util-linux-2.1.tar.gz (source distribution) util-linux-2.1.bin.tar.gz (binary distribution) WARNING: THIS COLLECTION DOES *NOT* SUPPORT SHADOW PASSWORDS. WARNING: THIS COLLECTION DOES *NOT* SUPPORT SYSTEM V INITTAB. WARNING: USE GNU TAR -- OTHER TARS WILL FAIL SILENTLY! WARNING: DO *NOT* INSTALL WITHOUT THINKING. WARNING: *READ* the util-linux-2.1.bin.Notes file *BEFORE* and *AFTER* installation: there are a few links you must make by hand. This is a collection of many assorted utilities for Linux. Some are system utilities that are not easily available anywhere elsewhere (e.g., mkfs.minix, mkswap); others are BSD ports of common utilities that are not yet contained in any FSF package (e.g., col); others are non-System-V alternatives to common utilities (e.g., simpleinit, agetty, login, passwd). The arrangement, as nearly as I can determine, conforms to the Linux Filesystem Structure, Interim Release 1.1, October 9, 1994, with *NO* exceptions. A copy of the standards document can be found at tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/docs/linux-standards/fsstnd/*. Many people provided patches and suggestions. I deeply appreciate this. HIGHLIGHTS for version 2.1: 1) Directory structure rearrange, with configuration support for those who use shadow passwords and System V init (no support is provided for these things, but your utilities won't get overwritten if you do a "make install" after you properly edit MCONFIG). 2) fdisk and cfdisk should work as expected with 2GB+ disk drives 3) As usual, lots of stuff was updated and added, including mount, vipw, readprofile 4) Some stuff was also deleted, and can now be found elsewhere: fsck wrapper: tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/ALPHA/ext2fs/e2fsprogs* pwd, su: prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/sh-utils* ed: prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/ed* od: prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/textutils* uudecode/uuencode: prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/sharutils* bdflush/update: ftp.funet.fi:/pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus/v1.1/bdflush*