diff options
4 files changed, 214 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/assets/20-style.css b/assets/20-style.css
index b909f70..85adf70 100644
--- a/assets/20-style.css
+++ b/assets/20-style.css
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ ul.navbar-nav {
.table-responsive-lg {
padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 15px;
.DateInput_input {
diff --git a/ b/
index 14316fa..ad9c77f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
from app import app
-from pages import satellites, total
+from pages import satellites, total, machines
pages = [
{'name': 'Satellites', 'link': '/', 'id': 'satellites', 'layout': satellites.layout},
{'name': 'Total', 'link': '/total', 'id': 'total', 'layout': total.layout},
+ {'name': 'Machines', 'link': '/machines', 'id': 'machines', 'layout': machines.layout},
pio.templates['custom'] = dict(
@@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ pio.templates['custom'] = dict(
yanchor = 'top',
font = dict(size = 25)
- separators=',.'
+ separators=',.',
+ yaxis_tickformat = ',0f',
pio.templates.default = 'custom'
diff --git a/pages/ b/pages/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b750ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import dash_core_components as dcc
+import dash_html_components as html
+import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
+from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import datetime as dt
+from natsort import natsorted
+import db
+from app import app
+def layout():
+ return dbc.Container(fluid=True, children=[
+ dbc.Row([
+ dbc.Col(width=12, lg=1, children=[
+ dcc.Dropdown(
+ id='machines-days',
+ options=[{'label': '{} days'.format(d), 'value': d} for d in [7, 30, 90]],
+ value=7,
+ clearable=False
+ )
+ ]),
+ dbc.Col(width=12, lg=3, children=[
+ dcc.DatePickerSingle(
+ id='machines-date',
+ date=get_newest_date(),
+ display_format='DD-MM-YYYY',
+ max_date_allowed=get_newest_date(),
+ initial_visible_month=get_newest_date(),
+ first_day_of_week=1
+ ),
+ ]),
+ dbc.Col(width=12, lg=6, children=[
+ dcc.Dropdown(
+ id='machines-satellites',
+ options=[{'label': s, 'value': s} for s in get_satellites()],
+ multi=True,
+ value=[],
+ placeholder='All Satellites'
+ )
+ ])
+ ]),
+ dbc.Row([dbc.Col([
+ dcc.Graph(id='machines-graph-location')
+ ])]),
+ dbc.Row([
+ dbc.Col(width=12, md=6, xl=4, children=[
+ dcc.Graph(id='machines-graph-ram')
+ ]),
+ dbc.Col(width=12, md=6, xl=4, children=[
+ dcc.Graph(id='machines-graph-realcores')
+ ]),
+ dbc.Col(width=12, md=6, xl=4, children=[
+ dcc.Graph(id='machines-graph-kvmstate')
+ ]),
+ dbc.Col(width=12, xl=6, children=[
+ dcc.Graph(id='machines-graph-cpumodel')
+ ]),
+ dbc.Col(width=12, xl=6, children=[
+ dcc.Graph(id='machines-graph-systemmodel')
+ ])
+ ])
+ ])
+@app.callback(Output('machines-graph-location', 'figure'),
+ [Input('machines-days', 'value'),
+ Input('machines-date', 'date'),
+ Input('machines-satellites', 'value')])
+def make_graph_location(days, date, satellites):
+ dbcon = db.getConnection()
+ cursor = dbcon.cursor()
+ stmt = """
+ SELECT m.value, m.count
+ FROM reports r
+ JOIN machine m ON =
+ WHERE = (SELECT date FROM reports WHERE date >= %s ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1)
+ AND m.days = %s AND = 'location'
+ """
+ stmt_end = """ ORDER BY m.count DESC"""
+ if len(satellites) > 0:
+ formatStrings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(satellites))
+ cursor.execute(stmt + ' AND r.ip IN ({})'.format(formatStrings) + stmt_end, tuple([date, days] + satellites))
+ else:
+ cursor.execute(stmt + stmt_end, (date, days))
+ data = cursor.fetchall()
+ db.closeConnection(dbcon)
+ figure = go.Figure()
+ figure.add_trace(go.Bar(
+ x=[item['value'][0:9] for item in data],
+ y=[item['count'] for item in data]
+ ))
+ figure.update_layout(
+ title_text = 'Locations'
+ )
+ return figure
+@app.callback(Output('machines-graph-cpumodel', 'figure'),
+ [Input('machines-days', 'value'),
+ Input('machines-date', 'date'),
+ Input('machines-satellites', 'value')])
+def make_graph_cpumodel(days, date, satellites):
+ return make_graph(days, date, satellites, 'cpumodel', 'CPU', typ='bar', height=600)
+@app.callback(Output('machines-graph-realcores', 'figure'),
+ [Input('machines-days', 'value'),
+ Input('machines-date', 'date'),
+ Input('machines-satellites', 'value')])
+def make_graph_realcores(days, date, satellites):
+ return make_graph(days, date, satellites, 'realcores', 'Cores', unit=' Cores')
+@app.callback(Output('machines-graph-ram', 'figure'),
+ [Input('machines-days', 'value'),
+ Input('machines-date', 'date'),
+ Input('machines-satellites', 'value')])
+def make_graph_ram(days, date, satellites):
+ return make_graph(days, date, satellites, 'ram', 'RAM', unit=' GB')
+@app.callback(Output('machines-graph-systemmodel', 'figure'),
+ [Input('machines-days', 'value'),
+ Input('machines-date', 'date'),
+ Input('machines-satellites', 'value')])
+def make_graph_systemmodel(days, date, satellites):
+ return make_graph(days, date, satellites, 'systemmodel', 'System Model', typ='bar', height=600)
+@app.callback(Output('machines-graph-kvmstate', 'figure'),
+ [Input('machines-days', 'value'),
+ Input('machines-date', 'date'),
+ Input('machines-satellites', 'value')])
+def make_graph_kvmstate(days, date, satellites):
+ return make_graph(days, date, satellites, 'kvmstate', 'KVM State')
+def make_graph(days, date, satellites, prop, title, unit='', typ='pie', height=450):
+ dbcon = db.getConnection()
+ cursor = dbcon.cursor()
+ stmt = """
+ SELECT m.value, SUM(m.count) AS count
+ FROM reports r
+ JOIN machine m ON =
+ WHERE = (SELECT date FROM reports WHERE date >= %s ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1)
+ AND m.days = %s AND = %s
+ """
+ stmt_end = """ GROUP BY m.value"""
+ if len(satellites) > 0:
+ formatStrings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(satellites))
+ cursor.execute(stmt + ' AND r.ip IN ({})'.format(formatStrings) + stmt_end, tuple([date, days, prop] + satellites))
+ else:
+ cursor.execute(stmt + stmt_end, (date, days, prop))
+ data = cursor.fetchall()
+ data = natsorted(data, key = lambda x: x['value' if typ=='pie' else 'count'])
+ db.closeConnection(dbcon)
+ figure = go.Figure()
+ if typ == 'pie':
+ figure.add_trace(go.Pie(
+ labels=[item['value'] + unit for item in data],
+ values=[item['count'] for item in data],
+ hole=0.3,
+ sort=False,
+ textinfo='label',
+ direction='clockwise'
+ ))
+ elif typ == 'bar':
+ figure.add_trace(go.Bar(
+ y=[item['value'] + unit for item in data],
+ x=[item['count'] for item in data],
+ orientation='h'
+ ))
+ figure.update_layout(
+ title_text = title,
+ height = height,
+ yaxis_automargin=True
+ )
+ return figure
+def get_satellites():
+ dbcon = db.getConnection()
+ cursor = dbcon.cursor()
+ cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM reports""")
+ data = [item['ip'] for item in cursor.fetchall()]
+ db.closeConnection(dbcon)
+ return data
+def get_newest_date():
+ dbcon = db.getConnection()
+ cursor = dbcon.cursor()
+ cursor.execute("""SELECT date FROM reports ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1""")
+ data = cursor.fetchall()
+ db.closeConnection(dbcon)
+ return data[0]['date']
diff --git a/pages/ b/pages/
index 843d581..f4d6c90 100644
--- a/pages/
+++ b/pages/
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ def make_graph_times(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites):
yaxis_ticksuffix=' h',
- yaxis_tickformat = ',0f',
title_text = 'Usage Times'
return figure
@@ -145,7 +144,6 @@ def make_graph_session_length(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites):
yaxis_ticksuffix=' min',
- yaxis_tickformat = ',0f',
title_text = 'Median Session Length'
return figure
@@ -190,7 +188,6 @@ def make_graph_sessions(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites):
- yaxis_tickformat = ',0f',
title_text = 'Sessions',
@@ -230,7 +227,6 @@ def make_graph_users(days, rangeStart, rangeEnd, satellites):
name='Unique Users'
- yaxis_tickformat = ',0f',
title_text = 'Unique Users',