#!/bin/bash TS_TOPDIR="${0%/*}/../.." TS_DESC="wipefs" . $TS_TOPDIR/functions.sh ts_init "$*" ts_check_test_command "$TS_CMD_WIPEFS" ts_skip_nonroot # set global variable TS_DEVICE ts_scsi_debug_init dev_size_mb=50 num_parts=2 # remove old backups rm -rf $HOME/wipefs-$(basename ${TS_DEVICE})-*.bak #remove the magic byte, back it up $TS_CMD_WIPEFS --all --backup ${TS_DEVICE} &>/dev/null || ts_die "wipefs failed" #there should be just one magic string/backup file in this case INFILE=$(ls $HOME/wipefs-$(basename ${TS_DEVICE})-*.bak) OFFT=$(echo $INFILE | sed 's/^.*-\(.*\).bak$/\1/') dd if=$INFILE of=$TS_DEVICE bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=$(($OFFT)) &>/dev/null #the bytes should be copied back, check if wipefs can recognize it $TS_CMD_WIPEFS -a ${TS_DEVICE} > $TS_OUTDIR/out 2>/dev/null # check for output [ -s $TS_OUTDIR/out ] && echo "OK" &> $TS_OUTPUT || exit 1 ts_finalize