// "$Id: draw.h 5939 2007-08-02 14:19:28Z spitzak $" // // Copyright 1998-2006 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". /*! \file The FLTK drawing library, used by all widgets to draw themselves. These functions can only be called when FLTK is setup to draw things. This is only true: - Inside the Widget::draw() virtual function. - Inside the Symbol::draw() virtual function. - After calling Widget::make_current(), before calling wait() or flush(). Calling the drawing functions at other times produces undefined results, including crashing. */ #ifndef fltk_draw_h #define fltk_draw_h #include "Flags.h" // for alignment values #include "Color.h" #include "Rectangle.h" #include "PixelType.h" namespace fltk { struct Font; class Style; class FL_API GSave { void* data[4]; // hopefully big enough for everybody... public: GSave(); ~GSave(); }; /// \name Transformation //@{ FL_API void push_matrix(); FL_API void pop_matrix(); FL_API void scale(float x, float y); FL_API void scale(float x); FL_API void translate(float x, float y); FL_API void translate(int x, int y); FL_API void rotate(float d); FL_API void concat(float, float, float, float, float, float); FL_API void load_identity(); // get and use transformed positions: FL_API void transform(float& x, float& y); FL_API void transform_distance(float& x, float& y); FL_API void transform(int& x, int& y); FL_API void transform(const Rectangle& from, Rectangle& to); FL_API void transform(int& x, int& y, int& w, int& h); //@} /// \name Clipping //@{ FL_API void push_clip(const Rectangle&); //! Same as push_clip(Rectangle(x,y,w,h)) but faster: FL_API void push_clip(int X,int Y, int W, int H); FL_API void clipout(const Rectangle&); FL_API void pop_clip(); FL_API void push_no_clip(); FL_API bool not_clipped(const Rectangle&); FL_API int intersect_with_clip(Rectangle&); //@} FL_API void setcolor(Color); FL_API void setcolor_alpha(Color, float alpha); extern FL_API Color current_color_; inline Color getcolor() {return current_color_;} extern FL_API Color current_bgcolor_; inline void setbgcolor(Color c) {current_bgcolor_ = c;} inline Color getbgcolor() {return current_bgcolor_;} extern FL_API const Style* drawstyle_; void FL_API drawstyle(const Style* s, Flags); inline const Style* drawstyle() {return drawstyle_;} extern FL_API Flags drawflags_; inline void setdrawflags(Flags f) {drawflags_ = f;} inline Flags drawflags() {return drawflags_;} inline Flags drawflags(Flags f) {return drawflags_ & f;} // line type: FL_API void line_style(int, float width=0, const char* dashes=0); enum { SOLID = 0, DASH = 1, DOT = 2, DASHDOT = 3, DASHDOTDOT = 4, CAP_FLAT = 0x100, CAP_ROUND = 0x200, CAP_SQUARE = 0x300, JOIN_MITER = 0x1000, JOIN_ROUND = 0x2000, JOIN_BEVEL = 0x3000 }; extern FL_API int line_style_; inline FL_API int line_style() {return line_style_;} extern FL_API float line_width_; inline FL_API float line_width() {return line_width_;} extern FL_API const char* line_dashes_; inline FL_API const char* line_dashes() {return line_dashes_;} /// \name Path construction //@{ FL_API void newpath(); FL_API void addvertex(float x, float y); FL_API void addvertex(int x, int y); FL_API void addvertices(int n, const float v[][2]); FL_API void addvertices(int n, const int v[][2]); FL_API void addvertices_transformed(int n, const float v[][2]); FL_API void addcurve(float,float, float,float, float,float, float,float); FL_API void addarc(float x,float y,float w,float h, float a1, float a2); FL_API void addpie(const Rectangle& r, float a, float a2); FL_API void addchord(const Rectangle& r,float a,float a2); FL_API void closepath(); //@} /// \name Shapes and lines //@{ FL_API void strokepath(); FL_API void fillpath(); FL_API void fillstrokepath(Color); FL_API void fillrect(int, int, int, int); inline void fillrect(const Rectangle& r) {fillrect(r.x(),r.y(),r.w(),r.h());} FL_API void strokerect(int, int, int, int); inline void strokerect(const Rectangle& r) {strokerect(r.x(),r.y(),r.w(),r.h());} FL_API void drawline(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); FL_API void drawline(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1); FL_API void drawpoint(int x, int y); FL_API void drawpoint(float x, float y); //@} /// \name Text //@{ FL_API void setfont(Font*, float size); FL_API void setfont(const char*, float size); FL_API void setfont(const char*, int attributes, float size); // change the encoding used to draw bytes (depreciated) extern FL_API const char* encoding_; inline const char* get_encoding() {return encoding_;} FL_API void set_encoding(const char*); // information you can get about the current font+size+encoding: extern FL_API Font* current_font_; extern FL_API float current_size_; // should be 2x2 transformation matrix inline Font* getfont() {return current_font_;} inline float getsize() {return current_size_;} // measure things in the current font: FL_API float getwidth(const char*); FL_API float getwidth(const char*, int length); FL_API float getascent(); FL_API float getdescent(); // draw using current font: FL_API void drawtext_transformed(const char*, int n, float x, float y); FL_API void drawtext(const char*, float x, float y); FL_API void drawtext(const char*, int length, float x, float y); // the label text formatter: FL_API void measure(const char*, int& w, int& h, Flags = 0); FL_API void measure(float (*getwidth)(const char*, int),const char*, float& w, float& h, Flags = 0); FL_API void drawtext(const char*, const Rectangle&, Flags); FL_API void drawtext(void (*textfunction)(const char*,int,float,float), float (*getwidth)(const char*, int), const char* str, const Rectangle& r, Flags flags); // set where \t characters go in label text formatter: extern FL_API const int* column_widths_; inline const int* column_widths() {return column_widths_;} inline void column_widths(const int* i) {column_widths_ = i;} // see also Symbol.h for @-sign commands //@} /// \name Images //@{ FL_API void drawimage(const uchar*, PixelType, const Rectangle&); FL_API void drawimage(const uchar*, PixelType, const Rectangle&, int linedelta); typedef const uchar* (*DrawImageCallback)(void* data, int x, int y, int w, uchar* buffer); FL_API void drawimage(DrawImageCallback, void*, PixelType, const Rectangle&); FL_API uchar *readimage(uchar *p, PixelType, const Rectangle&); FL_API uchar *readimage(uchar *p, PixelType, const Rectangle&, int linedelta); FL_API void scrollrect(const Rectangle&, int dx, int dy, void (*draw_area)(void*, const Rectangle&), void*); //@} #ifndef DOXYGEN /* depreciated: */ FL_API void drawframe(const char* s, int x, int y, int w, int h); FL_API void drawframe2(const char* s, int x, int y, int w, int h); FL_API void overlay_rect(int,int,int,int); FL_API void overlay_clear(); #endif } #endif // // End of "$Id: draw.h 5939 2007-08-02 14:19:28Z spitzak $". //