path: root/deployment/docker/README
blob: c6890bca8cda9883d7f38366df22055ac36a5d3b (plain) (tree)


This is a basic skeleton for deploying [Apache
Guacamole]( for bwLehrpool remote access with
docker containers. It consists of two containers. One for guacd and one for

First, copy *.env.example* to *.env*

	cp .env.example .env

Edit the file and set at least which Guacamole version to use and the IP or
hostname of your satelliteserver in SLX_CLIENT_LIST_URL. You can also set a
different port, if there is already another service using that one.

To configure LDAP login you need to set some more variables. There are
additional configuration options available if needed.

**Optional:** It may be necessary to import a ssl-certificate for your
ldap-server in the guacamole container if you have a custom CA or a self-signed
cert. This can be done whilst building the container through the 'Dockerfile'.
Uncomment and adapt the last few lines to your needs. If you don't need a
special cert, you can skip that step.

The 'data' directory will be mounted in the container. Place the
bwlp-guac-plugin which corresponds to your guacamole version in
'./data/extensions/'. You can find all currently for download available plugins

Make sure, that there is **only one** bwlp-guac-plugin in the extension folder
at the same time!

To start the containers simply type

	docker compose up --build -d

To check if both containers are running or to inspect runtime logs you can use

	docker ps docker logs -f <container-name> 

If you want to update to a newer version of Guacamole just edit the '.env' file,
replace the bwlp-guac-plugin with the new one matching your wanted Guacamole
version and restart the containers with 

	docker compose up --build --force-recreate -d