.decomp_out_bytes); if (zip_ops->output_len < result_ptr->s.totalbyteswritten) { zip_err("output_len (%d) < total bytes written (%d)\n", zip_ops->output_len, result_ptr->s.totalbyteswritten); zip_ops->output_len = 0; } else { zip_ops->output_len = result_ptr->s.totalbyteswritten; } zip_ops->bytes_read = result_ptr->s.totalbytesread; zip_ops->bits_processed = result_ptr->s.totalbitsprocessed; zip_ops->end_file = result_ptr->s.ef; if (zip_ops->end_file) { switch (zip_ops->format) { case RAW_FORMAT: zip_dbg("RAW Format: %d ", zip_ops->format); /* Get checksum from engine */ zip_ops->csum = result_ptr->s.adler32; break; case ZLIB_FORMAT: zip_dbg("ZLIB Format: %d ", zip_ops->format); zip_ops->csum = result_ptr->s.adler32; break; case GZIP_FORMAT: zip_dbg("GZIP Format: %d ", zip_ops->format); zip_ops->csum = result_ptr->s.crc32; break; case LZS_FORMAT: zip_dbg("LZS Format: %d ", zip_ops->format); break; default: zip_err("Format error:%d\n", zip_ops->format); } } return 0; }