path: root/satellit_installer/static_files/slxadmin-init/slxadmin-init.php
blob: fbd5dceeec9b5994536c6bad8a68885b8ba94522 (plain) (tree)


 * Init script for slx-admin, filling in bwLehrpool specific data into DB.
 * This script should be idempotent and handle upgrades from earlier versions.

$SCRIPTDIR = basedir(__FILE__);

 * Most things should be configurable here

// Where to get available Linux system information from
$MINILINUX_PUBKEY = file_get_contents($SCRIPTDIR . '/gpg-key.asc') || exit(1);
 * Boilerplate

define('CONFIG_DEBUG', true);
define('CONFIG_SQL_DSN', 'mysql:dbname=openslx;host=localhost');
define('CONFIG_SQL_USER', $argv[1]);
define('CONFIG_SQL_PASS', $argv[2]);
define('CONFIG_SQL_FORCE_UTF8', true);

chdir('/srv/openslx/www/slx-admin') || exit(1);

require_once 'config.php';

// Autoload classes from ./inc which adhere to naming scheme <lowercasename>.inc.php
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
	$file = 'inc/' . preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '', mb_strtolower($class)) . '.inc.php';
	if (!file_exists($file))
	require_once $file;

 * Stuff starts here

 * Minilinux update source URL

Database::exec("INSERT INTO minilinux_source (sourceid, title, url, pubkey)
	VALUES ('bwlp', 'bwLehrpool', :url, :pubkey)
	ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title = VALUES(title), url = VALUES(url), pubkey = VALUES(pubkey)",
		['url' => $MINILINUX_URL, 'pubkey' => $MINILINUX_PUBKEY]);
