MainWindow 0 0 1349 768 PVSmgr border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); true 0 0 1327 658 15 All Lock Unlock Unproject Backgroundimage Qt::Vertical VNC-Quality 15 HIGH MEDIUM LOW Qt::Vertical 15 ClientList Qt::Vertical 15 Profile Qt::Vertical border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); 0 Qt::Horizontal Qt::Vertical 15 setPassword Qt::Vertical 15 Thumbnailratio Thumbnailrate 25 200 25 25 25 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBothSides 0 0 % Qt::Vertical Qt::Horizontal 150 240 background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(150, 150, 150); true 129000 12900 15 true toolBar Qt::LeftToRight true false 50 50 Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly false TopToolBarArea false false Show Username false Show Hostname/IP true VNC-Placeholders true false Show Log true Show Normal true Show Error true Show Network true Show Terminal true Show Chat About pvs true 100 x 100 true 200 x 200 true 500 x 500 :/logout:/logout &Disconnect Ctrl+W :/exit :/exit:/exit &Exit Ctrl+Q :/photos:/photos Foto Foto :/restore:/restore view View :/lock:/lock lock Lock All Clients :/profile:/profile Create profile :/icons/reset.png resetall Reset Projections and Locks Ctrl+R :/icons/locksingle.png:/icons/locksingle.png locksingle Locks a Single Target :/icons/unlocksingle.png:/icons/unlocksingle.png unlocksingle Unlocks a single target :/icons/projection.png:/icons/projection.png projection Projects a single target :/icons/unprojection.png:/icons/unprojection.png unprojection Unprojects a single target :/dozent2:/dozent2 dozent Select Tutor PC Show Name :/chat:/chat Chat Start chat with client(s) Ctrl+D