PVS Message VNC connection The host requested your screen! PVSIncomingMulticastTransfer Aborted Unrecoverable data corruption Connection was reset Unrecoverable data loss. Try a lower transfer rate QObject Version: Usage: <<option> <value>, ... > Options: -vncScriptFile <fullpath\filename> Specifies a custom location for the vnc-start/stop-script. If not specified, /usr/bin/pvs-vncsrv is expected. -freq <seconds> Specifies how long to wait until a reconnection attempt is made. Default is 5. -port <port> Specifies on which port to run. Default is -h or --help Shows this help text and exits. -v or --version Shows the current version and exits. -d or --daemon Start as daemon. -c <string command>:<string value> Sends the command and the optional value to a running PVS-Client. Command and value may not contain spaces or colons. The dividing colon is mandatory. Prints out available commands to use with -c. Use -h or --help to get a listing of all options. -v or --version gives you the current version.