path: root/deployment/docker/
blob: c6890bca8cda9883d7f38366df22055ac36a5d3b (plain) (tree)



This is a basic skeleton for deploying Apache Guacamole for bwLehrpool remote access with docker containers. It consists of two containers. One for guacd and one for guacamole.

First, copy .env.example to .env

cp .env.example .env

Edit the file and set at least which Guacamole version to use and the IP or hostname of your satelliteserver in SLX_CLIENT_LIST_URL. You can also set a different port, if there is already another service using that one.

To configure LDAP login you need to set some more variables. There are additional configuration options available if needed.

Optional: It may be necessary to import a ssl-certificate for your ldap-server in the guacamole container if you have a custom CA or a self-signed cert. This can be done whilst building the container through the 'Dockerfile'. Uncomment and adapt the last few lines to your needs. If you don't need a special cert, you can skip that step.

The 'data' directory will be mounted in the container. Place the bwlp-guac-plugin which corresponds to your guacamole version in './data/extensions/'. You can find all currently for download available plugins under

Make sure, that there is only one bwlp-guac-plugin in the extension folder at the same time!

To start the containers simply type

docker compose up --build -d

To check if both containers are running or to inspect runtime logs you can use

docker ps docker logs -f <container-name>

If you want to update to a newer version of Guacamole just edit the '.env' file, replace the bwlp-guac-plugin with the new one matching your wanted Guacamole version and restart the containers with

docker compose up --build --force-recreate -d