MainWindow 0 0 800 640 PVS2 Manager 0 0 0 0 0 3 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken 2 10 10 111 121 false :/trash true toolBar Qt::LeftToRight true false 48 48 LeftToolBarArea false :/exit :/exit:/exit &Exit Exit Ctrl+Q true :/lock:/lock lock Lock or Unlock all Clients Ctrl+A :/student2tutor:/student2tutor Student's Screen to Tutor :/student2tutorextension:/student2tutorextension Student's Screen to Tutor, others blanked :/tutor2student:/tutor2student Tutor's Screen to Student :/tutor2all:/tutor2all Tutor's Screen to Everyone :/reset:/reset Stop Projection on every Client :/dozent:/dozent SetAsTutor Set current Frame as Tutor :/helpme:/helpme Help Help true :/refresh:/refresh Reload Room Configuration Reload Room Configuration