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authorSimon Rettberg2014-01-09 16:09:02 +0100
committerSimon Rettberg2014-01-09 16:09:02 +0100
commit55342c5c23251fe96e3ba8411bb8ed3f75a4246c (patch)
parent[SERVER] SIGHUP triggers reload aswell. Some changes to server shutdown funct... (diff)
[SERVER] Fix old image deletion, make image_load a bit nicer
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/src/server/image.c b/src/server/image.c
index 956d3fe..2ee8aa2 100644
--- a/src/server/image.c
+++ b/src/server/image.c
@@ -44,11 +44,16 @@ static int remoteCloneCacheIndex = -1;
static int image_isHashBlockComplete(uint8_t * const cacheMap, const uint64_t block, const uint64_t fileSize);
static int image_load_all_internal(char *base, char *path);
-static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink);
+static int image_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink);
static int64_t image_pad(const char *path, const int64_t currentSize);
static int image_clone(int sock, char *name, uint16_t revision, uint64_t imageSize);
static int image_ensureDiskSpace(uint64_t size);
+static uint8_t* image_loadCacheMap(const char * const imagePath, const int64_t fileSize);
+static uint32_t* image_loadCrcList(const char * const imagePath, const int64_t fileSize, uint32_t *masterCrc);
+static int image_checkRandomBlocks(const int count, int fdImage, const int64_t fileSize, uint32_t * const crc32list,
+ uint8_t * const cache_map);
// ##########################################
@@ -434,7 +439,7 @@ static int image_isHashBlockComplete(uint8_t * const cacheMap, const uint64_t bl
* Load all images in the given path recursively,
- * consider bash the base path that is to be cut off
+ * consider *base the base path that is to be cut off
static int image_load_all_internal(char *base, char *path)
@@ -469,7 +474,7 @@ static int image_load_all_internal(char *base, char *path)
if ( S_ISDIR( st.st_mode )) {
image_load_all_internal( base, subpath ); // Recurse
} else {
- image_try_load( base, subpath, TRUE ); // Load image if possible
+ image_load( base, subpath, TRUE ); // Load image if possible
closedir( dir );
@@ -477,7 +482,7 @@ static int image_load_all_internal(char *base, char *path)
-static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
+static int image_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
int i, revision;
struct stat st;
@@ -485,7 +490,7 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
uint32_t *crc32list = NULL;
dnbd3_image_t *existing = NULL;
int fdImage = -1;
- int function_return = FALSE;
+ int function_return = FALSE; // Return false by default
assert( base != NULL );
assert( path != NULL );
assert( *path == '/' );
@@ -496,14 +501,17 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
char *fileName = lastSlash + 1;
char imgName[strlen( path )];
const int fileNameLen = strlen( fileName );
+ // Copy virtual path (relative path in "base")
char * const virtBase = path + strlen( base ) + 1;
- // Copy virtual path
assert( *virtBase != '/' );
char *src = virtBase, *dst = imgName;
while ( src <= lastSlash ) {
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst = '\0';
+ // Parse file name for revision
if ( _vmdkLegacyMode && strend( fileName, ".vmdk" ) ) {
// Easy - legacy mode, simply append full file name and set rid to 1
strcat( dst, fileName );
@@ -523,128 +531,79 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
*dst = '\0';
- char mapFile[strlen( path ) + 10 + 1];
- char hashFile[strlen( path ) + 10 + 1];
if ( revision <= 0 ) {
memlogf( "[WARNING] Image '%s' has invalid revision ID %d", path, revision );
goto load_error;
strtolower( imgName );
// Get pointer to already existing image if possible
existing = image_get( imgName, revision );
// ### Now load the actual image related data ###
fdImage = open( path, O_RDONLY );
if ( fdImage < 0 ) {
memlogf( "[ERROR] Could not open '%s' for reading...", path );
goto load_error;
+ // Determine file size
int64_t fileSize = lseek( fdImage, 0, SEEK_END );
if ( fileSize < 0 ) {
memlogf( "[ERROR] Could not seek to end of file '%s'", path );
goto load_error;
- }
- if ( fileSize == 0 ) {
+ } else if ( fileSize == 0 ) {
memlogf( "[WARNING] Empty image file '%s'", path );
goto load_error;
+ // Filesize must be multiple of 4096
if ( fileSize % DNBD3_BLOCK_SIZE != 0 ) {
memlogf( "[INFO] Image size of '%s' is not a multiple of %d, fixing...", path, (int)DNBD3_BLOCK_SIZE );
fileSize = image_pad( path, fileSize );
if ( fileSize == 0 ) goto load_error;
// 1. Allocate memory for the cache map if the image is incomplete
- sprintf( mapFile, "", path );
- int fdMap = open( mapFile, O_RDONLY );
- if ( fdMap >= 0 ) {
- size_t map_size = IMGSIZE_TO_MAPBYTES( fileSize );
- cache_map = calloc( 1, map_size );
- int rd = read( fdMap, cache_map, map_size );
- if ( map_size != rd ) {
- memlogf( "[WARNING] Could only read %d of expected %d bytes of cache map of '%s'", (int)rd, (int)map_size, path );
- }
- close( fdMap );
- // Later on we check if the hash map says the image is complete
- }
+ cache_map = image_loadCacheMap( path, fileSize );
// TODO: Maybe try sha-256 or 512 first if you're paranoid (to be implemented)
- const int hashBlocks = IMGSIZE_TO_HASHBLOCKS( fileSize );
- // Currently this should only prevent accidental corruption (esp. regarding transparent proxy mode)
- // but maybe later on you want better security
// 2. Load CRC-32 list of image
- sprintf( hashFile, "%s.crc", path );
uint32_t masterCrc;
- int fdHash = open( hashFile, O_RDONLY );
- if ( fdHash >= 0 ) {
- off_t fs = lseek( fdHash, 0, SEEK_END );
- if ( fs < (hashBlocks + 1) * 4 ) {
- memlogf( "[WARNING] Ignoring crc32 list for '%s' as it is too short", path );
- } else {
- if ( 0 != lseek( fdHash, 0, SEEK_SET ) ) {
- memlogf( "[WARNING] Could not seek back to beginning of '%s'", hashFile );
- } else {
- if ( read( fdHash, &masterCrc, sizeof(masterCrc) ) != 4 ) {
- memlogf( "[WARNING] Error reading first crc32 of '%s'", path );
- } else {
- crc32list = calloc( hashBlocks, sizeof(uint32_t) );
- if ( read( fdHash, crc32list, hashBlocks * sizeof(uint32_t) ) != hashBlocks * sizeof(uint32_t) ) {
- free( crc32list );
- crc32list = NULL;
- memlogf( "[WARNING] Could not read crc32 list of '%s'", path );
- } else {
- uint32_t lists_crc = crc32( 0L, Z_NULL, 0 );
- lists_crc = crc32( lists_crc, (Bytef*)crc32list, hashBlocks * sizeof(uint32_t) );
- if ( lists_crc != masterCrc ) {
- free( crc32list );
- crc32list = NULL;
- memlogf( "[WARNING] CRC-32 of CRC-32 list mismatch. CRC-32 list of '%s' might be corrupted.", path );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close( fdHash );
- }
+ const int hashBlockCount = IMGSIZE_TO_HASHBLOCKS( fileSize );
+ crc32list = image_loadCrcList( path, fileSize, &masterCrc );
// Check CRC32
if ( crc32list != NULL ) {
- // This checks the first block and two random blocks (which might accidentally be the same)
- // for corruption via the known crc32 list. This is very sloppy and is merely supposed
- // to detect accidental corruption due to broken dnbd3-proxy functionality or file system
- // corruption.
- int blocks[4], index = 0, block; // = { 0, rand() % blcks, rand() % blcks, -1 };
- if ( image_isHashBlockComplete( cache_map, 0, fileSize ) ) blocks[index++] = 0;
- block = rand() % hashBlocks;
- if ( image_isHashBlockComplete( cache_map, block, fileSize ) ) blocks[index++] = block;
- block = rand() % hashBlocks;
- if ( image_isHashBlockComplete( cache_map, block, fileSize ) ) blocks[index++] = block;
- blocks[index] = -1;
- if ( !image_checkBlocksCrc32( fdImage, crc32list, blocks, fileSize ) ) {
- memlogf( "[ERROR] Quick integrity check for '%s' failed.", path );
+ if ( !image_checkRandomBlocks( 3, fdImage, fileSize, crc32list, cache_map ) ) {
+ memlogf( "[ERROR] quick crc32 check of %s failed. Data corruption?", path );
goto load_error;
- // Compare to existing image
+ // Compare data just loaded to identical image we apparently already loaded
if ( existing != NULL ) {
if ( existing->filesize != fileSize ) {
- memlogf( "[WARNING] Size of image '%s' has changed.", path );
+ // Image will be replaced below
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] Size of image '%s:%d' has changed.", existing->lower_name, (int)existing->rid );
} else if ( existing->crc32 != NULL && crc32list != NULL
- && memcmp( existing->crc32, crc32list, sizeof(uint32_t) * hashBlocks ) != 0 ) {
- memlogf( "[WARNING] CRC32 list of image '%s' has changed.", path );
+ && memcmp( existing->crc32, crc32list, sizeof(uint32_t) * hashBlockCount ) != 0 ) {
+ // Image will be replaced below
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] CRC32 list of image '%s:%d' has changed.", existing->lower_name, (int)existing->rid );
} else if ( existing->crc32 == NULL && crc32list != NULL ) {
- memlogf( "[INFO] Found CRC-32 list for already loaded image, adding...", path );
+ memlogf( "[INFO] Found CRC-32 list for already loaded image '%s:%d', adding...", existing->lower_name, (int)existing->rid );
existing->crc32 = crc32list;
existing->masterCrc32 = masterCrc;
crc32list = NULL;
function_return = TRUE;
goto load_error;
} else if ( existing->cache_map != NULL && cache_map == NULL ) {
- // Image seems complete now!
- memlogf( "[INFO] Image %s is complete on disk now!", existing->lower_name );
- memset( existing->cache_map, -1, IMGSIZE_TO_MAPBYTES(existing->filesize) );
- spin_lock( &existing->lock );
- image_markComplete( existing );
- spin_unlock( &existing->lock );
+ // Just ignore that fact, if replication is really complete the cache map will be removed anyways
+ memlogf( "[INFO] Image '%s:%d' has no cache map on disk!", existing->lower_name, (int)existing->rid );
function_return = TRUE;
goto load_error;
- } else { // Nothing changed about the existing image, so do nothing
+ } else {
+ // Nothing changed about the existing image, so do nothing
function_return = TRUE;
goto load_error;
@@ -653,6 +612,7 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
image_remove( existing );
existing = NULL;
// Load fresh image
dnbd3_image_t *image = calloc( 1, sizeof(dnbd3_image_t) );
image->path = strdup( path );
@@ -665,25 +625,30 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
image->rid = revision;
image->users = 0;
image->cacheFd = -1;
- // Prevent freeing in cleanup
- cache_map = NULL;
- crc32list = NULL;
+ image->working = (image->cache_map == NULL );
+ spin_init( &image->lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE );
if ( stat( path, &st ) == 0 ) {
image->atime = st.st_mtime;
} else {
image->atime = time( NULL );
- image->working = (image->cache_map == NULL );
- spin_init( &image->lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE );
+ // Prevent freeing in cleanup
+ cache_map = NULL;
+ crc32list = NULL;
// Get rid of cache map if image is complete
if ( image->cache_map != NULL && image_isComplete( image ) ) {
image_markComplete( image );
image->working = TRUE;
+ // Image is definitely incomplete, open image file for writing, so we can update the cache
if ( image->cache_map != NULL ) {
image->working = FALSE;
image->cacheFd = open( path, O_WRONLY );
if ( image->cacheFd < 0 ) {
+ // Proxy mode without disk caching is pointless, bail out
image->cacheFd = -1;
memlogf( "[ERROR] Could not open incomplete image %s for writing!", path );
image = image_free( image );
@@ -693,6 +658,8 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
uplink_init( image, -1, NULL );
+ // ### Reaching this point means loading succeeded
// Add to images array
spin_lock( &_images_lock );
for (i = 0; i < _num_images; ++i) {
@@ -711,7 +678,9 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
printf( "[DEBUG] Loaded image '%s'\n", image->lower_name );
spin_unlock( &_images_lock );
function_return = TRUE;
// Clean exit:
load_error: ;
if ( existing != NULL ) image_release( existing );
@@ -721,6 +690,87 @@ static int image_try_load(char *base, char *path, int withUplink)
return function_return;
+static uint8_t* image_loadCacheMap(const char * const imagePath, const int64_t fileSize)
+ uint8_t *retval = NULL;
+ char mapFile[strlen( imagePath ) + 10 + 1];
+ sprintf( mapFile, "", imagePath );
+ int fdMap = open( mapFile, O_RDONLY );
+ if ( fdMap >= 0 ) {
+ size_t map_size = IMGSIZE_TO_MAPBYTES( fileSize );
+ retval = calloc( 1, map_size );
+ int rd = read( fdMap, retval, map_size );
+ if ( map_size != rd ) {
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] Could only read %d of expected %d bytes of cache map of '%s'", (int)rd, (int)map_size, fileSize );
+ // Could not read complete map, that means the rest of the image file will be considered incomplete
+ }
+ close( fdMap );
+ // Later on we check if the hash map says the image is complete
+ }
+ return retval;
+static uint32_t* image_loadCrcList(const char * const imagePath, const int64_t fileSize, uint32_t *masterCrc)
+ assert( masterCrc != NULL );
+ uint32_t *retval = NULL;
+ const int hashBlocks = IMGSIZE_TO_HASHBLOCKS( fileSize );
+ // Currently this should only prevent accidental corruption (esp. regarding transparent proxy mode)
+ // but maybe later on you want better security
+ char hashFile[strlen( imagePath ) + 10 + 1];
+ sprintf( hashFile, "%s.crc", imagePath );
+ int fdHash = open( hashFile, O_RDONLY );
+ if ( fdHash >= 0 ) {
+ off_t fs = lseek( fdHash, 0, SEEK_END );
+ if ( fs < (hashBlocks + 1) * 4 ) {
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] Ignoring crc32 list for '%s' as it is too short", imagePath );
+ } else {
+ if ( 0 != lseek( fdHash, 0, SEEK_SET ) ) {
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] Could not seek back to beginning of '%s'", hashFile );
+ } else {
+ if ( read( fdHash, masterCrc, sizeof(uint32_t) ) != 4 ) {
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] Error reading first crc32 of '%s'", imagePath );
+ } else {
+ retval = calloc( hashBlocks, sizeof(uint32_t) );
+ if ( read( fdHash, retval, hashBlocks * sizeof(uint32_t) ) != hashBlocks * sizeof(uint32_t) ) {
+ free( retval );
+ retval = NULL;
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] Could not read crc32 list of '%s'", imagePath );
+ } else {
+ uint32_t lists_crc = crc32( 0L, Z_NULL, 0 );
+ lists_crc = crc32( lists_crc, (Bytef*)retval, hashBlocks * sizeof(uint32_t) );
+ if ( lists_crc != *masterCrc ) {
+ free( retval );
+ retval = NULL;
+ memlogf( "[WARNING] CRC-32 of CRC-32 list mismatch. CRC-32 list of '%s' might be corrupted.", imagePath );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close( fdHash );
+ }
+ return retval;
+static int image_checkRandomBlocks(const int count, int fdImage, const int64_t fileSize, uint32_t * const crc32list,
+ uint8_t * const cache_map)
+ // This checks the first block and two random blocks (which might accidentally be the same)
+ // for corruption via the known crc32 list. This is very sloppy and is merely supposed
+ // to detect accidental corruption due to broken dnbd3-proxy functionality or file system
+ // corruption.
+ const int hashBlocks = IMGSIZE_TO_HASHBLOCKS( fileSize );
+ int blocks[count + 1], index = 0, block; // = { 0, rand() % blcks, rand() % blcks, -1 };
+ if ( image_isHashBlockComplete( cache_map, 0, fileSize ) ) blocks[index++] = 0;
+ while ( index + 1 < count ) {
+ block = rand() % hashBlocks;
+ if ( image_isHashBlockComplete( cache_map, block, fileSize ) ) blocks[index++] = block;
+ }
+ if ( index < count ) blocks[index] = -1;
+ return image_checkBlocksCrc32( fdImage, crc32list, blocks, fileSize );
* Create a new image with the given image name and revision id in _basePath
* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
@@ -914,7 +964,7 @@ static int image_clone(int sock, char *name, uint16_t revision, uint64_t imageSi
// HACK: Chop of ".crc" to get the image file name
crcFile[strlen( crcFile ) - 4] = '\0';
- return image_try_load( _basePath, crcFile, FALSE );
+ return image_load( _basePath, crcFile, FALSE );
@@ -1176,40 +1226,34 @@ static int image_ensureDiskSpace(uint64_t size)
if ( available > size ) return TRUE;
if ( dnbd3_serverUptime() < 10 * 3600 ) {
- memlogf( "[INFO] Only %dMiB free, %dMiB requested, but server uptime < 10 hours...", (int)(available / (1024 * 1024)),
+ memlogf( "[INFO] Only %dMiB free, %dMiB requested, but server uptime < 10 hours...", (int)(available / (1024ll * 1024ll)),
(int)(size / (1024 * 1024)) );
return FALSE;
- memlogf( "[INFO] Only %dMiB free, %dMiB requested, freeing an image...", (int)(available / (1024 * 1024)),
+ memlogf( "[INFO] Only %dMiB free, %dMiB requested, freeing an image...", (int)(available / (1024ll * 1024ll)),
(int)(size / (1024 * 1024)) );
// Find least recently used image
dnbd3_image_t *oldest = NULL;
- time_t mtime = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _num_images; ++i) {
if ( _images[i] == NULL ) continue;
dnbd3_image_t *current = image_lock( _images[i] );
if ( current == NULL ) continue;
- if ( current->users == 1 ) { // Just from the lock above
+ if ( current->atime != 0 && current->users == 1 ) { // Just from the lock above
if ( oldest == NULL || oldest->atime > current->atime ) {
// Oldest access time so far
oldest = current;
- if ( oldest->atime == 0 ) mtime = file_lastModification( oldest->path );
- } else if ( oldest->atime == 0 && current->atime == 0 ) {
- // Oldest access time is 0 (=never used since server startup), so take file modification time into account
- const time_t m = file_lastModification( current->path );
- if ( m < mtime ) {
- mtime = m;
- oldest = current;
- }
image_release( current );
- if ( oldest == NULL || mtime == 0 || time( NULL ) - mtime < 86400 ) return FALSE;
+ if ( oldest == NULL || time( NULL ) - oldest->atime < 86400 ) {
+ printf( "[DEBUG] No image is old enough :-(\n" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
oldest = image_lock( oldest );
if ( oldest == NULL ) return FALSE;
- memlogf( "[INFO] '%s' has to go!", oldest->lower_name );
+ memlogf( "[INFO] '%s:%d' has to go!", oldest->lower_name, (int)oldest->rid );
unlink( oldest->path );
size_t len = strlen( oldest->path ) + 5 + 1;
char buffer[len];