/* # Copyright (c) 2009 - OpenSLX Project, Computer Center University of Freiburg # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mainWindow.cpp This is the Main class for the pvsManager. The GUI is contructed here. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include using namespace std; // setting the IF-DEF Block for the touchgui and the normal gui, for later use #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_TOUCHGUI #include "ui_mainwindowtouch.h" #endif #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_NORMALGUI #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #endif #include #include #include //#include #include #include MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); if (!QFile::exists(_settings.fileName())) QFile::copy("/etc/openslx/pvsmgr.conf", _settings.fileName()); ui->horizontalSlider->setValue(100); ui->label_2->setText("100"); ui->separator->setVisible(false); myself = this; conWin = new ConnectionWindow(ui->widget); ui->VconWinLayout->addWidget(conWin); conList = new ConnectionList(ui->ClWidget); ui->ClientGLayout->addWidget(conList); bgimage = false; _aboutDialog = new AboutDialog(this); PVSConnectionManager::getManager(); //set the maximum width for list content ui->ClWidget->setMaximumWidth(160); ui->pvsLog->setReadOnly(true); ui->pvsLog->hide(); onToggleLog(false); // add ourself to the log listeners, so we can output them too ConsoleLog addListener(this, &MainWindow::on_log_line); _firstResize = 1; _oldRatio = "100"; _isThumbnailrate = false; is_closeup = false; is_fullscreen = false; _isLockAll = false; locked = false; /* * _sessionName: The session name for this Connection * _pwdCon: Password needed to connect to the session with the name _sessionName */ _pwdCon = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->setNeedPassword(false); _sessionName = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getSessionName(); ui->setPassword->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_TOUCHGUI //only used for the touchgui // define the slots we want to use connect(ui->comboBox_touch1, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(combobox1(int))); // Combobox 1 verknüpfen mit IndexChangend Signal connect(ui->comboBox_touch1, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setindexback())); connect(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createProfile())); // profile button connect(ui->pushButton_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clientlisthide())); // clienlist button // toolbar slots connect(ui->actionresetall, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetall())); connect(ui->actionLocksingle, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(locksingle())); connect(ui->actionUnlocksingle, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(unlocksingle())); connect(ui->actionProjection, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(projecttoolbar())); connect(ui->actionUnprojection, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(unprojecttoolbar())); connect(ui->actionDozent, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setdozenttoolbar())); connect(ui->actionShowProcesses, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showProcesses())); // Ui specific settings ui->ClWidget->hide(); ui->progressBar->hide(); ui->pvsLog->hide(); #endif // toolbar and actions in pvsmgr connect(ui->action_Exit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); ui->action_Exit->setStatusTip(tr("Exit")); connect(ui->action_Disconnect, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(disconnect())); ui->action_Disconnect->setStatusTip(tr("Remove the vnc-Connection for the selected client(s)")); ui->action_Disconnect->setVisible(false);//we need it only for debug connect(ui->actionView, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(closeUp())); ui->actionView->setStatusTip(tr("Show the selected client in the whole window")); connect(ui->actionFoto, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(foto())); connect(ui->actionLock, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(lockalltoolbar())); connect(ui->actionChat, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(startChatDialog())); ui->actionFoto->setStatusTip(tr("Make a screenshot for the selected client(s)")); ui->actionLock->setStatusTip(tr("Lock or Unlock all Clients")); connect(ui->actionCreate_profile, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(createProfile())); connect(ui->actionShowProcesses, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showProcesses())); ui->actionShowProcesses->setStatusTip(tr("Show Processes of the selected Client")); connect(ui->actionShow_Username, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showusername())); connect(ui->actionShow_Hostname_IP, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showip())); connect(ui->actionShow_Fullname, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showname())); connect(ui->horizontalSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged (int)), this, SLOT(changeRatio(int))); connect(ui->setPassword, SIGNAL(stateChanged (int)), this, SLOT(setPasswordForConnection(int))); connect(ui->vncQuality, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged (int)), this, SLOT(setVNCQuality(int))); connect(ui->thumbStatus, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeStatus(int))); connect(ui->actionShow_Log, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setLogConsoleDisabled(bool))); connect(ui->actionShow_Network, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onToggleLog(bool))); connect(ui->actionShow_Chat, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onToggleLog(bool))); connect(ui->actionShow_Terminal, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onToggleLog(bool))); connect(ui->actionShow_Normal, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onToggleLog(bool))); connect(ui->actionShow_Error, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onToggleLog(bool))); connect(ui->actionAbout_pvs, SIGNAL(triggered()), _aboutDialog, SLOT(open())); loadSettings(); //we load the appliocation settings setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("The pvs manager")); this->showMaximized(); // show the Mainwindow maximized // listen on port 29481 for incoming file transfers _serverSocket = new QTcpServer(); _serverSocket->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 29481); connect(_serverSocket, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(incomingFile())); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } /* * This signal is received when the mainwindow is going to be closed. * We have to check if the the chat-dialog is open. In this case we close * this dialog and accept the event, the rest will be execute from Qt. * Qt will be call the destroyer ~MainWindow(). */ void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { if (sChatDialog.isVisible()) sChatDialog.close(); e->accept(); } MainWindow* MainWindow::getWindow() // catches the window { if (myself) { return myself; } else { return myself = new MainWindow; } } ConnectionWindow* MainWindow::getConnectionWindow() // catches the ConnectionWindow { if (conWin) { return conWin; } else { conWin = new ConnectionWindow; return conWin; } } ConnectionList* MainWindow::getConnectionList() // catches the ConnectionList { if (conList) return conList; else { conList = new ConnectionList; return conList; } } int MainWindow::getConnectionWindowWidth() // returns the width of the ConnectionWindow { return ui->widget->width(); } int MainWindow::getConnectionWindowHeight() // returns the height of the CoonectionWindow { return ui->widget->height(); } QStringList MainWindow::getProfilList() // loads the profile list { QSettings settings("openslx", "pvsmgr"); profilList = settings.childGroups(); return profilList; } #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_NORMALGUI void MainWindow::addProfileInMenu(QString name) { QAction* action = new QAction(name,this); ui->menuLoad_profile->addAction(action); connect(ui->menuLoad_profile, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(loadProfile(QAction*))); _mapProfileToAction.insert(name, action); } void MainWindow::removeProfileInMenu(QString name) { if (_mapProfileToAction.contains(name)) { QAction* action = _mapProfileToAction.value(name); ui->menuLoad_profile->removeAction(action); _mapProfileToAction.take(name); } } #endif void MainWindow::loadSettings() { QSettings settings("openslx", "pvsmgr"); QString current = settings.value("current", "default").toString(); currentProfi = current; _profilName = current; //When no profile is available, we define a default one whith 9 dummy screens if (current.compare("default") == 0) { setWindowTitle("PVSmgr - Default"); QPoint pos1 = settings.value("default/1", QPoint(0, 0)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("1", pos1); QPoint pos2 = settings.value("default/2", QPoint(194, 0)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("2", pos2); QPoint pos3 = settings.value("default/3", QPoint(388, 0)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("3", pos3); QPoint pos4 = settings.value("default/4", QPoint(582, 0)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("4", pos4); QPoint pos5 = settings.value("default/5", QPoint(0, 173)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("5", pos5); QPoint pos6 = settings.value("default/6", QPoint(194, 173)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("6", pos6); QPoint pos7 = settings.value("default/7", QPoint(388, 173)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("7", pos7); QPoint pos8 = settings.value("default/8", QPoint(582, 173)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("8", pos8); QPoint pos9 = settings.value("default/9", QPoint(293, 346)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings("9", pos9); QString title = "PVSmgr - "; title.append(_profilName); title.append(" [" + _sessionName + " : "); title.append(_pwdCon + "]"); setWindowTitle(title); } else { QString title = "PVSmgr - "; title.append(_profilName); title.append(" [" + _sessionName + " : "); title.append(_pwdCon + "]"); setWindowTitle(title); settings.beginGroup(current); QStringList keys = settings.childKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { QString profil = current; profil = profil.append("/").append(keys.at(i)); QPoint pos = settings.value(keys.at(i)).toPoint(); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings(keys.at(i), pos); } } MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->showFrameFromSettings(); #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_NORMALGUI foreach (QString profile, getProfilList()) addProfileInMenu(profile); #endif } void MainWindow::loadProfile(QAction* actiontriggered) { QString profilename = actiontriggered->text(); loadSettings(profilename); } void MainWindow::loadSettings(QString profilname) // loads the current profile { QList AllFrameOnWindow = MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->getAllFrameOnWindow(); if (AllFrameOnWindow.size() > 0) { _profilName = profilname; MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->ClientLocationList.clear(); QSettings settings("openslx", "pvsmgr"); settings.setValue("current", _profilName); ConnectionFrame* cFrame; foreach (cFrame, AllFrameOnWindow) { if (cFrame->isDummy()) { AllFrameOnWindow.removeOne(cFrame); MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->removeFromList(cFrame); cFrame->deleteLater(); } } settings.beginGroup(_profilName); QStringList keys = settings.childKeys(); int rest = AllFrameOnWindow.size(); int init = 1; for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { if (init <= rest) { ConnectionFrame* cF = AllFrameOnWindow.at(i); QString profil = _profilName; profil = profil.append("/").append(cF->getTaskbarTitle()); if (!cF->isDummy()) cF->move(settings.value(keys.at(i)).toPoint()); else cF->move( settings.value(profil, QPoint(10, (10 + (5 * i)))).toPoint()); init += 1; } else { MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->addFrameBySettings( keys.at(i), settings.value(keys.at(i)).toPoint()); } } MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->showFrameFromSettings(); QString title = "PVSmgr - "; title.append(_profilName); title.append(" [" + _sessionName + " : "); title.append(_pwdCon + "]"); setWindowTitle(title); } } void MainWindow::saveSettings(QString profilname) { QList AllFrameOnWindow = MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->getAllFrameOnWindow(); QSettings settings("openslx", "pvsmgr"); settings.setValue("current", profilname); settings.setValue("size", QString("%1").arg(AllFrameOnWindow.size())); for (int i = 0; i < AllFrameOnWindow.size(); i++) { ConnectionFrame* current = AllFrameOnWindow.at(i); QString profil = ""; profil = settings.value("current").toString().append("/"); if (!current->isDummy()) profil.append(QString(current->getTaskbarTitle())); else profil.append(QString("%1").arg(i + 1)); settings.setValue(profil, current->pos()); } #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_NORMALGUI addProfileInMenu(profilname); #endif } void MainWindow::removeProfil(QString profilname) { QSettings settings("openslx", "pvsmgr"); settings.remove(profilname); #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_NORMALGUI removeProfileInMenu(profilname); #endif } void MainWindow::addConnection(PVSClient* newCon) { conWin->addConnection(newCon); if (!_chatListClients.contains(newCon->getUserName())) { _chatListClients.append(newCon->getUserName()); sChatDialog.chat_client_add(newCon->getUserName()); sChatDialog.chat_nicklist_update(); } // sChatDialog->chat_nicklist_update(newCon->getUserName()); } void MainWindow::removeConnection(PVSClient* newCon) { conWin->removeConnection(newCon); if (_chatListClients.contains(newCon->getUserName())) { _chatListClients.removeOne(newCon->getUserName()); sChatDialog.chat_client_remove(newCon->getUserName()); sChatDialog.chat_nicklist_update(); } } void MainWindow::onConnectionFailed(QString host) { #ifdef never // code is voided because the info-management will be overhauled sometime if (pwDiag) // assume this thing failed after the pw-question... so a wrong password, ey? { onPasswordFailed(host); return; } QString caption, secondary; if (host != "") { caption = ("PVSConnection with hostname \""); caption.append(host); caption.append("\" failed."); secondary = "PVSConnection attempt for this hostname failed.Maybe the host is not prepared to accept vnc connections. Please make sure hostname and (if needed) password are correct."; } else { caption = "No IP given"; secondary = "PVSConnection attempt for this host failed. There was either no or an errorous Hostname given."; } QMessageBox::information(*this, caption, secondary); /* Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, Glib::ustring(caption)); dialog.set_secondary_text(secondary); dialog.run();*/ #endif } void MainWindow::onConnectionTerminated(PVSClient* newConnection) { #ifdef never // code is voided because the info-management will be overhauled sometime QString host; if (newConnection) { host = newConnection->getIp(); // copy hostname for message } else host = "spooky unknown"; // now inform QString caption, secondary; caption = "Hostname \""; caption.append(host); caption.append("\" terminated connection."); secondary = "The server has closed the connection to your client."; QMessageBox::information(*this, caption, secondary); /*Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, Glib::ustring(caption)); dialog.set_secondary_text(secondary); dialog.run();*/ #endif } void MainWindow::onConnectionRemoved(PVSClient* newConnection) { // TODO this would be the place to handle the rest of the fullscreen issue conWin->onConnectionRemoved(newConnection); } void MainWindow::onPasswordFailed(QString Qhost) { #ifdef never // code is voided because the info-management will be overhauled sometime QString caption, secondary; if (Qhost != "") { caption = "Hostname \""; caption.append(Qhost); caption.append("\" refused password."); secondary = "You have entered no or a wrong password."; } else return; // unknown connection was terminated? too spooky QMessageBox::information(*this, caption, secondary); /* Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, Glib::ustring(caption)); dialog.set_secondary_text(secondary); Gtk::Main::run(dialog);*/ #endif } void MainWindow::sendChatMsg(PVSMsg myMsg) { PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->onChat(myMsg); } void MainWindow::receiveChatMsg(QString nick_from, QString nick_to, QString msg) { sChatDialog.chat_receive(nick_from, nick_to, msg); } int MainWindow::getPrevWidth() // PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getPrevWidth() { return prev_width; } void MainWindow::setPrevWidth(int newWidth) { if (newWidth > 100) prev_width = newWidth; else prev_width = 100; } int MainWindow::getPrevHeight() { return prev_height; } void MainWindow::setPrevHeight(int newHeight) { if (newHeight > 100) prev_height = newHeight; else prev_height = 100; } void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { QMainWindow::changeEvent(e); switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: ui->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; } } /* * The resize Event is called when the mainwindow is resized! * Whe need this event to resize the Frame on the Connectionwindow. * The Frames are resized proportionally to the new size of the mainwindow. * But this Function is called by Qt 3 times before the whole * mainwdow is constructed. We can only resize the Frame on Window and * get the initial size of the Connectionwindow after this 3 times. */ void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { if (bgimage == true) { repaintbackgroundpicture(); // repaint the backgroundpicture scaled to the window size } if (_firstResize == 3) { QSize oldSize = event->oldSize(); _initW = ui->widget->width(); _initH = ui->widget->height(); _firstResize++; } std::list* selectedClients = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (is_closeup && selectedClients->size() == 1) { PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( selectedClients->front().toStdString().c_str()); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->paintCloseUp(ui->widget->width(), ui->widget->height()); } else if (!is_closeup && _firstResize > 3) { int ratio_w = (ui->widget->width() * 100) / _initW; int ratio_h = (ui->widget->height() * 100) / _initH; foreach (ConnectionFrame* cf, getConnectionWindow()->getFrameList()) { /*int margin = ui->widget->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultTopLevelMargin); int x = ui->widget->width() - margin; int y = ui->widget->height() - margin; updatePos(cf, x, y);*/ int w = (cf->init_w * ratio_w) / 100; int h = (cf->init_h * ratio_h) / 100; cf->paintCloseUp(w,h); } } if (_firstResize < 3) _firstResize++; } void MainWindow::updatePos(ConnectionFrame* cf, int x, int y) { int posx = (x * cf->pos().x()) / _initW; int posy = (y * cf->pos().y()) / _initH; cf->move(posx, posy); /*QSize size = cf->sizeHint(); cf->setGeometry(x - size.rwidth(), y - size.rheight(), size.rwidth(), size.rheight());*/ } void MainWindow::on_log_line(LogEntry consoleEntry) { ConsoleLogger::LOG_LEVEL level = consoleEntry.getLevel(); if (level == ConsoleLogger::LOG_ERROR && !showError) return; if (level == ConsoleLogger::LOG_NORMAL && !showNormal) return; if (level == ConsoleLogger::LOG_NETWORK && !showNetwork) return; if (level == ConsoleLogger::LOG_TERMINAL && !showTerminal) return; if (level == ConsoleLogger::LOG_CHAT && !showChat) return; ui->pvsLog->insertPlainText(consoleEntry.getLine()); } void MainWindow::onToggleLog(bool showtime) { if (showtime) ;//to kill the system warning due "unused variable" showError = ui->actionShow_Error->isChecked(); showTerminal = ui->actionShow_Terminal->isChecked(); showNetwork = ui->actionShow_Network->isChecked(); showChat = ui->actionShow_Chat->isChecked(); showNormal = ui->actionShow_Normal->isChecked(); //showAtAll = ui->logAtAllAction->get_active(); ConsoleLog dump2Listener(this, &MainWindow::on_log_line); } void MainWindow::setLogConsoleDisabled(bool visible) { if (!visible) ui->pvsLog->hide(); else ui->pvsLog->show(); } /*void MainWindow::close() { //sChatDialog.close(); QApplication::closeAllWindows(); }*/ void MainWindow::disconnect() { conWin->removeVNC(); } void MainWindow::lockUnlockAll() { if (_isLockAll) { //ui->actionLock set icon to unlock MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->unlockAllStations(); _isLockAll = false; } else { //ui->actionLock set icon to lock MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->lockAllStations(); _isLockAll = true; //tell the manager all the clients are locked } } void MainWindow::closeUp() { std::list* selectedClients = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (!is_closeup) { if (selectedClients->size() == 1) { PVSClient * pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( selectedClients->front().toStdString().c_str()); _framePosOnCloseUp = pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->pos();//get the actualy position before run closeup if (pvsClient->getVNCConnection()) { conWin->setCloseupFrame(pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()); _updatefreq = pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->getVNCClientThread()->getUpdatefreq(); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->getVNCClientThread()->setUpdatefreq( 50); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->move(5, 5); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->setWindowFlags( Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->raise(); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->paintCloseUp( ui->widget->width(), ui->widget->height()); is_closeup = true; conWin->setCloseupFrame(pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()); } } else { QString message = QString( tr( "This operation can only be performed for one selected Client!")); QMessageBox::information(this, "PVS", message); } } else if (conWin->getCloseupFrame()) { /*PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( selectedClients->front().toStdString().c_str());*/ conWin->getCloseupFrame()->setWindowFlags(Qt::Widget); conWin->getCloseupFrame()->paintCloseUp( conWin->getCloseupFrame()->getPrevWidth(), conWin->getCloseupFrame()->getPrevHeight()); conWin->getCloseupFrame()->move(_framePosOnCloseUp);//back to the position before the closeup if (conWin->getCloseupFrame()->getConnection()->getVNCConnection()) conWin->getCloseupFrame()->getFrame()->getVNCClientThread()->setUpdatefreq( _updatefreq); is_closeup = false; conWin->setCloseupFrame(NULL); } } /* Perform some action if actionShowProcesses button was pressed * */ void MainWindow::showProcesses() { std::list* selectedClients = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selectedClients->size() == 1) { // do stuff PVSClient * pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( selectedClients->front().toStdString().c_str()); pvsClient->sendMessage(PVSCOMMAND, "SHOWPROCESSES", ""); } else { QString message = QString( tr( "This operation can only be performed if you have selected a Client!")); QMessageBox::information(this, "PVS", message); } } void MainWindow::foto() // makes a screenshot of the selected client { std::list* selectedClients = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selectedClients->size() > 0) { QString format = "png"; for (std::list::iterator tmpIt = selectedClients->begin(); tmpIt != selectedClients->end(); tmpIt++) { QString path = QDir::homePath().append("/").append(*tmpIt).append( ".png"); PVSClient * pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*tmpIt).toUtf8().data()); if (pvsClient->getVNCConnection()) { const QImage img = pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->getImageForFoto(); if (!img.isNull()) img.save(path, format.toAscii()); } else printf("Cannot save screen: Image is null.\n"); } } else { QString message = QString( tr( "This operation can only be performed for at least one selected Client!")); QMessageBox::information(this, "PVS", message); } } void MainWindow::createProfile() { profileDialog proDiag; proDiag.exec(); } void MainWindow::showusername() { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(2, false); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(0, true); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(1, true); } void MainWindow::showname() { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(0, false); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(1, true); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(2, true); } void MainWindow::showip() { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(1, false); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(2, true); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->setColumnHidden(0, true); } void MainWindow::incomingFile() { QTcpSocket *socket = _serverSocket->nextPendingConnection(); ServerFileTransfert* sft = new ServerFileTransfert(this); sft->receiveFileFromHost(socket); } void MainWindow::changeRatio(int ratio) // needed the change the size of the vnc-screens { if (!_isThumbnailrate) { QString str; str.append(QString("%1").arg(ratio)); ui->label_2->setText(str); std::list* selClients = getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selClients->size() > 0) { for (std::list::iterator client = selClients->begin(); client != selClients->end(); client++) { PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*client).toUtf8().data()); ConnectionFrame *frame = pvsClient->getConnectionFrame(); int w = (frame->init_w * ratio) / 100; int h = (frame->init_h * ratio) / 100; frame->setPrevWidth(w); frame->setPrevHeight(h); frame->paintCloseUp(w, h); frame->setRatio(ratio); } } else { QList frameList = MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->getFrameList(); ConnectionFrame *frame; foreach (frame, frameList) { int w = (frame->init_w * ratio) / 100; int h = (frame->init_h * ratio) / 100; frame->setPrevWidth(w); frame->setPrevHeight(h); frame->paintCloseUp(w, h); } } } else { int updatefreq = (ratio*500)/100; QString str; str.append(QString("%1").arg(updatefreq)); ui->label_2->setText(str); std::list* selClients = getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selClients->size() > 0) { for (std::list::iterator client = selClients->begin(); client != selClients->end(); client++) { PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*client).toUtf8().data()); if (pvsClient->getVNCConnection()) pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->getVNCClientThread()->setUpdatefreq(updatefreq); } } else { std::list clients = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getConnections(); foreach (PVSClient* client, clients) { if (client->getVNCConnection()) client->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->getVNCClientThread()->setUpdatefreq(updatefreq); } } } } /* * We can change the status for the action that we want to assign to the thumbnails. * The actions are to be perform over the horizontalslider from QSlider only on the not dummies clients. * The dummies clients aren't involved. * We distingue two status: * -Thumbnailratio:hier we can change the ratio of the thumbnails. * -Thumbnailrate:we change the rate of the VNCClientThread of the frames. These actions are perform on the selected clients. * If no clients are selected, we change the ratio of the whole clients on the clientlist * */ void MainWindow::changeStatus(int index) { QString status = ui->thumbStatus->currentText(); if (status == "Thumbnailratio") { _isThumbnailrate = false; ui->label_3->setText("%"); std::list* selClients = getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selClients->size() == 1) { PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( selClients->front().toStdString().c_str()); int ratio = pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->getRatio(); ui->label_2->setText(QString::number(ratio)); ui->horizontalSlider->setValue(ratio); } else { ui->label_2->setText("100"); ui->horizontalSlider->setValue(100); } } else if (status == "Thumbnailrate") { _isThumbnailrate = true; ui->label_3->setText("ms"); std::list* selClients = getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selClients->size() == 1) { PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( selClients->front().toStdString().c_str()); if (pvsClient->getVNCConnection()) { int updatefreq = pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->getVNCClientThread()->getUpdatefreq(); int showfreq = (updatefreq * 100) / 500; ui->label_2->setText(QString::number(updatefreq)); ui->horizontalSlider->setValue(showfreq); } } else { ui->label_2->setText("500"); ui->horizontalSlider->setValue(100); } } } /* * Going to run a new vncthread with quality: quality */ void MainWindow::setVNCQuality(int quality) { std::list* selClients = getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selClients->size() > 0) { for (std::list::iterator client = selClients->begin(); client != selClients->end(); client++) { PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( (*client).toUtf8().data()); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->resetConnectionWithQuality(quality); pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->update(); } } else { QList FrameList = MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->getFrameList(); foreach (ConnectionFrame* frame, FrameList) { frame->resetConnectionWithQuality(quality); frame->update(); } } } void MainWindow::setPasswordForConnection(int enabled) { if (enabled == 0)//the checkbox isn't checked, so no passowrd needed, we remove it in the titlebar { QString dummy = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->setNeedPassword( false); _sessionName = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getSessionName(); QString title = "PVSmgr - "; title.append(_profilName); title.append(" [" + _sessionName + " : ]"); setWindowTitle(title); } else if (enabled == 2) //password is needed, we show it in the titlebar { _pwdCon = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->setNeedPassword(true); _sessionName = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getSessionName(); QString title = "PVSmgr - "; title.append(_profilName); title.append(" [" + _sessionName + " : "); title.append(_pwdCon + "]"); setWindowTitle(title); } } //#endif void MainWindow::setindexback() //sets the index of the combobox back { #ifdef MAINWINDOW_USE_TOUCHGUI ui->comboBox_touch1->setCurrentIndex(0); #endif } void MainWindow::clientlisthide() // hide or show the clientlist { if (locked1 == false) { ui->ClWidget->show(); locked1 = true; } else { ui->ClWidget->hide(); locked1 = false; } } void MainWindow::lockalltoolbar() // locks all if a dozent is set { if (locked == false) { if (MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->hasDozent) { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_lock_all(); locked = true; } else { QString message = QString( tr( "You have to set a Superclient-machine before performing this action.")); QMessageBox::information(this, "PVS", message); } } else { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_unlock_all(); locked = false; } } void MainWindow::locksingle() // locks a single client { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_lock(); } void MainWindow::unlocksingle() // unlocks a single client { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_unlock(); } void MainWindow::combobox1(int menuindex1) // defines the functions to call from the combobox { switch (menuindex1) // index comes from the slot definition { case 1: // Lock all MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_lock_all(); break; case 2: // UnLock all MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_unlock_all(); break; case 3: // UnProject all MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_unproject_all(); break; case 4: //Background Picture backgroundpicture(); break; } } void MainWindow::resetall() // unlock and unproject all in toolbar { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_unlock_all(); MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_unproject_all(); } void MainWindow::projecttoolbar() // projection from toolbar button { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_projection(); } void MainWindow::unprojecttoolbar() // unproject all in toolbar { MainWindow::getConnectionList()->on_unprojection(); } void MainWindow::backgroundpicture() { fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Image"), "/home", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.svg)")); // user chooses a file QImage img("" + fileName + ""); // set image QString test("/tmp/test.png"); // set path for saving the scaled picture QImage img2 = img.scaled(ui->widget->size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation); // scale it img2.save("" + test + ""); // save it ui->widget->setStyleSheet( "background-image: url(/tmp/test.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center;"); //set the picture as background foreach (ConnectionFrame* cf, MainWindow::getConnectionWindow()->getAllFrameOnWindow()) { cf->setStyleSheet(QString::fromUtf8("background-color: rgb(150, 150, 168);")); } bgimage = true; // for the resize event, set background true } void MainWindow::repaintbackgroundpicture() // same as backgroundpicture but called when mainwindow is resized { QImage img("/tmp/test.png"); QString test("/tmp/test.png"); QImage img2 = img.scaled(ui->widget->size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation); img2.save("" + test + ""); ui->widget->setStyleSheet( "background-image: url(/tmp/test.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center;"); } void MainWindow::setdozenttoolbar() // set the dozents pc which is not locked with lockedall { std::list* selectedClients = MainWindow::getConnectionList()->getSelectedClients(); if (selectedClients->size() == 1) { PVSClient* pvsClient = PVSConnectionManager::getManager()->getClientFromIp( selectedClients->front().toStdString().c_str()); if (pvsClient->getVNCConnection()) pvsClient->getConnectionFrame()->getFrame()->setDozent(); } } void MainWindow::startChatDialog() { if (!sChatDialog.isVisible()) sChatDialog.show(); //show the chat dialog else sChatDialog.raise();//show the chat dialog on top level } MainWindow* MainWindow::myself = NULL; ConnectionList* MainWindow::conList = NULL; ConnectionWindow* MainWindow::conWin = NULL; bool MainWindow::_isLockAll = false;