#include "serverconnection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define verbose #include "../vnc/vncserver.h" #include "../../shared/util.h" #include "../../shared/settings.h" #include "../util/platform/blankscreen.h" #include "../clientapp/clientapp.h" #define CHALLENGE_LEN 20 ServerConnection::ServerConnection(const QString& host, const quint16 port, const QByteArray& sessionName, const QByteArray& certHash, bool autoConnect) : QObject(NULL), _timerDelete(0), _jpegQuality(80), _authed(0), _autoConnect(autoConnect), _sessionName(sessionName), _certHash(certHash) { _socket = new QSslSocket(); _blank = new BlankScreen(); connect(_socket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), this, SLOT(sock_connected())); connect(_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(sock_dataArrival())); connect(_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(sock_closed())); connect(_socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(sock_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); connect(_socket, SIGNAL(sslErrors(const QList &)), this, SLOT(sslErrors(const QList &)) ); qDebug("Connecting to %s on port %d", host.toUtf8().data(), (int)port); _socket->connectToHostEncrypted(host, port); _timerId = startTimer(4000); _lastData = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + PING_TIMEOUT_MS; _timerConnectionCheck = startTimer(5000); // Connect the vnc start/stop signal to this class, so we can tell the server about successful vnc server startup connect(VncServer::instance(), SIGNAL(started(int, QString&, QString&)), this, SLOT(onVncServerStartStop(int, QString&, QString&))); } ServerConnection::~ServerConnection() { if (_socket != NULL) { qCritical("**** SOCKET DELETE IN DESTRUCTOR"); _socket->deleteLater(); } qDebug("*** Server connection destroyed."); _blank->deleteLater(); _blank = NULL; } /** * Send the given message to the server. */ void ServerConnection::sendMessage(NetworkMessage& message) { if (_socket == NULL || _socket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) return; message.writeMessage(_socket); if (!message.writeComplete()) { qCritical() << "SendMessage to server failed!"; } } /** * Disconnect from current server. * Do some cleanup also, like stopping any VNC server/client * activity, then finally close the connection. */ void ServerConnection::disconnectFromServer() { if (_timerDelete == 0) { VncServer::instance()->stop(); emit closeVnc(); emit disconnected(); _timerDelete = startTimer(500); qDebug("Closing connection to server"); if (_socket != NULL) { _socket->blockSignals(true); _socket->abort(); } } } /** * Handles an incoming message by the server. * This is somewhat of a long mess, maybe split this up some day or * make it OOP with a huge amount fancy features. */ void ServerConnection::handleMsg() { _lastData = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() + PING_TIMEOUT_MS; const QString &id = _fromServer.getFieldString(_ID); if (_authed == 0) { if (id == _CHALLENGE) { // Initial challenge request by server emit stateChange(ConnectWindow::AwaitingChallengeResponse); _myChallenge.resize(CHALLENGE_LEN); for (int i = 0; i < CHALLENGE_LEN; ++i) _myChallenge[i] = qrand() & 0xff; QByteArray serverChallenge(_fromServer.getFieldBytes(_CHALLENGE)); _toServer.reset(); _toServer.setField(_ID, _CHALLENGE); _toServer.setField(_HASH, genSha1(&_sessionName, &serverChallenge)); _toServer.setField(_CHALLENGE, _myChallenge); _toServer.writeMessage(_socket); qDebug("Received challenge, replying, sending own challenge step <- 1"); _authed = 1; } return; } if (_authed == 1) { if (id == _CHALLENGE) { qDebug("Received challenge reply"); if (_timerId != 0) { killTimer(_timerId); _timerId = 0; } // Check challenge response QByteArray serverhash(_fromServer.getFieldBytes(_HASH)); if (serverhash != genSha1(&_sessionName, &_myChallenge) && !_autoConnect) { qDebug("invalid. STOP."); emit stateChange(ConnectWindow::InvalidSslHash); this->disconnectFromServer(); return; } emit stateChange(ConnectWindow::LoggingIn); char *user = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name; if (user == NULL || *user == '\0') user = getenv("USER"); if (user == NULL || *user == '\0') user = getenv("USERNAME"); if (user == NULL || *user == '\0') user = (char*)"Hans Affe"; _toServer.reset(); _toServer.setField(_ID, _LOGIN); _toServer.setField("HOST", QHostInfo::localHostName()); _toServer.setField("NAME", QString(user)); qDebug("Sending login request!"); if (_toServer.writeMessage(_socket)) { _authed = 2; qDebug("valid, step <- 2"); } else { this->disconnectFromServer(); } } return; } if (_authed == 2) { if (id == _LOGIN) { qDebug("login accepted, step <- 3"); _authed = 3; emit stateChange(ConnectWindow::Connected); } return; } // message THUMB - server requests screenshot as thumbnail if (id == _THUMB) { if (clientApp->isExamMode()) { qDebug() << "denied request for screenshot (exam mode)"; return; } int x = _fromServer.getFieldString(_X).toInt(); int y = _fromServer.getFieldString(_Y).toInt(); if (x < 32) x = 32; else if (x > 400) x = 400; if (y < 18) y = 18; else if (y > 300) y = 300; // Get rect of primary screen const QDesktopWidget primary; const QRect primaryRect = primary.screenGeometry(); QPixmap desktop( QPixmap::grabWindow( QApplication::desktop()->winId(), primaryRect.x(), primaryRect.y(), primaryRect.width(), primaryRect.height() ).scaled( x, y, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); QByteArray bytes; QBuffer jpgBuffer(&bytes); jpgBuffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (desktop.save(&jpgBuffer, "JPG", _jpegQuality)) // writes pixmap into bytes in JPG format { // Try to adjust quality so we stay between 3 and 4.5 KB if (_jpegQuality < 90 && bytes.size() < 3000) _jpegQuality += 7; else if (_jpegQuality > 40 && bytes.size() > 4500) _jpegQuality -= 7; } else { // FALLBACK bytes.clear(); QBuffer pngBuffer(&bytes); pngBuffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); if (!desktop.save(&pngBuffer, "PNG")) // writes pixmap into bytes in PNG format { qDebug("Could not convert screenshot to PNG nor JPG"); return; // Failed :-( } } _toServer.reset(); _toServer.setField(_ID, _THUMB); _toServer.setField(_IMG, bytes); sendMessage(_toServer); } // message VNCSERVER - start local vncserver else if (id == _VNCSERVER) { const bool enable = (_fromServer.getFieldString("ENABLE").toInt() != 0); if (enable) { emit closeVnc(); // In case we are watching some other client, stop doing so VncServer::instance()->start(); } else { VncServer::instance()->stop(); } } else if (id == _VNCCLIENT) { const QString host(_fromServer.getFieldString("HOST")); const int port = _fromServer.getFieldString("PORT").toInt(); if (host.isEmpty() || port <= 0) { emit closeVnc(); } else { emit openVnc(host, port, _fromServer.getFieldString("ROPASS"), true, true, _fromServer.getFieldString("CAPTION"), _fromServer.getFieldString("CLIENTID").toInt(), _fromServer.getFieldBytes(_THUMB)); } } else if (id == _LOCK) { const bool enable = (_fromServer.getFieldString("ENABLE").toInt() != 0); if (enable) _blank->lock(_fromServer.getFieldString("MESSAGE")); else _blank->unlock(); } } /* * Override */ void ServerConnection::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { if (event->timerId() == _timerConnectionCheck) { if (_lastData < QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()) { this->disconnectFromServer(); killTimer(_timerConnectionCheck); } } else if (event->timerId() == _timerId) { killTimer(_timerId); _timerId = 0; this->disconnectFromServer(); } else if (event->timerId() == _timerDelete) { if (_socket == NULL || _socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState) { if (_socket != NULL) _socket->deleteLater(); _socket = NULL; killTimer(_timerDelete); this->deleteLater(); return; } _socket->abort(); qDebug("A socket is still pending..."); } else killTimer(event->timerId()); } /* * Slots */ /** * This slot is triggered by the vnc server runner once the external VNC * server was succesfully started, or was terminated (either planned or * crashed). */ void ServerConnection::onVncServerStartStop(int port, QString& ropass, QString& rwpass) { _toServer.reset(); _toServer.setField(_ID, _VNCSERVER); if (port <= 0) { _toServer.setField("PORT", QByteArray("0")); } else { _toServer.setField("PORT", QString::number(port)); _toServer.setField("ROPASS", ropass); _toServer.setField("RWPASS", rwpass); } sendMessage(_toServer); } /** * This slot is triggered once the internal VNC viewer has started or stopped * displaying a VNC stream. We'll inform the server about the state change. */ void ServerConnection::onVncViewerStartStop(const bool started, const int clientId) { _toServer.reset(); _toServer.setField(_ID, _VNCCLIENT); if (started) _toServer.setField("ENABLED", __TRUE); else _toServer.setField("ENABLED", __FALSE); _toServer.setField("CLIENTID", QString::number(clientId)); sendMessage(_toServer); } /** * An ssl error happened. If it's an expected one, we ignore it * and keep going. Otherwise the connection will be terminated. */ void ServerConnection::sslErrors(const QList & errors) { for (QList::const_iterator it = errors.begin(); it != errors.end(); it++) { QSslError err = *it; qDebug("Connect SSL: %s", qPrintable(err.errorString())); if (err.error() == QSslError::HostNameMismatch) continue; // We don't pay attention to hostnames for validation if (err.error() == QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate) continue; // Also, this will always be the case; we check the fingerprint later if (err.error() == QSslError::CertificateNotYetValid || err.error() == QSslError::CertificateExpired) continue; // Some other SSL error - do not ignore return; } _socket->ignoreSslErrors(); } void ServerConnection::sock_dataArrival() { if (_socket == NULL || _socket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { qDebug("dataArrival called in bad state"); return; } while (_socket->bytesAvailable() > 0) { bool retval; retval = _fromServer.readMessage(_socket); // let the message read data from socket if (retval == NM_READ_FAILED) // error parsing msg, disconnect client! { this->disconnectFromServer(); return; } if (retval == NM_READ_INCOMPLETE) return; if (_fromServer.readComplete()) // message is complete { this->handleMsg(); if (_socket == NULL) return; _fromServer.reset(); } } } void ServerConnection::sock_closed() { // should this be unreliable in some way i suggest using the signal "stateChanged()" instead // and check if the state changed to unconnected. qDebug("Socket was closed... oh well.."); this->disconnectFromServer(); } void ServerConnection::sock_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError errcode) { qDebug("Connection error: %d", (int)errcode); this->disconnectFromServer(); } void ServerConnection::sock_connected() { QByteArray cert(_socket->peerCertificate().digest(QCryptographicHash::Sha1)); if (_certHash != cert) { emit stateChange(ConnectWindow::InvalidCert); this->disconnectFromServer(); return; } emit stateChange(ConnectWindow::AwaitingChallenge); }