**** Installation Guide (Debian/Ubuntu/Suse) **** *** Prerequisites *** The following packages are required: libvncserver-dev libx11-dev libqt4-dev >= 4.5.3 qt4-dev-tools >= 4.5.3 cmake >= 2.4.0 *** Installation *** After the svn-checkout, change to the root folder pvs and enter: mkdir -p build cd build/ cmake .. make or execute: build.sh Ignore compile time warnings. If you succeed, all binaries are located at build/ So change the current directory with: cd build/ As superuser (root) you can install the application on your system: make install It is also possible to build distribution specific packages (currently DEB only) make package The Serverapplication is started with pvsmgr the Clientdaemon with pvs and the Clientgui with pvsgui *** VNC-Server for the PVS-Client *** Additionally a script/program has to be supplied to start/stop the vnc-server on the pvs-client. The program/script is expected to have the following signature: program/script(start/stop, port, password) All paramters are passed as strings. The first paramter is either "start" or "stop", the second one defines the port on which the vnc-server should run, the third which password should be set. Password and port are randomized by the PVS-Client. The port is chosen in the range of [59000, 59100]. *** Contact *** In case of problems, questions or any kind of feedback, mail me : wittenb@informatik.uni-freiburg.de