path: root/satellit_installer/static_files/system-base/opt/openslx/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'satellit_installer/static_files/system-base/opt/openslx/')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/satellit_installer/static_files/system-base/opt/openslx/ b/satellit_installer/static_files/system-base/opt/openslx/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe75c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/satellit_installer/static_files/system-base/opt/openslx/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Logfile
+exec &>> /opt/openslx/firstboot.log
+perror() {
+ echo "[ERROR] $*"
+ [ "$MY_PID" != "$$" ] && kill "$MY_PID"
+ if ! grep -q " has thrown an error" /etc/motd; then
+ cat <<-EOF >> /etc/motd
+ has thrown an error!
+ Please read /opt/openslx/firstboot.log and take appropriate measures!
+ This server may not work correctly!
+ fi
+ exit 5
+if ! [ -e "$conf" ]; then
+ # First time this script runs, it will delete the config at the end; this
+ # means this has to be the second bootup, after the user finished the
+ # script on first login as "bwlp".
+ # Completely delete the script now, and also
+ unlink "/opt/openslx/"
+ unlink "/opt/openslx/"
+ unlink "/etc/systemd/system/firstboot.service"
+ unlink "/etc/systemd/system/"
+ # Only now enable the web interface, so the user cannot login via browser
+ # before finishing the script via ssh/tty login
+ systemctl enable lighttpd.service || perror "Konnte systemd-Service lighttpd nicht aktivieren!"
+ systemctl --no-block start lighttpd.service
+ # Also activate our issue that hints at the webif URL
+ mv /etc/issue.disabled /etc/issue
+ exit 0
+echo "+++ $(basename "$0") gestartet: $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%S")"
+[ -s "$conf" ] || perror "Config file $conf missing"
+bash -n "$conf" || perror "Config file $conf has errors"
+. "$conf"
+generate_password() {
+ tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom 2> /dev/null | head -c 16
+patchfiles() {
+ # <find> <replace> <file1> <file2> ... <fileN>
+ # Warning: does not escape!
+ local FIND="$1"
+ local REPLACE="$2"
+ shift 2
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ sed -i "s/${FIND}/${REPLACE}/g" "$1"
+ shift
+ done
+echo "+++ Lösche alte ssh-Schlüssel ..."
+rm -f -- /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key* 2>/dev/null
+echo "+++ Generating new sshd keys..."
+ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N "" -t rsa -q
+ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N "" -t dsa -q
+ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key -N "" -t ecdsa -q
+ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key -N "" -t ed25519 -q
+echo "+++ Generiere intern genutzte Passwörter (z.B. MySQL-Zugänge) neu ..."
+umask 0077
+[ -z "$MYSQL_SAT_NEW" ] && perror "Error generating mysql password for dmsd"
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'sat'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('$MYSQL_SAT_NEW');" | mysql -u root || perror "Neusetzen des sat-MySQL-Passworts fehlgeschlagen."
+[ -z "$MYSQL_OPENSLX_NEW" ] && perror "Error generating mysql password for openslx"
+echo "SET PASSWORD FOR 'openslx'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('$MYSQL_OPENSLX_NEW');" | mysql -u root || perror "Neusetzen des openslx-MySQL-Passworts fehlgeschlagen."
+echo "+++ Konfigurationsdateien werden aktualisiert..."
+# sat mysql pass
+# Patch dmsd
+# openslx mysql pass
+# Patching openslx-mysql-userpass into slx-admin config:
+# taskmanager password
+patchfiles "%TM_OPENSLX_PASS%" "$TASKMANAGER_PASS" "$SLXADMINDIR/config.php" "$TASKMANDIR/config/config"
+echo "+++ Dienste werden aktiviert..."
+# Enable bwLehrpool related services
+for i in dmsd.service taskmanager.service; do
+ systemctl enable "$i" || perror "Konnte systemd-Service $i nicht aktivieren!"
+ systemctl --no-block start "$i"
+# root ssh key
+echo ""
+echo "Erzeuge SSH Schlüsselpaar für root"
+echo ""
+rm -f -- "$KEY" "${KEY}.pub"
+ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f "$KEY" \
+ || echo "Achtung: Erzeugung Schlüsselpaar $KEY fehlgeschlagen."
+# Write MOTD
+cat > /etc/motd <<THEREDOC
+> *** bwLehrpool Satellitenserver, Version $VERSION ***
+> Eingerichtet am $(date)
+> Wenn Sie sich als 'bwlp' eingeloggt haben, haben Sie nun folgende Optionen:
+> netsetup - Konfiguriert das Netzwerk-Interface neu (DHCP oder statisch)
+> sudo reboot - System neustarten
+> sudo poweroff - System herunterfahren
+> Andere Modifikationen am System sind in der Regel nicht notwendig.
+echo "+++ Daten des Firstrun-Scripts werden aufgeräumt..."
+unlink "$conf"
+exit 0