VM Chooser Helper Program ================================== This is the program used by the vmchooser-plugin, which is part of the openslx-system. You just need to compile this, if you have local changes. The most recent svn version is also included in binary format in the main folder of this openslx-distribution. Enter "make" to compile everything. Enter "make install" to install it to the proper path of the svn distribution of openslx. Do not forget to enter "make install" in openslx/trunk . Needed libraries to compile: - All sorts of X libs - fltk-2 (see note *) - libxml2 - libboost-regex_s (static - a dynamic version can be enabled by changing the Makefile) Needed libraries to run: - All sorts of X libs - libxml2 =================================== * Some static libraries of fltk-2 - svn version - are located in fltk-2/ and could be used to link against this program. - as images are enabled, you should have libjpeg and libpng too. ===================================