Help Form Lock all connected students screens. Start projection from tutor to all connected students. Start projection from tutor to selected student. Start projection from selected student to tutor. Start projection from selected student to tutor and blank all others. Stop running projections. Set selected client to tutor. Refresh classroom configuration after choosing the room. Cancel MainWindow Exit Selection Session Name: %1 [click to edit] Are you sure you want to reload the room? Note that all clients will be deleted. Projection No client is selected. The selected client is not connected. Lock or Unlock all Clients PVS2 Manager &Exit Ctrl+Q lock Ctrl+A Student's Screen to Tutor Student's Screen to Tutor, others blanked Tutor's Screen to Student Tutor's Screen to Everyone Stop Projection on every Client SetAsTutor Set current Frame as Tutor Help Reload Room Configuration toolBar ReloadRoom Reload Room Choose room configuration to reload: SessionName Set session name New session name Random name