-- get nice output printf = function(s,...) return io.write(s:format(...)) end -- list available vesa modes -- only one supported right now, not of much use modes = vesa.getmodes() for mind,mode in pairs(modes) do printf("%04x: %dx%dx%d\n", mode['mode'], mode['hres'], mode['vres'], mode['bpp']) end printf("Hello World! - text mode") -- lets go to graphics land vesa.setmode() printf("Hello World! - VESA mode") syslinux.sleep(1) -- some text to display "typing style" textline=[[ From syslinux GSOC 2009 home page: Finish the Lua engine We already have a Lua interpreter integrated with the Syslinux build. However, right now it is not very useful. We need to create a set of bindings to the Syslinux functionality, and have an array of documentation and examples so users can use them. This is not a documentation project, but the documentation deliverable will be particularly important for this one, since the intended target is system administrators, not developers. ]] -- do display loop -- keep in mind: background change will not erase text! while ( true ) do vesa.load_background("/PXE-RRZE_small.jpg") syslinux.sleep(1) for i = 1, #textline do local c = textline:sub(i,i) printf("%s", c) syslinux.msleep(200) end syslinux.sleep(10) vesa.load_background("/sample2.jpg") syslinux.sleep(10) end