#include #include "dialog.h" #include #include #include "save_restore_session.h" #include "xsession.h" #include "vsession.h" #include "anyoption.h" #include "globals.h" #include namespace bfs=boost::filesystem; using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); string version = "0.0.13"; AnyOption* opt = new AnyOption(); char* xmlpath = NULL; char* lsesspath = NULL; char* dsession = NULL; int width=0, height=0; //opt->setVerbose(); opt->autoUsagePrint(false); opt->addUsage(""); opt->addUsage("SessionChooser Usage: vmchooser [OPTS|image.xml]"); opt->addUsage("\t{-d |--default=} name of session to select (part of)"); opt->addUsage("\t{-p |--path=} path to vmware (.xml) files"); opt->addUsage("\t{-l |--lpath=} path to linux session (.desktop) files"); opt->addUsage("\t{-s |--size=} [widthxheight]"); opt->addUsage("\t{-v |--version} print out version"); opt->addUsage("\t{-h |--help} prints help"); opt->addUsage(""); opt->addUsage("Run with xml-file as additional argument to start image at once."); opt->setFlag("help",'h'); opt->setFlag("version",'v'); opt->setOption("default", 'd'); opt->setOption("path", 'p'); opt->setOption("lpath", 'l'); opt->setOption("size",'s'); opt->processCommandArgs(argc, argv); /** HELP */ if(opt->getFlag("help") || opt->getFlag('h')) { opt->printUsage(); return 0; } /** * XML - PATH * * 1. read from stage3.conf * 2. option -p * 3. option --path * 4. default value "/var/lib/virt/vmware/" * **/ ifstream ifs ( string(VMCHOOSER_ETC_BASE_PATH).append("vmchooser.conf").c_str(), ifstream::in ); if(ifs) { int n = 255; char buf[n]; string s = ""; while(!ifs.eof()) { ifs.getline(buf, n); s = buf; if(s.substr(0,17) == "vmchooser_xmlpath") { xmlpath = (char*)strdup(s.substr(19,s.length()-20).append("/").c_str()); } } } if(opt->getValue('d')!=NULL) { dsession = opt->getValue('d'); } if(opt->getValue("default")!= NULL) { dsession = opt->getValue("default"); } if(opt->getValue('p')!=NULL) { xmlpath = opt->getValue('p'); } if(opt->getValue("path")!= NULL) { xmlpath = opt->getValue("path"); } if (xmlpath == NULL) { // Default Path comes here xmlpath = (char *) VMCHOOSER_VMPATH; } /* VERSION */ if(opt->getFlag('v') || opt->getFlag("version")) { // just print out version information - helps testing cout << "virtual machine chooser " << version << endl; delete opt; return 0; } /** LINUX SESSION PATH */ if(opt->getValue('l')!=NULL) { lsesspath = opt->getValue('l'); } if(opt->getValue("lpath")!= NULL) { lsesspath = opt->getValue("lpath"); } if (lsesspath == NULL) { // TODO: absolute paths as constants lsesspath = (char *) "/usr/share/xsessions/"; } /** Size of Window */ string size; unsigned int i; if(opt->getValue('s')!=NULL) { size = opt->getValue('s'); } if(opt->getValue("size")!= NULL) { size = opt->getValue("size"); } if (size.empty()) { width = 500; height = 550; } else { i = size.find_first_of("x"); if (i == string::npos) { cerr << "Please write x as argument for -s|--size." << endl; return 1; } height = atoi(size.substr(i+1).c_str()); width = atoi(size.substr(0, size.size()-i).c_str()); } // additional xml argument -> start image directly #if 0 if(opt->getArgc() > 0) { string single_arg = opt->getArgv(0); if(bfs::is_directory(single_arg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Only argument is a folder, should be a valid xml file!\n"); return 1; } // read xml image xmlDoc* doc = xmlReadFile(single_arg.c_str(), NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER); if (doc == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not parse file %s\n", single_arg.c_str()); return 1; } DataEntry* result = get_entry(doc); if(result) { runImage(*result, single_arg ); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: can not start image from xml\n\tcheck your setting!\n"); return 1; } } #endif delete opt; /* read xml files */ QList xsessions(XSession::readSessions(lsesspath)); QList vsessions(VSession::readXmlDir(xmlpath)); printf ("%d VSessions\n", vsessions.size()); printf ("%d XSessions\n", xsessions.size()); Dialog w; w.resize(width, height); w.addItems(xsessions, "X Sessions"); w.addItems(vsessions, "Virtual Sessions"); w.show(); return a.exec(); }