VM Chooser Helper Program ================================== This is the program used by the vmchooser-plugin, which is part of the openslx-system. ================================== FAQ ================================== What does it do? It handles xml-files for the virtual-machines plugins or linux sessions after the login-screen. If chosen, it starts the proper virtualizer script or the linux session as a background process and terminates itself. How can I build it? This project has been converted to cmake and can be built by "cmake && make". With cmake, this can be built in an arbitrary directory. UPDATE: You can build it by changing into the directory "build", calling "./make.sh" How can I install it? See below What command-line parameters are available? "-p|--path=" In this (abolute) path are your xml-files for the virtualizer-plugin "-l|--lpath=" In this (absolute) path are your linux sessions "-g|--group=" Show only entries valid for this group "-h|--help" Show help ================================== You just need to compile this, if you have local changes. The most recent svn version is also included in binary format in the main folder of this openslx-distribution. Enter "cmake && make" to compile everything. UPDATE: There is a script in the build-directory to simplify building. Enter "cp vmchooser ../../../../openslx/trunk/os-plugins/plugins/vmchooser/files/" to install it to the proper path of the svn distribution of openslx (only if the build-path is [SVN ROOT]/openslx-src-tools/vmchooser/trunk/somefolder/). Do not forget to enter "make install" in [SVN ROOT]/openslx/trunk . Needed libraries to compile: - All sorts of X libs and development files - fltk-2 (included - see note *) - libxml2 (included - libxml2-dev on Ubuntu) * Boost Libraries (static - dynamic versions can be enabled by changing the CMakelists.txt - specifically commenting out the Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS variable definition) (libboost-dev/libboost-[regex|filesystem|system]-dev on Ubuntu) - libboost-regex_s - libboost_filesystem_s - libboost_system_s Most probably (for fltk2-includes): - libpng-dev (libpng12-dev on Ubuntu) - libjpeg-dev (libjpeg-dev on Ubuntu) - libxi-dev (libxi-dev on Ubuntu) - libxinerama-dev (libxinerama-dev on Ubuntu) - libxrender-dev (libxrender-dev on Ubuntu) - libxconfig1-dev (libxconfig1-dev on Ubuntu) - libxft-dev (libxft-dev on Ubuntu) Needed libraries to run: - All sorts of X libs - libxml2 =================================== * Some static libraries of fltk - svn version - and libxml2 are located in fltk/ and libxml2/ and are used to link against this program. - as images are enabled, you should have libjpeg and libpng too. ===================================