path: root/libmount/src/utils.c
blob: 7930e29debdaf45874c68d80e0da31a12d45baf0 (plain) (tree)




















































































































































































 * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Karel Zak <>
 * This file may be redistributed under the terms of the
 * GNU Lesser General Public License.

 * SECTION: utils
 * @title: Utils
 * @short_description: misc utils.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>

#include "strutils.h"
#include "pathnames.h"
#include "mountP.h"
#include "mangle.h"
#include "canonicalize.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "match.h"

int append_string(char **a, const char *b)
	size_t al, bl;
	char *tmp;


	if (!b || !*b)
		return 0;
	if (!*a) {
		*a = strdup(b);
		return !*a ? -ENOMEM : 0;

	al = strlen(*a);
	bl = b ? strlen(b) : 0;

	tmp = realloc(*a, al + bl + 1);
	if (!tmp)
		return -ENOMEM;
	*a = tmp;
	memcpy((*a) + al, b, bl + 1);
	return 0;

 * Return 1 if the file is not accessible or empty
int is_file_empty(const char *name)
	struct stat st;

	return (stat(name, &st) != 0 || st.st_size == 0);

int mnt_valid_tagname(const char *tagname)
	if (tagname && *tagname && (
	    strcmp("UUID", tagname) == 0 ||
	    strcmp("LABEL", tagname) == 0 ||
	    strcmp("PARTUUID", tagname) == 0 ||
	    strcmp("PARTLABEL", tagname) == 0))
		return 1;

	return 0;

int mnt_parse_offset(const char *str, size_t len, uintmax_t *res)
	char *p;
	int rc = 0;

	if (!str || !*str)
		return -EINVAL;

	p = strndup(str, len);
	if (!p)
		return -errno;

	if (strtosize(p, res))
		rc = -EINVAL;
	return rc;

/* used as a callback by bsearch in mnt_fstype_is_pseudofs() */
static int fstype_cmp(const void *v1, const void *v2)
	const char *s1 = *(const char **)v1;
	const char *s2 = *(const char **)v2;

	return strcmp(s1, s2);

/* returns basename and keeps dirname in the @path, if @path is "/" (root)
 * then returns empty string */
char *stripoff_last_component(char *path)
	char *p = path ? strrchr(path, '/') : NULL;

	if (!p)
		return NULL;
	*p = '\0';
	return p + 1;

 * Note that the @target has to be an absolute path (so at least "/").  The
 * @filename returns an allocated buffer with the last path component, for example:
 * mnt_chdir_to_parent("/mnt/test", &buf) ==> chdir("/mnt"), buf="test"
int mnt_chdir_to_parent(const char *target, char **filename)
	char *buf, *parent, *last = NULL;
	char cwd[PATH_MAX];
	int rc = -EINVAL;

	if (!target || *target != '/')
		return -EINVAL;

	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("moving to %s parent", target));

	buf = strdup(target);
	if (!buf)
		return -ENOMEM;

	if (*(buf + 1) != '\0') {
		last = stripoff_last_component(buf);
		if (!last)
			goto err;

	parent = buf && *buf ? buf : "/";

	if (chdir(parent) == -1) {
		DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("failed to chdir to %s: %m", parent));
		rc = -errno;
		goto err;
	if (!getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))) {
		DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("failed to obtain current directory: %m"));
		rc = -errno;
		goto err;
	if (strcmp(cwd, parent) != 0) {
		DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug(
		    "unexpected chdir (expected=%s, cwd=%s)", parent, cwd));
		goto err;

	DBG(CXT, mnt_debug(
		"current directory moved to %s [last_component='%s']",
		parent, last));

	if (filename) {
		*filename = buf;

		if (!last || !*last)
			memcpy(*filename, ".", 2);
			memmove(*filename, last, strlen(last) + 1);
	} else
	return 0;
	return rc;

 * Check if @path is on a read-only filesystem independently of file permissions.
int mnt_is_readonly(const char *path)
	if (access(path, W_OK) == 0)
		return 0;
	if (errno == EROFS)
		return 1;
	if (errno != EACCES)
		return 0;

	 * access(2) returns EACCES on read-only FS:
	 * - for set-uid application if one component of the path is not
	 *   accessible for the current rUID. (Note that euidaccess(2) does not
	 *   check for EROFS at all).
	 * - for a read-write filesystem with a read-only VFS node (aka -o remount,ro,bind)
		struct timespec times[2];

		times[0].tv_nsec = UTIME_NOW;	/* atime */
		times[1].tv_nsec = UTIME_OMIT;	/* mtime */

		if (utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, times, 0) == -1)
			return errno == EROFS;
	return 0;

 * mnt_mangle:
 * @str: string
 * Encode @str to be compatible with fstab/mtab
 * Returns: newly allocated string or NULL in case of error.
char *mnt_mangle(const char *str)
	return mangle(str);

 * mnt_unmangle:
 * @str: string
 * Decode @str from fstab/mtab
 * Returns: newly allocated string or NULL in case of error.
char *mnt_unmangle(const char *str)
	return unmangle(str, NULL);

 * mnt_fstype_is_pseudofs:
 * @type: filesystem name
 * Returns: 1 for filesystems like proc, sysfs, ... or 0.
int mnt_fstype_is_pseudofs(const char *type)
	/* This array must remain sorted when adding new fstypes */
	static const char *pseudofs[] = {


	return !(bsearch(&type, pseudofs, ARRAY_SIZE(pseudofs),
				sizeof(char*), fstype_cmp) == NULL);

 * mnt_fstype_is_netfs:
 * @type: filesystem name
 * Returns: 1 for filesystems like cifs, nfs, ... or 0.
int mnt_fstype_is_netfs(const char *type)

	if (strcmp(type, "cifs")   == 0 ||
	    strcmp(type, "smbfs")  == 0 ||
	    strncmp(type,"nfs", 3) == 0 ||
	    strcmp(type, "afs")    == 0 ||
	    strcmp(type, "ncpfs")  == 0 ||
	    strncmp(type,"9p", 2)  == 0)
		return 1;
	return 0;

 * mnt_match_fstype:
 * @type: filesystem type
 * @pattern: filesystem name or comma delimited list of names
 * The @pattern list of filesystems can be prefixed with a global
 * "no" prefix to invert matching of the whole list. The "no" could
 * also be used for individual items in the @pattern list. So,
 * "nofoo,bar" has the same meaning as "nofoo,nobar".
 * "bar"  : "nofoo,bar"		-> False   (global "no" prefix)
 * "bar"  : "foo,bar"		-> True
 * "bar" : "foo,nobar"		-> False
 * Returns: 1 if type is matching, else 0. This function also returns
 *          0 if @pattern is NULL and @type is non-NULL.
int mnt_match_fstype(const char *type, const char *pattern)
	return match_fstype(type, pattern);

/* Returns 1 if needle found or noneedle not found in haystack
 * Otherwise returns 0
static int check_option(const char *haystack, size_t len,
			const char *needle, size_t needle_len)
	const char *p;
	int no = 0;

	if (needle_len >= 1 && *needle == '+') {
	} else if (needle_len >= 2 && !strncmp(needle, "no", 2)) {
		no = 1;
		needle += 2;
		needle_len -= 2;

	for (p = haystack; p && p < haystack + len; p++) {
		char *sep = strchr(p, ',');
		size_t plen = sep ? (size_t) (sep - p) :
				    len - (p - haystack);

		if (plen == needle_len) {
			if (!strncmp(p, needle, plen))
				return !no;	/* foo or nofoo was found */
		p += plen;

	return no;  /* foo or nofoo was not found */

 * mnt_match_options:
 * @optstr: options string
 * @pattern: comma delimited list of options
 * The "no" could be used for individual items in the @options list. The "no"
 * prefix does not have a global meaning.
 * Unlike fs type matching, nonetdev,user and nonetdev,nouser have
 * DIFFERENT meanings; each option is matched explicitly as specified.
 * The "no" prefix interpretation could be disabled by the "+" prefix, for example
 * "+noauto" matches if @optstr literally contains the "noauto" string.
 * "xxx,yyy,zzz" : "nozzz"	-> False
 * "xxx,yyy,zzz" : "xxx,noeee"	-> True
 * "bar,zzz"     : "nofoo"      -> True
 * "nofoo,bar"   : "+nofoo"     -> True
 * "bar,zzz"     : "+nofoo"     -> False
 * Returns: 1 if pattern is matching, else 0. This function also returns 0
 *          if @pattern is NULL and @optstr is non-NULL.
int mnt_match_options(const char *optstr, const char *pattern)
	const char *p;
	size_t len, optstr_len = 0;

	if (!pattern && !optstr)
		return 1;
	if (!pattern)
		return 0;

	len = strlen(pattern);
	if (optstr)
		optstr_len = strlen(optstr);

	for (p = pattern; p < pattern + len; p++) {
		char *sep = strchr(p, ',');
		size_t plen = sep ? (size_t) (sep - p) :
				    len - (p - pattern);

		if (!plen)
			continue; /* if two ',' appear in a row */

		if (!check_option(optstr, optstr_len, p, plen))
			return 0; /* any match failure means failure */

		p += plen;

	/* no match failures in list means success */
	return 1;

void mnt_free_filesystems(char **filesystems)
	char **p;

	if (!filesystems)
	for (p = filesystems; *p; p++)

static int add_filesystem(char ***filesystems, char *name)
	int n = 0;


	if (*filesystems) {
		char **p;
		for (n = 0, p = *filesystems; *p; p++, n++) {
			if (strcmp(*p, name) == 0)
				return 0;

	#define MYCHUNK	16

	if (n == 0 || !((n + 1) % MYCHUNK)) {
		size_t items = ((n + 1 + MYCHUNK) / MYCHUNK) * MYCHUNK;
		char **x = realloc(*filesystems, items * sizeof(char *));

		if (!x)
			goto err;
		*filesystems = x;
	name = strdup(name);
	if (!name)
		goto err;
	(*filesystems)[n] = name;
	(*filesystems)[n + 1] = NULL;
	return 0;
	return -ENOMEM;

static int get_filesystems(const char *filename, char ***filesystems, const char *pattern)
	int rc = 0;
	FILE *f;
	char line[128];

	f = fopen(filename, "r" UL_CLOEXECSTR);
	if (!f)
		return 1;

	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("reading filesystems list from: %s", filename));

	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
		char name[sizeof(line)];

		if (*line == '#' || strncmp(line, "nodev", 5) == 0)
		if (sscanf(line, " %128[^\n ]\n", name) != 1)
		if (strcmp(name, "*") == 0) {
			rc = 1;
			break;		/* end of the /etc/filesystems */
		if (pattern && !mnt_match_fstype(name, pattern))
		rc = add_filesystem(filesystems, name);
		if (rc)

	return rc;

 * Always check the @filesystems pointer!
 * man mount:
 * ...mount will try to read the file /etc/filesystems, or, if that does not
 * exist, /proc/filesystems. All of the filesystem  types  listed  there  will
 * be tried,  except  for  those  that  are  labeled  "nodev"  (e.g.,  devpts,
 * proc  and  nfs).  If /etc/filesystems ends in a line with a single * only,
 * mount will read /proc/filesystems afterwards.
int mnt_get_filesystems(char ***filesystems, const char *pattern)
	int rc;

	if (!filesystems)
		return -EINVAL;

	*filesystems = NULL;

	rc = get_filesystems(_PATH_FILESYSTEMS, filesystems, pattern);
	if (rc != 1)
		return rc;

	rc = get_filesystems(_PATH_PROC_FILESYSTEMS, filesystems, pattern);
	if (rc == 1 && *filesystems)
		rc = 0;			/* /proc/filesystems not found */

	return rc;

static size_t get_pw_record_size(void)
	long sz = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX);
	if (sz > 0)
		return sz;
	return 16384;

 * Returns an allocated string with username or NULL.
char *mnt_get_username(const uid_t uid)
        struct passwd pwd;
	struct passwd *res;
	size_t sz = get_pw_record_size();
	char *buf, *username = NULL;

	buf = malloc(sz);
	if (!buf)
		return NULL;

	if (!getpwuid_r(uid, &pwd, buf, sz, &res) && res)
		username = strdup(pwd.pw_name);

	return username;

int mnt_get_uid(const char *username, uid_t *uid)
	int rc = -1;
        struct passwd pwd;
	struct passwd *pw;
	size_t sz = get_pw_record_size();
	char *buf;

	if (!username || !uid)
		return -EINVAL;

	buf = malloc(sz);
	if (!buf)
		return -ENOMEM;

	if (!getpwnam_r(username, &pwd, buf, sz, &pw) && pw) {
		*uid= pw->pw_uid;
		rc = 0;
	} else {
		DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug(
			"cannot convert '%s' username to UID", username));
		rc = errno ? -errno : -EINVAL;

	return rc;

int mnt_get_gid(const char *groupname, gid_t *gid)
	int rc = -1;
        struct group grp;
	struct group *gr;
	size_t sz = get_pw_record_size();
	char *buf;

	if (!groupname || !gid)
		return -EINVAL;

	buf = malloc(sz);
	if (!buf)
		return -ENOMEM;

	if (!getgrnam_r(groupname, &grp, buf, sz, &gr) && gr) {
		*gid= gr->gr_gid;
		rc = 0;
	} else {
		DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug(
			"cannot convert '%s' groupname to GID", groupname));
		rc = errno ? -errno : -EINVAL;

	return rc;

int mnt_in_group(gid_t gid)
	int rc = 0, n, i;
	gid_t *grps = NULL;

	if (getgid() == gid)
		return 1;

	n = getgroups(0, NULL);
	if (n <= 0)
		goto done;

	grps = malloc(n * sizeof(*grps));
	if (!grps)
		goto done;

	if (getgroups(n, grps) == n) {
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (grps[i] == gid) {
				rc = 1;
	return rc;

static int try_write(const char *filename)
	int fd;

	if (!filename)
		return -EINVAL;

	fd = open(filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC,
	if (fd >= 0) {
		return 0;
	return -errno;

 * mnt_has_regular_mtab:
 * @mtab: returns path to mtab
 * @writable: returns 1 if the file is writable
 * If the file does not exist and @writable argument is not NULL, then it will
 * try to create the file.
 * Returns: 1 if /etc/mtab is a regular file, and 0 in case of error (check
 *          errno for more details).
int mnt_has_regular_mtab(const char **mtab, int *writable)
	struct stat st;
	int rc;
	const char *filename = mtab && *mtab ? *mtab : mnt_get_mtab_path();

	if (writable)
		*writable = 0;
	if (mtab && !*mtab)
		*mtab = filename;

	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("mtab: %s", filename));

	rc = lstat(filename, &st);

	if (rc == 0) {
		/* file exists */
		if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
			if (writable)
				*writable = !try_write(filename);
			return 1;
		goto done;

	/* try to create the file */
	if (writable) {
		*writable = !try_write(filename);
		if (*writable)
			return 1;

	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("%s: irregular/non-writable", filename));
	return 0;

 * Don't export this to libmount API -- utab is private library stuff.
 * If the file does not exist and @writable argument is not NULL, then it will
 * try to create the directory (e.g. /run/mount) and the file.
 * Returns: 1 if utab is a regular file, and 0 in case of
 *          error (check errno for more details).
int mnt_has_regular_utab(const char **utab, int *writable)
	struct stat st;
	int rc;
	const char *filename = utab && *utab ? *utab : mnt_get_utab_path();

	if (writable)
		*writable = 0;
	if (utab && !*utab)
		*utab = filename;

	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("utab: %s", filename));

	rc = lstat(filename, &st);

	if (rc == 0) {
		/* file exists */
		if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
			if (writable)
				*writable = !try_write(filename);
			return 1;
		goto done;	/* it's not a regular file */

	if (writable) {
		char *dirname = strdup(filename);

		if (!dirname)
			goto done;

		stripoff_last_component(dirname);	/* remove filename */

		rc = mkdir(dirname, S_IWUSR|
		if (rc && errno != EEXIST)
			goto done;			/* probably EACCES */

		*writable = !try_write(filename);
		if (*writable)
			return 1;
	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("%s: irregular/non-writable file", filename));
	return 0;

 * mnt_get_swaps_path:
 * Returns: path to /proc/swaps or $LIBMOUNT_SWAPS.
const char *mnt_get_swaps_path(void)
	const char *p = safe_getenv("LIBMOUNT_SWAPS");
	return p ? : _PATH_PROC_SWAPS;

 * mnt_get_fstab_path:
 * Returns: path to /etc/fstab or $LIBMOUNT_FSTAB.
const char *mnt_get_fstab_path(void)
	const char *p = safe_getenv("LIBMOUNT_FSTAB");
	return p ? : _PATH_MNTTAB;

 * mnt_get_mtab_path:
 * This function returns the *default* location of the mtab file. The result does
 * not have to be writable. See also mnt_has_regular_mtab().
 * Returns: path to /etc/mtab or $LIBMOUNT_MTAB.
const char *mnt_get_mtab_path(void)
	const char *p = safe_getenv("LIBMOUNT_MTAB");
	return p ? : _PATH_MOUNTED;

 * Don't export this to libmount API -- utab is private library stuff.
 * Returns: path to /run/mount/utab (or /dev/.mount/utab) or $LIBMOUNT_UTAB.
const char *mnt_get_utab_path(void)
	struct stat st;
	const char *p = safe_getenv("LIBMOUNT_UTAB");

	if (p)
		return p;

	if (stat(MNT_RUNTIME_TOPDIR, &st) == 0)
		return MNT_PATH_UTAB;


/* returns file descriptor or -errno, @name returns a unique filename
int mnt_open_uniq_filename(const char *filename, char **name)
	int rc, fd;
	char *n;
	mode_t oldmode;

	if (!filename)
		return -EINVAL;
	if (name)
		*name = NULL;

	rc = asprintf(&n, "%s.XXXXXX", filename);
	if (rc <= 0)
		return -errno;

	/* This is for very old glibc and for compatibility with Posix, which says
	 * nothing about mkstemp() mode. All sane glibc use secure mode (0600).
	oldmode = umask(S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IXGRP|
	fd = mkostemp(n, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_CLOEXEC);
	if (fd < 0)
		fd = -errno;

	if (fd >= 0 && name)
		*name = n;

	return fd;

 * mnt_get_mountpoint:
 * @path: pathname
 * This function finds the mountpoint that a given path resides in. @path
 * should be canonicalized. The returned pointer should be freed by the caller.
 * Returns: allocated string with the target of the mounted device or NULL on error
char *mnt_get_mountpoint(const char *path)
	char *mnt;
	struct stat st;
	dev_t dir, base;


	mnt = strdup(path);
	if (!mnt)
		return NULL;
	if (*mnt == '/' && *(mnt + 1) == '\0')
		goto done;

	if (stat(mnt, &st))
		goto err;
	base = st.st_dev;

	do {
		char *p = stripoff_last_component(mnt);

		if (!p)
		if (stat(*mnt ? mnt : "/", &st))
			goto err;
		dir = st.st_dev;
		if (dir != base) {
			if (p > mnt)
				*(p - 1) = '/';
			goto done;
		base = dir;
	} while (mnt && *(mnt + 1) != '\0');

	memcpy(mnt, "/", 2);
	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("%s mountpoint is %s", path, mnt));
	return mnt;
	return NULL;

char *mnt_get_fs_root(const char *path, const char *mnt)
	char *m = (char *) mnt, *res;
	const char *p;
	size_t sz;

	if (!m)
		m = mnt_get_mountpoint(path);
	if (!m)
		return NULL;

	sz = strlen(m);
	p = sz > 1 ? path + sz : path;

	if (m != mnt)

	res = *p ? strdup(p) : strdup("/");
	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("%s fs-root is %s", path, res));
	return res;

 * Search for @name kernel command parametr.
 * Returns newly allocated string with a parameter argument if the @name is
 * specified as "name=" or returns pointer to @name or returns NULL if not
 * found.
 * For example cmdline: "aaa bbb=BBB ccc"
 *	@name is "aaa"	--returns--> "aaa" (pointer to @name)
 *	@name is "bbb=" --returns--> "BBB" (allocated)
 *	@name is "foo"  --returns--> NULL
char *mnt_get_kernel_cmdline_option(const char *name)
	FILE *f;
	size_t len;
	int val = 0;
	char *p, *res = NULL;
	char buf[BUFSIZ];	/* see kernel include/asm-generic/setup.h: COMMAND_LINE_SIZE */
	const char *path = _PATH_PROC_CMDLINE;

	if (!name)
		return NULL;

	path = getenv("LIBMOUNT_KERNEL_CMDLINE");
	if (!path)
	f = fopen(path, "r" UL_CLOEXECSTR);
	if (!f)
		return NULL;

	p = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);

	if (!p || !*p || *p == '\n')
		return NULL;

	len = strlen(buf);
	*(buf + len - 1) = '\0';	/* remove last '\n' */

	len = strlen(name);
	if (len && *(name + len - 1) == '=')
		val = 1;

	for ( ; p && *p; p++) {
		if (!(p = strstr(p, name)))
			break;			/* not found the option */
		if (p != buf && !isblank(*(p - 1)))
			continue;		/* no space before the option */
		if (!val && *(p + len) != '\0' && !isblank(*(p + len)))
			continue;		/* no space after the option */
		if (val) {
			char *v = p + len;

			while (*p && !isblank(*p))	/* jump to the end of the argument */
			*p = '\0';
			res = strdup(v);
		} else
			res = (char *) name;	/* option without '=' */

	return res;

int mkdir_p(const char *path, mode_t mode)
	char *p, *dir;
	int rc = 0;

	if (!path || !*path)
		return -EINVAL;

	dir = p = strdup(path);
	if (!dir)
		return -ENOMEM;

	if (*p == '/')

	while (p && *p) {
		char *e = strchr(p, '/');
		if (e)
			*e = '\0';
		if (*p) {
			rc = mkdir(dir, mode);
			if (rc && errno != EEXIST)
			rc = 0;
		if (!e)
		*e = '/';
		p = e + 1;

	DBG(UTILS, mnt_debug("%s mkdir %s", path, rc ? "FAILED" : "SUCCESS"));

	return rc;

int test_match_fstype(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *type = argv[1];
	char *pattern = argv[2];

	printf("%s\n", mnt_match_fstype(type, pattern) ? "MATCH" : "NOT-MATCH");
	return 0;

int test_match_options(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *optstr = argv[1];
	char *pattern = argv[2];

	printf("%s\n", mnt_match_options(optstr, pattern) ? "MATCH" : "NOT-MATCH");
	return 0;

int test_startswith(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *optstr = argv[1];
	char *pattern = argv[2];

	printf("%s\n", startswith(optstr, pattern) ? "YES" : "NOT");
	return 0;

int test_endswith(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *optstr = argv[1];
	char *pattern = argv[2];

	printf("%s\n", endswith(optstr, pattern) ? "YES" : "NOT");
	return 0;

int test_appendstr(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *str = strdup(argv[1]);
	const char *ap = argv[2];

	append_string(&str, ap);
	printf("new string: '%s'\n", str);

	return 0;

int test_mountpoint(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *path = canonicalize_path(argv[1]),
	     *mnt = path ? mnt_get_mountpoint(path) :  NULL;

	printf("%s: %s\n", argv[1], mnt ? : "unknown");
	return 0;

int test_fsroot(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *path = canonicalize_path(argv[1]),
	     *mnt = path ? mnt_get_fs_root(path, NULL) : NULL;

	printf("%s: %s\n", argv[1], mnt ? : "unknown");
	return 0;

int test_filesystems(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char **filesystems = NULL;
	int rc;

	rc = mnt_get_filesystems(&filesystems, argc ? argv[1] : NULL);
	if (!rc) {
		char **p;
		for (p = filesystems; *p; p++)
			printf("%s\n", *p);
	return rc;

int test_chdir(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	int rc;
	char *path = canonicalize_path(argv[1]),
	     *last = NULL;

	if (!path)
		return -errno;

	rc = mnt_chdir_to_parent(path, &last);
	if (!rc) {
		printf("path='%s', abs='%s', last='%s'\n",
				argv[1], path, last);
	return rc;

int test_kernel_cmdline(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	char *name = argv[1];
	char *res;

	res = mnt_get_kernel_cmdline_option(name);
	if (!res)
		printf("'%s' not found\n", name);
	else if (res == name)
		printf("'%s' found\n", name);
	else {
		printf("'%s' found, argument: '%s'\n", name, res);

	return 0;

int test_mkdir(struct libmnt_test *ts, int argc, char *argv[])
	int rc;

	rc = mkdir_p(argv[1], S_IRWXU |
	if (rc)
		printf("mkdir %s failed\n", argv[1]);
	return rc;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct libmnt_test tss[] = {
	{ "--match-fstype",  test_match_fstype,    "<type> <pattern>     FS types matching" },
	{ "--match-options", test_match_options,   "<options> <pattern>  options matching" },
	{ "--filesystems",   test_filesystems,	   "[<pattern>] list /{etc,proc}/filesystems" },
	{ "--starts-with",   test_startswith,      "<string> <prefix>" },
	{ "--ends-with",     test_endswith,        "<string> <prefix>" },
	{ "--append-string", test_appendstr,       "<string> <appendix>" },
	{ "--mountpoint",    test_mountpoint,      "<path>" },
	{ "--fs-root",       test_fsroot,          "<path>" },
	{ "--cd-parent",     test_chdir,           "<path>" },
	{ "--kernel-cmdline",test_kernel_cmdline,  "<option> | <option>=" },
	{ "--mkdir",         test_mkdir,           "<path>" },

	{ NULL }

	return mnt_run_test(tss, argc, argv);

#endif /* TEST_PROGRAM */