path: root/src/server/net/discoverylistener.cpp
blob: 051a972d464eb807f06f5fd84b42103689ebdb47 (plain) (tree)

 * discoverylistener.cpp
 *  Created on: 25.01.2013
 *      Author: sr

#include "discoverylistener.h"
#include "certmanager.h"
#include "../util/global.h"
#include "../../shared/settings.h"
#include "../../shared/network.h"
#include "../../shared/util.h"
#include <QCryptographicHash>
#include <QSslCertificate>
#include <QSslKey>

#define UDPBUFSIZ 9000
#define SPAM_CUTOFF 50

// static objects

// +++ static ++++ hash ip address +++

static quint16 hash(const QHostAddress& host)
	static quint16 seed1 = 0, seed2 = 0;
	while (seed1 == 0) // Make sure the algorithm uses different seeds each time the program is
	{			// run to prevent hash collision attacks
		seed1 = (quint16)(qrand() & 0xffff);
		seed2 = (quint16)(qrand() & 0xffff);
	quint8 data[16], len;
	if (host.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol)
		// IPv4
		quint32 addr = host.toIPv4Address();
		len = 4;
		memcpy(data, &addr, len);
	else if (QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol)
		// IPv6
		len = 16;
		// Fast version (might break with future qt versions)
		memcpy(data, host.toIPv6Address().c, len);
		/* // --- Safe version (but better try to figure out a new fast way if above stops working ;))
		 Q_IPV6ADDR addr = host.toIPv6Address();
		 for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		 data[i] = addr[i];
		// Durr?
		len = 2;
		data[0] = (quint16)qrand();
		data[1] = (quint16)qrand();
	quint16 result = 0;
	quint16 mod = seed1;
	for (quint8 i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		result = ((result << 1) + data[i]) ^ mod; // because of the shift this algo is not suitable for len(input) > 8
		mod += seed2 + data[i];
	return result;

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

DiscoveryListener::DiscoveryListener() :
	_socket(this), _counterResetPos(0)
	if (!_socket.bind(SERVICE_DISCOVERY_PORT))
		qFatal("Could not bind to service discovery port %d", (int)SERVICE_DISCOVERY_PORT);
	connect(&_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onReadyRead()));
	for (int i = 0; i < SD_PACKET_TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
		_packetCounter[i] = 0;

	// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub

 * Overrides

 * Decrease packet counters
void DiscoveryListener::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event)
	for (int i = 0; i < SPAM_MODERATE_AT_ONCE; ++i)
		if (++_counterResetPos >= SD_PACKET_TABLE_SIZE)
			_counterResetPos = 0;
		if (_packetCounter[_counterResetPos] > 10)
			_packetCounter[_counterResetPos] -= 10;
		else if (_packetCounter[_counterResetPos] != 0)
			_packetCounter[_counterResetPos] = 0;

 * Slots

void DiscoveryListener::onReadyRead()
	char data[UDPBUFSIZ];
	QHostAddress addr;
	quint16 port;
	while (_socket.hasPendingDatagrams())
		const qint64 size = _socket.readDatagram(data, UDPBUFSIZ, &addr, &port);
		if (size <= 0)
		const quint16 bucket = hash(addr) % SD_PACKET_TABLE_SIZE;
		if (_packetCounter[bucket] > SPAM_CUTOFF)
			qDebug() << "SD: Potential (D)DoS from " << _socket.peerAddress().toString();
			// emit some signal and pop up a big warning that someone is flooding/ddosing the PVS SD
			// ... on the other hand, will the user understand? ;)
		if (!_packet.readMessage(data, (quint32)size))
		// Valid packet, process it:
		const QByteArray iplist(_packet.getFieldBytes(_IPLIST));
		const QByteArray hash(_packet.getFieldBytes(_HASH));
		const QByteArray salt1(_packet.getFieldBytes(_SALT1));
		const QByteArray salt2(_packet.getFieldBytes(_SALT2));
		// For security, the salt has to be at least 16 bytes long
		if (salt1.size() < 16 || salt2.size() < 16)
			continue; // To make this more secure, you could remember the last X salts used, and ignore new packets using the same
		// Check if the source IP of the packet matches any of the addresses given in the IP list
		if (!Network::isAddressInList(QString::fromUtf8(iplist), addr.toString()))
		// If so, check if the submitted hash seems valid
		if (genSha1(&Global::sessionNameArray(), &salt1, &iplist) != hash)
			continue; // did not match local session name
		qDebug("Got matching discovery request...");
		QByteArray myiplist(Network::interfaceAddressesToString().toUtf8());
		QSslKey key;
		QSslCertificate cert;
		CertManager::getPrivateKeyAndCert("manager", key, cert);
		QByteArray certhash(cert.digest(QCryptographicHash::Sha1));
		// Reply to client
		_packet.setField(_HASH, genSha1(&Global::sessionNameArray(), &salt2, &myiplist, &CLIENT_PORT_ARRAY, &certhash));
		_packet.setField(_IPLIST, myiplist);
		_packet.setField(_PORT, CLIENT_PORT_ARRAY);
		_packet.setField(_CERT, certhash);
		_packet.writeMessage(&_socket, addr, port);