path: root/src/server/server.c
blob: ffa817f4484dcb9973f900fd1cf8131a396f71ce (plain) (tree)




















































































 * This file is part of the Distributed Network Block Device 3
 * Copyright(c) 2011-2012 Johann Latocha <>
 * This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
 * GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL'').
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed
 * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
 * express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
 * governing rights and limitations.
 * You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
 * program. If not, go to
 * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../types.h"
#include "../version.h"

#include "locks.h"
#include "../shared/sockhelper.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "uplink.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "altservers.h"
#include "../shared/log.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "integrity.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "threadpool.h"

poll_list_t *listeners = NULL;

dnbd3_client_t *_clients[SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS];
int _num_clients = 0;
pthread_spinlock_t _clients_lock;

 * Time the server was started
static time_t startupTime = 0;
static bool sigReload = false, sigLogCycle = false;

static bool dnbd3_addClient(dnbd3_client_t *client);
static void dnbd3_handleSignal(int signum);

static void* server_asyncImageListLoad(void *data);

 * Print help text for usage instructions
void dnbd3_printHelp(char *argv_0)
	printf( "Version: %s\n\n", VERSION_STRING );
	printf( "Usage: %s [OPTIONS]...\n", argv_0 );
	printf( "Start the DNBD3 server\n" );
	printf( "-c or --config      Configuration directory (default /etc/dnbd3-server/)\n" );
	printf( "-n or --nodaemon    Start server in foreground\n" );
	printf( "-b or --bind        Local Address to bind to\n" );
	//printf( "-r or --reload      Reload configuration file\n" );
	//printf( "-s or --stop        Stop running dnbd3-server\n" );
	//printf( "-i or --info        Print connected clients and used images\n" );
	printf( "-h or --help        Show this help text and quit\n" );
	printf( "-v or --version     Show version and quit\n" );
	printf( "\nManagement functions:\n" );
	printf( "--crc [image-file]  Generate crc block list for given image\n" );
	printf( "--create [image-name] --revision [rid] --size [filesize]\n"
			"\tCreate a local empty image file with a zeroed cache-map for the specified image\n" );
	printf( "\n" );
	exit( 0 );

 * Print version information
void dnbd3_printVersion()
	printf( "Version: %s\n", VERSION_STRING );
	exit( 0 );

 * Clean up structs, connections, write out data, then exit
void dnbd3_cleanup()
	int i, count, retries;

	_shutdown = true;
	logadd( LOG_INFO, "Cleanup..." );

	if ( listeners != NULL ) sock_destroyPollList( listeners );
	listeners = NULL;

	// Kill connection to all clients
	spin_lock( &_clients_lock );
	for (i = 0; i < _num_clients; ++i) {
		if ( _clients[i] == NULL ) continue;
		dnbd3_client_t * const client = _clients[i];
		spin_lock( &client->lock );
		if ( client->sock >= 0 ) shutdown( client->sock, SHUT_RDWR );
		spin_unlock( &client->lock );
	spin_unlock( &_clients_lock );

	// Disable threadpool

	// Terminate the altserver checking thread

	// Terminate all uplinks

	// Terminate integrity checker

	// Wait for clients to disconnect
	retries = 10;
	do {
		count = 0;
		spin_lock( &_clients_lock );
		for (i = 0; i < _num_clients; ++i) {
			if ( _clients[i] == NULL ) continue;
		spin_unlock( &_clients_lock );
		if ( count != 0 ) {
			logadd( LOG_INFO, "%d clients still active...\n", count );
			sleep( 1 );
	} while ( count != 0 && --retries > 0 );
	_num_clients = 0;

	// Clean up images
	retries = 5;
	while ( !image_tryFreeAll() && --retries > 0 ) {
		logadd( LOG_INFO, "Waiting for images to free...\n" );
		sleep( 1 );

	free( _basePath );
	free( _configDir );
	exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );

 * Program entry point
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int demonize = 1;
	int opt = 0;
	int longIndex = 0;
	char *paramCreate = NULL;
	char *bindAddress = NULL;
	int64_t paramSize = -1;
	int paramRevision = -1;
	static const char *optString = "c:d:b:nrsihv?";
	static const struct option longOpts[] = {
	        { "config", required_argument, NULL, 'c' },
	        { "nodaemon", no_argument, NULL, 'n' },
	        { "reload", no_argument, NULL, 'r' },
	        { "stop", no_argument, NULL, 's' },
	        { "info", no_argument, NULL, 'i' },
	        { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
	        { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
	        { "bind", required_argument, NULL, 'b' },
	        { "crc", required_argument, NULL, 'crc4' },
	        { "assert", no_argument, NULL, 'asrt' },
	        { "create", required_argument, NULL, 'crat' },
	        { "revision", required_argument, NULL, 'rvid' },
	        { "size", required_argument, NULL, 'size' },
	        { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

	opt = getopt_long( argc, argv, optString, longOpts, &longIndex );

	while ( opt != -1 ) {
		switch ( opt ) {
		case 'c':
			_configDir = strdup( optarg );
		case 'n':
			demonize = 0;
		case 'r':
			logadd( LOG_INFO, "Reloading configuration file..." );
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		case 's':
			logadd( LOG_INFO, "Stopping running server..." );
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		case 'i':
			logadd( LOG_INFO, "Requesting information..." );
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		case 'h':
		case '?':
			dnbd3_printHelp( argv[0] );
		case 'v':
		case 'b':
			bindAddress = strdup( optarg );
		case 'crc4':
			return image_generateCrcFile( optarg ) ? 0 : EXIT_FAILURE;
		case 'asrt':
			printf( "Testing a failing assertion:\n" );
			assert( 4 == 5 );
			printf( "Assertion 4 == 5 seems to hold. ;-)\n" );
			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
		case 'crat':
			paramCreate = strdup( optarg );
		case 'rvid':
			paramRevision = atoi( optarg );
		case 'size':
			paramSize = strtoll( optarg, NULL, 10 );
		opt = getopt_long( argc, argv, optString, longOpts, &longIndex );

	// Load general config

	if ( _configDir == NULL ) _configDir = strdup( "/etc/dnbd3-server" );
	if ( _basePath == NULL ) {
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "basePath not set in %s/%s", _configDir, CONFIG_FILENAME );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	// One-shots first:

	if ( paramCreate != NULL ) {
		return image_create( paramCreate, paramRevision, paramSize ) ? 0 : EXIT_FAILURE;

	// No one-shot detected, normal server operation

	if ( demonize ) daemon( 1, 0 );
	spin_init( &_clients_lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE );
	logadd( LOG_INFO, "DNBD3 server starting.... Machine type: " ENDIAN_MODE );

	if ( altservers_load() < 0 ) {
		logadd( LOG_WARNING, "Could not load alt-servers. Does the file exist in %s?", _configDir );

#ifdef _DEBUG

	// setup signal handler
	signal( SIGTERM, dnbd3_handleSignal );
	signal( SIGINT, dnbd3_handleSignal );
	signal( SIGUSR1, dnbd3_handleSignal );
	signal( SIGHUP, dnbd3_handleSignal );
	signal( SIGUSR2, dnbd3_handleSignal );

	logadd( LOG_INFO, "Loading images...." );
	// Load all images in base path
	if ( !image_loadAll( NULL ) ) {
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not load images." );
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	startupTime = time( NULL );

	// Give other threads some time to start up before accepting connections
	sleep( 1 );

	// setup network
	listeners = sock_newPollList();
	if ( listeners == NULL ) {
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Didnt get a poll list!" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if ( !sock_listen( listeners, bindAddress, _listenPort ) ) {
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not listen on any local interface." );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	struct sockaddr_storage client;
	socklen_t len;
	int fd;

	// Initialize thread pool
	if ( !threadpool_init( 8 ) ) {
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not init thread pool!\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	logadd( LOG_INFO, "Server is ready..." );

	// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ main loop
	while ( !_shutdown ) {
		// Handle signals
		if ( sigReload ) {
			sigReload = false;
			logadd( LOG_INFO, "SIGHUP received, re-scanning image directory" );
			threadpool_run( &server_asyncImageListLoad, NULL );
		if ( sigLogCycle ) {
			sigLogCycle = false;
			logadd( LOG_INFO, "SIGUSR2 received, reopening log file..." );
			if ( log_openLogFile( NULL ) )
				logadd( LOG_INFO, "Log file has been reopened." );
				logadd( LOG_WARNING, "Could not cycle log file." );
		len = sizeof(client);
		fd = sock_accept( listeners, &client, &len );
		if ( fd < 0 ) {
			const int err = errno;
			if ( err == EINTR || err == EAGAIN ) continue;
			logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Client accept failure (err=%d)", err );
			usleep( 10000 ); // 10ms

		dnbd3_client_t *dnbd3_client = dnbd3_initClient( &client, fd );
		if ( dnbd3_client == NULL ) {
			close( fd );

		// This has to be done before creating the thread, otherwise a race condition might occur when the new thread
		// dies faster than this thread adds the client to the list after creating the thread
		if ( !dnbd3_addClient( dnbd3_client ) ) {
			dnbd3_client = dnbd3_freeClient( dnbd3_client );

		if ( !threadpool_run( &net_client_handler, (void *)dnbd3_client ) ) {
			logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not start thread for new client." );
			dnbd3_removeClient( dnbd3_client );
			dnbd3_client = dnbd3_freeClient( dnbd3_client );
	free( bindAddress );

 * Initialize and populate the client struct - called when an incoming
 * connection is accepted
dnbd3_client_t* dnbd3_initClient(struct sockaddr_storage *client, int fd)
	dnbd3_client_t *dnbd3_client = calloc( 1, sizeof(dnbd3_client_t) );
	if ( dnbd3_client == NULL ) { // This will never happen thanks to memory overcommit
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Could not alloc dnbd3_client_t for new client." );
		return NULL ;

	if ( client->ss_family == AF_INET ) {
		struct sockaddr_in *v4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)client;
		dnbd3_client->host.type = AF_INET;
		memcpy( dnbd3_client->host.addr, &(v4->sin_addr), 4 );
		dnbd3_client->host.port = v4->sin_port;
	} else if ( client->ss_family == AF_INET6 ) {
		struct sockaddr_in6 *v6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)client;
		dnbd3_client->host.type = AF_INET6;
		memcpy( dnbd3_client->host.addr, &(v6->sin6_addr), 16 );
		dnbd3_client->host.port = v6->sin6_port;
	} else {
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "New client has unknown address family %d, disconnecting...", (int)client->ss_family );
		free( dnbd3_client );
		return NULL ;
	dnbd3_client->sock = fd;
	dnbd3_client->bytesSent = 0;
	dnbd3_client->tmpBytesSent = 0;
	spin_init( &dnbd3_client->lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE );
	spin_init( &dnbd3_client->statsLock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE );
	pthread_mutex_init( &dnbd3_client->sendMutex, NULL );
	return dnbd3_client;

 * Remove a client from the clients array
 * Locks on: _clients_lock
void dnbd3_removeClient(dnbd3_client_t *client)
	int i;
	spin_lock( &_clients_lock );
	const int cutoff = MAX(10, _num_clients / 2);
	for (i = _num_clients - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
		if ( _clients[i] != client ) continue;
		_clients[i] = NULL;
		if ( i > cutoff && i + 1 == _num_clients ) --_num_clients;
	spin_unlock( &_clients_lock );

 * Free the client struct recursively.
 * !! Make sure to call this function after removing the client from _dnbd3_clients !!
 * Locks on: _clients[].lock, _images[].lock
 * might call functions that lock on _images, _image[], uplink.queueLock, client.sendMutex
dnbd3_client_t* dnbd3_freeClient(dnbd3_client_t *client)
	spin_lock( &client->lock );
	pthread_mutex_lock( &client->sendMutex );
	if ( client->sock != -1 ) close( client->sock );
	client->sock = -1;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &client->sendMutex );
	spin_lock( &client->statsLock );
	spin_unlock( &client->statsLock );
	if ( client->image != NULL ) {
		spin_lock( &client->image->lock );
		if ( client->image->uplink != NULL ) uplink_removeClient( client->image->uplink, client );
		spin_unlock( &client->image->lock );
		image_release( client->image );
	client->image = NULL;
	spin_unlock( &client->lock );
	spin_destroy( &client->lock );
	spin_destroy( &client->statsLock );
	pthread_mutex_destroy( &client->sendMutex );
	free( client );
	return NULL ;


 * Add client to the clients array.
 * Locks on: _clients_lock
static bool dnbd3_addClient(dnbd3_client_t *client)
	int i;
	spin_lock( &_clients_lock );
	for (i = 0; i < _num_clients; ++i) {
		if ( _clients[i] != NULL ) continue;
		_clients[i] = client;
		spin_unlock( &_clients_lock );
		return true;
	if ( _num_clients >= SERVER_MAX_CLIENTS ) {
		spin_unlock( &_clients_lock );
		logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Maximum number of clients reached!" );
		return false;
	_clients[_num_clients++] = client;
	spin_unlock( &_clients_lock );
	return true;

static void dnbd3_handleSignal(int signum)
	if ( signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM ) {
		_shutdown = true;
	} else if ( signum == SIGUSR1 || signum == SIGHUP ) {
		sigReload = true;
	} else if ( signum == SIGUSR2 ) {
		sigLogCycle = true;

int dnbd3_serverUptime()
	return (int)(time( NULL ) - startupTime);

static void* server_asyncImageListLoad(void *data UNUSED)
	setThreadName( "img-list-loader" );
	image_loadAll( NULL );
	return NULL;