/***************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2007, RealTEK Technology Inc. All Right Reserved. * * Module: Hal819xUsbDM.h (RTL8192 Header H File) * * * Note: For dynamic control definition constant structure. * * * Export: * * Abbrev: * * History: * Data Who Remark * 10/04/2007 MHC Create initial version. * *****************************************************************************/ /* Check to see if the file has been included already. */ #ifndef __R8192UDM_H__ #define __R8192UDM_H__ /*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/ #define DM_DIG_THRESH_HIGH 40 #define DM_DIG_THRESH_LOW 35 #define DM_DIG_HIGH_PWR_THRESH_HIGH 75 #define DM_DIG_HIGH_PWR_THRESH_LOW 70 #define BW_AUTO_SWITCH_HIGH_LOW 25 #define BW_AUTO_SWITCH_LOW_HIGH 30 #define DM_check_fsync_time_interval 500 #define DM_DIG_BACKOFF 12 #define DM_DIG_MAX 0x36 #define DM_DIG_MIN 0x1c #define DM_DIG_MIN_Netcore 0x12 #define RxPathSelection_SS_TH_low 30 #define RxPathSelection_diff_TH 18 #define RateAdaptiveTH_High 50 #define RateAdaptiveTH_Low_20M 30 #define RateAdaptiveTH_Low_40M 10 #define VeryLowRSSI 15 #define CTSToSelfTHVal 30 /* defined by vivi, for tx power track */ #define E_FOR_TX_POWER_TRACK 300 /* Dynamic Tx Power Control Threshold */ #define TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_HIGH 68 #define TX_POWER_NEAR_FIELD_THRESH_LOW 62 /* added by amy for atheros AP */ #define TX_POWER_ATHEROAP_THRESH_HIGH 78 #define TX_POWER_ATHEROAP_THRESH_LOW 72 /* defined by vivi, for showing on UI */ #define Current_Tx_Rate_Reg 0x1b8 #define Initial_Tx_Rate_Reg 0x1b9 #define Tx_Retry_Count_Reg 0x1ac #define RegC38_TH 20 /*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/ /* 2007/10/04 MH Define upper and lower threshold of DIG enable or disable. */ struct dig { u8 dig_enable_flag; u8 dig_algorithm; u8 dbg_mode; u8 dig_algorithm_switch; long rssi_low_thresh; long rssi_high_thresh; long rssi_high_power_lowthresh; long rssi_high_power_highthresh; u8 dig_state; u8 dig_highpwr_state; u8 cur_connect_state; u8 pre_connect_state; u8 curpd_thstate; u8 prepd_thstate; u8 curcs_ratio_state; u8 precs_ratio_state; u32 pre_ig_value; u32 cur_ig_value; u8 backoff_val; u8 rx_gain_range_max; u8 rx_gain_range_min; bool initialgain_lowerbound_state; long rssi_val; }; typedef enum tag_dynamic_init_gain_state_definition { DM_STA_DIG_OFF = 0, DM_STA_DIG_ON, DM_STA_DIG_MAX } dm_dig_sta_e; /* 2007/10/08 MH Define RATR state. */ typedef enum tag_dynamic_ratr_state_definition { DM_RATR_STA_HIGH = 0, DM_RATR_STA_MIDDLE = 1, DM_RATR_STA_LOW = 2, DM_RATR_STA_MAX } dm_ratr_sta_e; /* 2007/10/11 MH Define DIG operation type. */ typedef enum tag_dynamic_init_gain_operation_type_definition { DIG_TYPE_THRESH_HIGH = 0, DIG_TYPE_THRESH_LOW = 1, DIG_TYPE_THRESH_HIGHPWR_HIGH = 2, DIG_TYPE_THRESH_HIGHPWR_LOW = 3, DIG_TYPE_DBG_MODE = 4, DIG_TYPE_RSSI = 5, DIG_TYPE_ALGORITHM = 6, DIG_TYPE_BACKOFF = 7, DIG_TYPE_PWDB_FACTOR = 8, DIG_TYPE_RX_GAIN_MIN = 9, DIG_TYPE_RX_GAIN_MAX = 10, DIG_TYPE_ENABLE = 20, DIG_TYPE_DISABLE = 30, DIG_OP_TYPE_MAX } dm_dig_op_e; typedef enum tag_dig_algorithm_definition { DIG_ALGO_BY_FALSE_ALARM = 0, DIG_ALGO_BY_RSSI = 1, DIG_ALGO_MAX } dm_dig_alg_e; typedef enum tag_dig_dbgmode_definition { DIG_DBG_OFF = 0, DIG_DBG_ON = 1, DIG_DBG_MAX } dm_dig_dbg_e; typedef enum tag_dig_connect_definition { DIG_DISCONNECT = 0, DIG_CONNECT = 1, DIG_CONNECT_MAX } dm_dig_connect_e; typedef enum tag_dig_packetdetection_threshold_definition { DIG_PD_AT_LOW_POWER = 0, DIG_PD_AT_NORMAL_POWER = 1, DIG_PD_AT_HIGH_POWER = 2, DIG_PD_MAX } dm_dig_pd_th_e; typedef enum tag_dig_cck_cs_ratio_state_definition { DIG_CS_RATIO_LOWER = 0, DIG_CS_RATIO_HIGHER = 1, DIG_CS_MAX } dm_dig_cs_ratio_e; struct DRxPathSel { u8 Enable; u8 DbgMode; u8 cck_method; u8 cck_Rx_path; u8 SS_TH_low; u8 diff_TH; u8 disabledRF; u8 reserved; u8 rf_rssi[4]; u8 rf_enable_rssi_th[4]; long cck_pwdb_sta[4]; }; typedef enum tag_CCK_Rx_Path_Method_Definition { CCK_Rx_Version_1 = 0, CCK_Rx_Version_2 = 1, CCK_Rx_Version_MAX } DM_CCK_Rx_Path_Method; typedef enum tag_DM_DbgMode_Definition { DM_DBG_OFF = 0, DM_DBG_ON = 1, DM_DBG_MAX } DM_DBG_E; typedef struct tag_Tx_Config_Cmd_Format { u32 Op; /* Command packet type. */ u32 Length; /* Command packet length. */ u32 Value; } DCMD_TXCMD_T, *PDCMD_TXCMD_T; /*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/ extern struct dig dm_digtable; extern u8 dm_shadow[16][256]; extern struct DRxPathSel DM_RxPathSelTable; /*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export Marco Definition---------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export Marco Definition---------------------------*/ /*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/ extern void init_hal_dm(struct net_device *dev); extern void deinit_hal_dm(struct net_device *dev); extern void hal_dm_watchdog(struct net_device *dev); extern void init_rate_adaptive(struct net_device *dev); extern void dm_txpower_trackingcallback(struct work_struct *work); extern void dm_restore_dynamic_mechanism_state(struct net_device *dev); extern void dm_backup_dynamic_mechanism_state(struct net_device *dev); extern void dm_change_dynamic_initgain_thresh(struct net_device *dev, u32 dm_type, u32 dm_value); extern void dm_force_tx_fw_info(struct net_device *dev, u32 force_type, u32 force_value); extern void dm_init_edca_turbo(struct net_device *dev); extern void dm_rf_operation_test_callback(unsigned long data); extern void dm_rf_pathcheck_workitemcallback(struct work_struct *work); extern void dm_fsync_timer_callback(unsigned long data); extern void dm_cck_txpower_adjust(struct net_device *dev, bool binch14); extern void dm_shadow_init(struct net_device *dev); extern void dm_initialize_txpower_tracking(struct net_device *dev); /*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/ #endif /*__R8192UDM_H__ */ /* End of r8192U_dm.h */