/* # Copyright (c) 2009 - OpenSLX Project, Computer Center University of Freiburg # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # src/gui/connectionWindow.cpp # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "connectionWindow.h" #include #include ConnectionWindow::ConnectionWindow(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { //initialize the position for the frame in the clientView posX = 4; posY = 4; _closeupFrame = NULL; hasDozent = false; // at the begin we don't have a dozent machine QPalette newPalette = palette(); newPalette.setColor(QPalette::Window, Qt::white); setPalette(newPalette); newDummy = new QAction(tr("&Add a dummy..."), this); // set a dummy connect(newDummy, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addDummy())); menu = new QMenu(this); menu->addAction(newDummy); setAcceptDrops(true); //drag&drop should be enabled } ConnectionWindow::~ConnectionWindow() { // } void ConnectionWindow::addFrame(ConnectionFrame *cF) { bool found = false; foreach (ConnectionFrame* cFr, AllFrameOnWindow) { if (QString::compare(cF->getTaskbarTitle(), cFr->getTaskbarTitle(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { QPoint cuP = currentPosition(cFr); cF->move(cuP); AllFrameOnWindow.append(cF); AllFrameOnWindow.removeOne(cFr); //we don't need this dummy any more cFr->deleteLater(); found = true; return; } } /* If the Frame don't belong to the profile * we have to move it at the default position for now. * The user can move this later to his favorite position. */ if (!found) { foreach (clientLocation cur, ClientLocationList) { if (QString::compare(cF->getTaskbarTitle(), cur.first, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { cF->move(cur.second); found = true; return; } } } if (!found) cF->move(10, 10); } void ConnectionWindow::addFrameBySettings(QString client, QPoint pos) { clientLocation cur(client, pos); ClientLocationList.append(cur); } void ConnectionWindow::showFrameFromSettings() { foreach (clientLocation cur, ClientLocationList) { ConnectionFrame* dummy = new ConnectionFrame( MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()); AllFrameOnWindow.append(dummy); dummy->setTheTitle("[No name]"); dummy->setTaskbarTitle(cur.first); dummy->setDummy(true); dummy->move(cur.second); } } void ConnectionWindow::addDummy() { //function to add a dummy ConnectionFrame* dummy = new ConnectionFrame( MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()); dummy->setTheTitle("[No name]"); dummy->setTaskbarTitle("[]"); QPoint p = QPoint(10, 10);//the default move position, when created a dummy screen AllFrameOnWindow.append(dummy); clientLocation cur("[No name]", p); ClientLocationList.append(cur); dummy->setDummy(true); dummy->move(p); dummy->setStyleSheet(QString::fromUtf8( "background-color: rgb(150, 150, 168);")); } void ConnectionWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { //catch the mouse press event if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); } QPoint ConnectionWindow::currentPosition(ConnectionFrame* cF) { QPoint pos = QPoint(10, 10); clientLocation cur; foreach (cur, ClientLocationList) { if (QString::compare(cF->getTaskbarTitle(), cur.first, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) return cur.second; } return pos; } int ConnectionWindow::itemAt(ConnectionFrame* cf) { for (int i = AllFrameOnWindow.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ConnectionFrame* item = AllFrameOnWindow.at(i); if (cf->pos().x() == item->pos().x() && cf->pos().y() == item->pos().y()) return i; } return -1; } void ConnectionWindow::removeFromList(ConnectionFrame* cF) { //dummyList.removeOne(cF); if(AllFrameOnWindow.contains(cF)) AllFrameOnWindow.removeOne(cF); cF->deleteLater(); } void ConnectionWindow::onChangeConnections() { //clear the view if (!frameList.empty()) { ConnectionFrame* tmpIt; foreach (tmpIt, frameList) { if (tmpIt != currentSingleFrame) tmpIt->setActive(false); tmpIt->hide(); } } } bool ConnectionWindow::projectStations(QString sname) { QString password, hostname; int port, quality; ConsoleLog writeLine(QString("Projecting from: ").append(sname)); //TODO add method parameter for this quality = 0; QList projectList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getTargetForTheProject(sname); if (!projectList.isEmpty()) { PVSClient* tmpSrcConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp(sname); if (tmpSrcConnection) { if (!tmpSrcConnection->getVNCAllowed()) { ConsoleLog writeError(QString("VNC is not allowed on Projection Source: ").append(sname)); ConsoleLog writeError(QString("Trying to start VNC-Server on Client: ").append(sname)); tmpSrcConnection->setProject(true); return false; } password = tmpSrcConnection->getPassword(); port = tmpSrcConnection->getPort(); hostname = sname; tmpSrcConnection->getConnectionFrame()->setSource(); ConsoleLog writeError (QString("port: ").append(int2String(port))); ConsoleLog writeError (QString("passwort: ").append(password)); ConsoleLog writeError (QString("pr-sourcename: ").append(sname)); } else { return false; } ConsoleLog writeError (QString("port as int: ").append(port)); ConsoleLog writeError (QString("port as String: ").append(int2String(port))); QString item; foreach (item, projectList) { PVSClient* tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp(item); if (tmpConnection) { ConsoleLog writeError (QString("sending vnc data to: ").append(tmpConnection->getIp())); tmpConnection->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND,"PROJECT", hostname + " " + int2String(port) + " " + password + " " + int2String(quality)); tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->setTarget(); } else { // scream in agony } } } return true; } bool ConnectionWindow::remoteHelp(QString sname) { //TODO Finish this... QString password, hostname; int port; PVSClient* tmpSrcConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp(sname); QList projectList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getTargetForTheProject(sname); if (tmpSrcConnection) { if (!tmpSrcConnection->getVNCAllowed()) { tmpSrcConnection->requestVNCConnect(); tmpSrcConnection->setProject(true); return false; } password = tmpSrcConnection->getRWPassword(); port = tmpSrcConnection->getPort(); hostname = sname; tmpSrcConnection->getConnectionFrame()->setSource(); } else { return false; } QString item; foreach (item, projectList) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp(item); if (tmpConnection) { ConsoleLog writeError(QString("sending vnc data to: ").append( tmpConnection->getIp())); tmpConnection->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "PROJECT", hostname + " " + int2String(port) + " " + password); tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->setTarget(); } else { // scream in agony } } return true; } bool ConnectionWindow::lockStations() { if (std::list* lockList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { if (!lockList->empty()) { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = lockList->begin(); tmpIt != lockList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); if (tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()) { // we don't want to lock the dozent machine if (tmpConnection && !tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->isDozent() && !tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->isOnProjekt()) lockStation(tmpConnection); else { // scream in agony } } } } delete lockList; } return true; } void ConnectionWindow::lockStation(PVSClient* pvsCon) { if (pvsCon->getVNCConnection()) { pvsCon->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->setLockStatus(true); // we call the update to force Qt to paint the lockicon on the frame pvsCon->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->update(); pvsCon->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "LOCKSTATION", ""); } } bool ConnectionWindow::unlockStations() { if (std::list* unlockList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { if (!unlockList->empty()) { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = unlockList->begin(); tmpIt != unlockList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); if (tmpConnection && tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame() && tmpConnection->getVNCConnection()) { tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->setLockStatus(false); tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->update(); // we call the update to force Qt to paint the lock on the frame tmpConnection->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "UNLOCKSTATION", ""); } else { // scream in agony } } } delete unlockList; } return true; } void ConnectionWindow::unlockStation(PVSClient* pvsCon) { if (pvsCon->getVNCConnection()) { pvsCon->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->setLockStatus(false); // we call the update to force Qt to paint the lockicon on the frame pvsCon->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->update(); pvsCon->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "UNLOCKSTATION", ""); } } bool ConnectionWindow::lockAllStations() { if (!hasDozent) { QString message = QString(tr("You have to set a Superclient-machine before performing this action.")); QMessageBox::information(this, "PVS", message); return false; } std::list listAll = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getConnections(); for (std::list::iterator it = listAll.begin(); it != listAll.end(); it++) { if (*it == NULL || (*it)->getConnectionFrame() == NULL) continue; // we don't want to lock the superclient machine if ((*it)->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame() && !(*it)->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->isDozent() && (*it)->getVNCConnection()) (*it)->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "LOCKSTATION", ""); else if (!(*it)->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()) ConsoleLog writeError(QString("The Frame connection from client: "). append((*it)->getConnectionFrame()->getTaskbarTitle()). append(QString(" is corrupted. Reconned the client it again."))); } return true; } bool ConnectionWindow::unlockAllStations() { std::list listAll = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getConnections(); for (std::list::iterator it = listAll.begin(); it != listAll.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->getVNCConnection()) { (*it)->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->setLockStatus(false); (*it)->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->update(); // we call the update to force Qt to repaint the frame (*it)->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "UNLOCKSTATION", ""); } // otherwise this will get scattered all over the place } return true; } bool ConnectionWindow::unprojectStations(QString sname) { PVSClient* tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp(sname); if (tmpConnection && tmpConnection->getVNCConnection()) { tmpConnection->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "UNPROJECT", ""); tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->setUnproject(); } else { // scream in agony } return true; } bool ConnectionWindow::unprojectAllStations() { std::list listAll = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getConnections(); for (std::list::iterator it = listAll.begin(); it != listAll.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->getVNCConnection()) { (*it)->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "UNPROJECT", ""); (*it)->getConnectionFrame()->setUnproject(); } } return true; } bool ConnectionWindow::lockInvertStations() { // ok, this method is highly imperformant i guess // we're going thru all existing connections, and if they dont equal one of the selected (another loop) // we lock them... if (std::list* lockList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { std::list listAll = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getConnections(); bool skip = false; for (std::list::iterator it = listAll.begin(); it != listAll.end(); it++) { if (!lockList->empty()) { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = lockList->begin(); tmpIt != lockList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); if (tmpConnection == (*it)) { skip = true; break; } } } if (!skip) (*it)->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "LOCKSTATION", "");//TODO define some standard to grab this from... // otherwise this will get scattered all over the place } delete lockList; } return true; } void ConnectionWindow::lockInvertStation(PVSClient* pvsCon) { pvsCon->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "LOCKSTATION", ""); } bool ConnectionWindow::messageStations(QString ident, QString message) { if (std::list* messageList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { if (!messageList->empty()) { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = messageList->begin(); tmpIt != messageList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); // we don't want to lock the dozent machine if (tmpConnection && tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame() && !tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->isDozent()) { messageStation(ident, message, tmpConnection); } else { // scream in agony } } } delete messageList; } return true; } void ConnectionWindow::messageStation(QString ident, QString message, PVSClient* pvsCon) { pvsCon->sendMessage(PVSMESSAGE, ident, message); } bool ConnectionWindow::lockStationsWithMessage(QString message) { if (!hasDozent) { QString message = QString(tr("You have to set a Superclient-machine before performing this action.")); QMessageBox::information(this, "PVS", message); return false; } if (std::list* messageList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { if (!messageList->empty()) { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = messageList->begin(); tmpIt != messageList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); // we don't want to lock the dozent machine if (tmpConnection && !tmpConnection->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->isDozent()) { lockStationsWithMessage(message, tmpConnection); } else { // scream in agony } } } delete messageList; } return true; } void ConnectionWindow::lockStationsWithMessage(QString message, PVSClient* pvsCon) { pvsCon->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "LOCKSTATION", message); } bool ConnectionWindow::lockAllStationsWithMessage(QString message) { if (!hasDozent) { QString message = QString(tr("You have to set a Superclient-machine before performing this action.")); QMessageBox::information(this, "PVS", message); return false; } std::list listAll = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getConnections(); for (std::list::iterator it = listAll.begin(); it != listAll.end(); it++) { if ((*it) && !(*it)->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->isDozent()) // we don't want to lock the dozent machine (*it)->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "LOCKSTATION", message); } return true; } void ConnectionWindow::addConnection(PVSClient* newCon) { if (newCon) { // QList ClientList= MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getClientist(); //Check if this client already in the list, before we add it. //We don't want to have two clients with the same names. //We comments it for test. /*if (!ClientList.contains(newCon->getHostString())) {*/ onVNCAdd(newCon); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->onAddClient(newCon); /* * We check if the pvsmgr run a lockAll on the already connected * clients. If yes, we lock the new conencted client too. */ if (MainWindow::getWindow()->isLockAllStatus() && newCon->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()) { newCon->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->setLockStatus(true); // we call the update to force Qt to paint the lockicon on the frame newCon->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->update(); lockStation(newCon); } //} } } void ConnectionWindow::removeConnection(PVSClient* newCon) { if (newCon == NULL) return; ConnectionFrame* frame = newCon->getConnectionFrame(); if (frame != NULL) { removeFromList(frame); //frame->deleteLater(); } MainWindow::getConnectionList()->onRemoveClient(newCon); } void ConnectionWindow::onView() { if (std::list* selectedClient = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { if (!selectedClient->empty()) { if (selectedClient->size() == 1) ;//TODO } } } void ConnectionWindow::updateConnection(PVSClient* newCon) { if (newCon) { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->onUpdateClient(newCon); } } void ConnectionWindow::addVNC() { if (std::list* vncAddList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { if (!vncAddList->empty()) { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = vncAddList->begin(); tmpIt != vncAddList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); if (tmpConnection) { tmpConnection->requestVNCConnect(); } else { // scream in agony } } } } } void ConnectionWindow::onVNCAdd(PVSClient* newCon) { if (!newCon->getConnectionFrame()) { ConnectionFrame* newFrame = newConFrame(newCon); newFrame->setConnection(newCon); newFrame->setTaskbarTitle(newFrame->getTaskbarTitle()); newFrame->setDummy(false); newFrame->setFrameRate(500); addFrame(newFrame); if (!frameList.contains(newFrame)) frameList.append(newFrame); if (!AllFrameOnWindow.contains(newFrame)) AllFrameOnWindow.append(newFrame); newFrame->show(); } else // now we have already a pvsconnection, we should set the existing vncconnection to it newCon->getConnectionFrame()->setConnection(newCon); // addFrame(newFrame); } void ConnectionWindow::removeVNC() { std::list* vncRemoveList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); // if(!vncRemoveList->empty()) // { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = vncRemoveList->begin(); tmpIt != vncRemoveList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient* tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); if (tmpConnection) { if (tmpConnection->getVNCConnection()) { ConnectionFrame* tmpFrame = tmpConnection->getVNCConnection()->getFrame(); if (tmpFrame) { frameList.removeOne(tmpFrame); onChangeConnections(); tmpFrame->setConnection(NULL); tmpFrame->initFrame(); //delete tmpFrame; } tmpConnection->shutDownVNC(); } } else { // scream in agony } } // // } } void ConnectionWindow::onRemoveConnection() { if (std::list* removeList = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients()) { if (!removeList->empty()) { for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = removeList->begin(); tmpIt != removeList->end(); tmpIt++) { PVSClient * tmpConnection = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); if (tmpConnection) { // removal should start from the CM, so hes linking back to the ConnectionWindow::onConnectionRemoved() method // to finish the removal procedure here PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->removeConnection( tmpConnection); } else { // scream in agony } } // onChangeConnections(); } delete removeList; return; } } void ConnectionWindow::onConnectionRemoved(PVSClient* newConnection) { if (newConnection->getVNCConnection()) // check for associated frames! if (newConnection->getVNCConnection()) { ConnectionFrame* tmpFrame = newConnection->getVNCConnection()->getFrame(); // now handle the case that the client disconnects while we are in fullscreen mode // the vncconnection would be cut nevertheless, so this: if (tmpFrame) { frameList.removeOne(tmpFrame); // now handle the case that the client disconnects while we are in fullscreen mode // the vncconnection would be cut nevertheless, so this: if (tmpFrame == currentSingleFrame) { currentSingleFrame = NULL; } // no longer needed delete tmpFrame; newConnection->getVNCConnection()->setFrame(NULL); } } } void ConnectionWindow::setSize(int width, int height, bool forceSquare) { if (height >= 100 && width >= 100) { MainWindow::getWindow()->setPrevWidth(width); MainWindow::getWindow()->setPrevHeight(height); } ignoreRatio = forceSquare; if (!frameList.empty()) { ConnectionFrame* item; foreach (item, frameList) { item->setIgnoreRatio(ignoreRatio); } } } void ConnectionWindow::getCloseupSize(int &width, int &height) { if (!onCloseup) { width = height = 0; return; } width = 150; height = 150; } bool ConnectionWindow::getShowDummies() { return _showDummies; } void ConnectionWindow::setShowDummies(bool show) { } ConnectionFrame* ConnectionWindow::newConFrame(PVSClient* newConnection) { if (newConnection->getConnectionFrame()) { return NULL; } ConnectionFrame* temp = new ConnectionFrame( MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()); if (!temp) { return NULL; } return temp; } void ConnectionWindow::setCloseupFrame(ConnectionFrame* cFrame) { _closeupFrame = cFrame; } ConnectionFrame* ConnectionWindow::getCloseupFrame() { if (_closeupFrame) return _closeupFrame; return NULL; }