ConnectionFrame EXAM-MODE HelpWindow Close Help MainWindow toolBar Exit Ctrl+Q Lock or Unlock all Clients Ctrl+A Student's Screen to Tutor Tutor's Screen to Student Tutor's Screen to Everyone Delete Client Help No tutor defined. Tutor is offline. Please select a projection source. The projection source is offline. Please select a projection destination. The projection destination is offline. Selected projection target is tutor. No projection destination available. Session Name: %1 [click to edit] No item selected, please select room! Are you sure you want to reload the room? Note that all clients will be deleted. Projection Selection No client is selected. The selected client is not connected. This client is still connected. Lock/Unlock single client Reload Room Question Are you sure you want to exit? Do you want to delete and disconnect any clients not belonging to the current room layout? Warning Are you sure you want to delete the selected client? Lock/Unlock all clients This will show a black screen on all connected clients, except the tutor's client. Stream currently selected client's screen content to the tutor's client. Stream currently selected client's screen content to the tutor's client while showing a locked black screen on all other clients. Stream the tutor's screen contents to the currently selected client. Stream the tutor's screen contents to everyone. Reset Unlock all clients, stop any running screen content streaming. R Declare tutor Declare the currently selected client as tutor. The tutor will be excluded from screen locking and can be used as a fixed source/target for screen content streaming. T Delete currently selected client. Only allowed for disconnected clients. Del Show this help text. F1 Load a new room layout This shows a list of preconfigured rooms which you can load. This will reset the currently shown layout and disconnect all clients. Lock or unlock the selected client only. L Student's Screen to Tutor, others blanked NumericKeyboard GroupBox Keyboard Del QObject OpenSSL error CertManager Could not generate certificates for secure connections. PVS will not work. Press OK to quit. CertManager ReloadRoom Reload Room Choose room configuration to reload: SessionName Set session name New session name Random name