path: root/src/server/fuse.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/server/fuse.c')
1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/server/fuse.c b/src/server/fuse.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12913a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/server/fuse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+#include "fuse.h"
+#include <dnbd3/types.h>
+#include <dnbd3/shared/log.h>
+bool dfuse_init(const char *opts UNUSED, const char *dir UNUSED)
+ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "FUSE: Not compiled in" );
+ return false;
+void dfuse_shutdown()
+#define PATHLEN (2000)
+static char nullbytes[DNBD3_BLOCK_SIZE];
+#define FUSE_USE_VERSION 30
+#include <dnbd3/config.h>
+#include "locks.h"
+#include "threadpool.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "uplink.h"
+#include "reference.h"
+#include "helper.h"
+#include <fuse_lowlevel.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#define INO_ROOT (1)
+#define INO_CTRL (2)
+#define INO_DIR (3)
+static const char *NAME_CTRL = "control";
+static const char *NAME_DIR = "images";
+typedef struct {
+ fuse_req_t req;
+ uint16_t rid;
+ char name[PATHLEN];
+} lookup_t;
+static fuse_ino_t inoCounter = 10;
+typedef struct _dfuse_dir {
+ struct _dfuse_dir *next;
+ struct _dfuse_dir *child;
+ const char *name;
+ uint64_t size;
+ fuse_ino_t ino;
+ int refcount;
+ lookup_t *img;
+} dfuse_entry_t;
+typedef struct {
+ dfuse_entry_t *entry;
+ dnbd3_image_t *image;
+} cmdopen_t;
+static dfuse_entry_t sroot = {
+ .name = "images",
+ .ino = INO_DIR,
+ .refcount = 2,
+}, *root = &sroot;
+static pthread_mutex_t dirLock;
+#define INIT_NONE (0)
+#define INIT_DONE (1)
+#define INIT_SHUTDOWN (2)
+#define INIT_INPROGRESS (3)
+static struct fuse_session *fuseSession = NULL;
+static struct fuse_chan *fuseChannel = NULL;
+static char *fuseMountPoint = NULL;
+static pthread_t fuseThreadId;
+static bool haveThread = false;
+static _Atomic(int) initState = INIT_NONE;
+static pthread_mutex_t initLock;
+static struct timespec startupTime;
+static dfuse_entry_t* dirLookup(dfuse_entry_t *dir, const char *name);
+static dfuse_entry_t* inoRecursive(dfuse_entry_t *dir, fuse_ino_t ino);
+static void uplinkCallback(void *data, uint64_t handle, uint64_t start UNUSED, uint32_t length, const char *buffer);
+static void cleanupFuse();
+static void* fuseMainLoop(void *data);
+static void ll_open(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
+ fi->fh = 0;
+ if ( ino == INO_CTRL ) {
+ if ( ( fi->flags & 3 ) != O_WRONLY ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EINVAL );
+ } else {
+ fi->nonseekable = 1;
+ fuse_reply_open( req, fi );
+ }
+ } else if ( ino == INO_ROOT ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EISDIR );
+ } else {
+ if ( ( fi->flags & 3 ) != O_RDONLY ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EINVAL );
+ return;
+ }
+ mutex_lock( &dirLock );
+ dfuse_entry_t *entry = inoRecursive( root, ino );
+ if ( entry == NULL ) {
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOENT );
+ } else if ( entry->img == NULL ) {
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EISDIR );
+ } else if ( entry->img->rid == 0 ) {
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOENT );
+ } else {
+ entry->refcount++;
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ dnbd3_image_t *image = image_get( entry->img->name, entry->img->rid, true );
+ if ( image == NULL ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOENT );
+ mutex_lock( &dirLock );
+ entry->refcount--;
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ } else {
+ cmdopen_t *handle = malloc( sizeof(cmdopen_t) );
+ handle->entry = entry;
+ handle->image = image;
+ fi->fh = (uintptr_t)handle;
+ fi->keep_cache = 1;
+ fuse_reply_open( req, fi );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static dfuse_entry_t* addImage(dfuse_entry_t **dir, const char *name, lookup_t *img)
+ const char *slash = strchr( name, '/' );
+ if ( slash == NULL ) {
+ // Name portion at the end
+ char *path = NULL;
+ if ( asprintf( &path, "%s:%d", name, (int)img->rid ) == -1 )
+ abort();
+ dfuse_entry_t *entry = dirLookup( *dir, path );
+ if ( entry == NULL ) {
+ entry = calloc( 1, sizeof( *entry ) );
+ entry->next = *dir;
+ *dir = entry;
+ entry->name = path;
+ entry->ino = inoCounter++;
+ entry->img = img;
+ } else {
+ free( path );
+ if ( entry->img == NULL ) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return entry;
+ } else {
+ // Dirname
+ char *path = NULL;
+ if ( asprintf( &path, "%.*s", (int)( slash - name ), name ) == -1 )
+ abort();
+ dfuse_entry_t *entry = dirLookup( *dir, path );
+ if ( entry == NULL ) {
+ entry = calloc( 1, sizeof( *entry ) );
+ entry->next = *dir;
+ *dir = entry;
+ entry->name = path;
+ entry->ino = inoCounter++;
+ } else {
+ free( path );
+ }
+ return addImage( &entry->child, slash + 1, img );
+ }
+static void ll_write(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t off, struct fuse_file_info *fi UNUSED)
+ if ( ino != INO_CTRL ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EROFS );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( off != 0 ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ESPIPE );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( size >= PATHLEN ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOSPC );
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t colon = 0;
+ int rid = 0;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
+ if ( buf[i] == '\0' || buf[i] == '\n' ) {
+ if ( colon == 0 ) {
+ colon = i;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( colon != 0 ) {
+ if ( !isdigit( buf[i] ) ) {
+ logadd( LOG_WARNING, "FUSE: Malformed rid" );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EINVAL );
+ return;
+ }
+ rid = rid * 10 + ( buf[i] - '0' ); // Can overflow but who cares
+ } else if ( buf[i] == ':' ) {
+ colon = i; // Image name starting with ':' would be broken...
+ }
+ }
+ if ( rid < 0 || rid > 65535 ) {
+ logadd( LOG_WARNING, "FUSE: Invalid rid '%d'", rid );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EINVAL );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( colon == 0 ) {
+ colon = size;
+ }
+ lookup_t *lu = malloc( sizeof(lookup_t) );
+ lu->rid = (uint16_t)rid;
+ lu->req = req;
+ if ( snprintf( lu->name, PATHLEN, "%.*s", (int)colon, buf ) == -1 ) {
+ free( lu );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOSPC );
+ return;
+ }
+ logadd( LOG_DEBUG1, "FUSE: Request for '%s:%d'", lu->name, (int)lu->rid );
+ dnbd3_image_t *image = image_getOrLoad( lu->name, lu->rid );
+ if ( image == NULL ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( lu->req, ENOENT );
+ free( lu );
+ } else {
+ mutex_lock( &dirLock );
+ dfuse_entry_t *entry = addImage( &root->child, lu->name, lu );
+ if ( entry != NULL ) {
+ entry->size = image->virtualFilesize;
+ }
+ lu->rid = image->rid; // In case it was 0
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ image_release( image );
+ if ( entry == NULL ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( lu->req, EINVAL );
+ free( lu );
+ } else {
+ fuse_reply_write( lu->req, size );
+ }
+ }
+static void ll_read( fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino UNUSED, size_t size, off_t off, struct fuse_file_info *fi )
+ if ( fi->fh == 0 ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ cmdopen_t *handle = (cmdopen_t*)fi->fh;
+ dnbd3_image_t *image = handle->image;
+ if ( off < 0 || (uint64_t)off >= image->virtualFilesize ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( off + size > image->virtualFilesize ) {
+ size = image->virtualFilesize - off;
+ }
+ // Check if cached locally
+ dnbd3_cache_map_t *cache = ref_get_cachemap( image );
+ if ( cache != NULL ) {
+ // This is a proxyed image, check if we need to relay the request...
+ const uint64_t start = (uint64_t)off & ~(uint64_t)(DNBD3_BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
+ const uint64_t end = (off + size + DNBD3_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) & ~(uint64_t)(DNBD3_BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
+ if ( !image_isRangeCachedUnsafe( cache, start, end ) ) {
+ ref_put( &cache->reference );
+ if ( size > (uint32_t)_maxPayload ) {
+ size = (uint32_t)_maxPayload;
+ }
+ if ( !uplink_request( image, req, &uplinkCallback, 0, off, (uint32_t)size ) ) {
+ logadd( LOG_DEBUG1, "FUSE: Could not relay uncached request to upstream proxy for image %s:%d",
+ image->name, image->rid );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EIO );
+ }
+ return; // ASYNC
+ }
+ ref_put( &cache->reference );
+ }
+ // Is cached
+ size_t readSize = size;
+ if ( off + readSize > image->realFilesize ) {
+ if ( (uint64_t)off >= image->realFilesize ) {
+ readSize = 0;
+ } else {
+ readSize = image->realFilesize - off;
+ }
+ }
+ struct fuse_bufvec *vec = calloc( 1, sizeof(*vec) + sizeof(struct fuse_buf) );
+ if ( readSize != 0 ) {
+ // Real data from file
+ vec->buf[vec->count++] = (struct fuse_buf){
+ .size = readSize,
+ .fd = image->readFd,
+ .pos = off,
+ };
+ }
+ if ( readSize != size ) {
+ vec->buf[vec->count++] = (struct fuse_buf){
+ .size = size - readSize,
+ .mem = nullbytes,
+ .fd = -1,
+ };
+ }
+ fuse_reply_data( req, vec, FUSE_BUF_SPLICE_MOVE );
+ free( vec );
+static bool statInternal(fuse_ino_t ino, struct stat *stbuf)
+ switch ( ino ) {
+ case INO_ROOT:
+ case INO_DIR:
+ stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0555;
+ stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
+ stbuf->st_mtim = startupTime;
+ break;
+ case INO_CTRL:
+ stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | 0222;
+ stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
+ stbuf->st_size = 0;
+ clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &stbuf->st_mtim );
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ stbuf->st_ctim = stbuf->st_atim = startupTime;
+ stbuf->st_uid = 0;
+ stbuf->st_ino = ino;
+ return true;
+ */
+static dfuse_entry_t* dirLookup(dfuse_entry_t *dir, const char *name)
+ if ( dir == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ for ( dfuse_entry_t *it = dir; it != NULL; it = it->next ) {
+ if ( strcmp( it->name, name ) == 0 )
+ return it;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static dfuse_entry_t* inoRecursive(dfuse_entry_t *dir, fuse_ino_t ino)
+ for ( dfuse_entry_t *it = dir; it != NULL; it = it->next ) {
+ logadd( LOG_DEBUG1, "ino %d is %s", (int)it->ino, it->name );
+ if ( it->ino == ino )
+ return it;
+ if ( it->img == NULL ) {
+ dir = inoRecursive( it->child, ino );
+ if ( dir != NULL )
+ return dir;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ */
+static void entryToStat(dfuse_entry_t *entry, struct stat *stbuf)
+ if ( entry->img == NULL ) {
+ stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0555;
+ stbuf->st_nlink = 2;
+ } else {
+ stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | 0444;
+ stbuf->st_nlink = 1;
+ stbuf->st_size = entry->size;
+ }
+ stbuf->st_ino = entry->ino;
+ stbuf->st_uid = 0;
+ stbuf->st_ctim = stbuf->st_atim = stbuf->st_mtim = startupTime;
+static void ll_lookup(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t parent, const char *name)
+ logadd( LOG_DEBUG2, "Lookup at ino %d for '%s'", (int)parent, name );
+ if ( parent == INO_ROOT ) {
+ struct fuse_entry_param e = { 0 };
+ if ( strcmp( name, NAME_DIR ) == 0 ) {
+ e.ino = INO_DIR;
+ } else if ( strcmp( name, NAME_CTRL ) == 0 ) {
+ e.ino = INO_CTRL;
+ e.attr_timeout = e.entry_timeout = 3600;
+ }
+ if ( e.ino != 0 && statInternal( e.ino, &e.attr ) ) {
+ fuse_reply_entry( req, &e );
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mutex_lock( &dirLock );
+ dfuse_entry_t *dir = inoRecursive( root, parent );
+ if ( dir != NULL ) {
+ if ( dir->img != NULL ) {
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOTDIR );
+ return;
+ }
+ dfuse_entry_t *entry = dirLookup( dir->child, name );
+ if ( entry != NULL ) {
+ struct fuse_entry_param e = { .ino = entry->ino };
+ entryToStat( entry, &e.attr );
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ fuse_reply_entry( req, &e );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ }
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOENT );
+struct dirbuf {
+ char *p;
+ size_t size;
+static void dirbuf_add( fuse_req_t req, struct dirbuf *b, const char *name, fuse_ino_t ino )
+ struct stat stbuf = { .st_ino = ino };
+ size_t oldsize = b->size;
+ b->size += fuse_add_direntry( req, NULL, 0, name, NULL, 0 );
+ b->p = ( char * ) realloc( b->p, b->size );
+ fuse_add_direntry( req, b->p + oldsize, b->size - oldsize, name, &stbuf, b->size );
+ return;
+static int reply_buf_limited( fuse_req_t req, const char *buf, size_t bufsize, off_t off, size_t maxsize )
+ if ( off >= 0 && off < (off_t)bufsize ) {
+ return fuse_reply_buf( req, buf + off, MIN( bufsize - off, maxsize ) );
+ }
+ return fuse_reply_buf( req, NULL, 0 );
+static void ll_readdir(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino, size_t size, off_t off, struct fuse_file_info *fi UNUSED)
+ if ( ino != INO_ROOT ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EACCES );
+ } else {
+ struct dirbuf b;
+ memset( &b, 0, sizeof( b ) );
+ dirbuf_add( req, &b, ".", INO_ROOT );
+ dirbuf_add( req, &b, "..", INO_ROOT );
+ dirbuf_add( req, &b, NAME_CTRL, INO_CTRL );
+ dirbuf_add( req, &b, NAME_DIR, INO_DIR );
+ reply_buf_limited( req, b.p, b.size, off, size );
+ free( b.p );
+ }
+static void ll_getattr(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino, struct fuse_file_info *fi UNUSED)
+ struct stat stbuf = { .st_ino = 0 };
+ if ( !statInternal( ino, &stbuf ) ) {
+ mutex_lock( &dirLock );
+ dfuse_entry_t *entry = inoRecursive( root, ino );
+ if ( entry != NULL ) {
+ entryToStat( entry, &stbuf );
+ }
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ }
+ if ( stbuf.st_ino == 0 ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, ENOENT );
+ } else {
+ fuse_reply_attr( req, &stbuf, 0 );
+ }
+void ll_setattr(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino, struct stat *attr UNUSED, int to_set UNUSED, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
+ ll_getattr( req, ino, fi );
+void ll_release(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino UNUSED, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
+ if ( fi->fh != 0 ) {
+ cmdopen_t *handle = (cmdopen_t*)fi->fh;
+ image_release( handle->image );
+ mutex_lock( &dirLock );
+ handle->entry->refcount--;
+ mutex_unlock( &dirLock );
+ free( handle );
+ }
+ fuse_reply_err( req, 0 );
+static void uplinkCallback(void *data, uint64_t handle UNUSED, uint64_t start UNUSED, uint32_t length, const char *buffer)
+ fuse_req_t req = (fuse_req_t)data;
+ if ( buffer == NULL ) {
+ fuse_reply_err( req, EIO );
+ } else {
+ fuse_reply_buf( req, buffer, length );
+ }
+#define DUMP(key,type) logadd( LOG_DEBUG1, "FUSE: " #key ": " type, conn->key )
+void ll_init(void *userdata, struct fuse_conn_info *conn)
+ DUMP( capable, "%u" );
+ DUMP( congestion_threshold, "%u" );
+ DUMP( max_background, "%u" );
+ //DUMP( max_read, "%u" );
+ DUMP( max_readahead, "%u" );
+ DUMP( max_write, "%u" );
+ DUMP( want, "%u" );
+#undef DUMP
+/* map the implemented fuse operations */
+static struct fuse_lowlevel_ops fuseOps = {
+ .lookup = ll_lookup,
+ .getattr = ll_getattr,
+ .setattr = ll_setattr,
+ .readdir = ll_readdir,
+ .open = ll_open,
+ .release = ll_release,
+ .read = ll_read,
+ .write = ll_write,
+ .init = ll_init,
+ //.destroy = ll_destroy,
+bool dfuse_init(const char *opts, const char *dir)
+ int ex = INIT_NONE;
+ if ( !atomic_compare_exchange_strong( &initState, &ex, INIT_INPROGRESS ) ) {
+ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "Calling dfuse_init twice" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ mutex_init( &initLock, LOCK_FUSE_INIT );
+ mutex_lock( &initLock );
+ mutex_init( &dirLock, LOCK_FUSE_DIR );
+ clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &startupTime );
+ struct fuse_args args = FUSE_ARGS_INIT( 0, NULL );
+ fuse_opt_add_arg( &args, "dnbd3fs" ); // argv[0]
+ if ( opts != NULL ) {
+ fuse_opt_add_arg( &args, opts );
+ }
+ fuse_opt_add_arg( &args, "-odefault_permissions" );
+ fuse_opt_add_arg( &args, dir ); // last param is mount point
+ //
+ if ( fuse_parse_cmdline( &args, &fuseMountPoint, NULL, NULL ) == -1 ) {
+ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "FUSE: Error parsing command line" );
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ fuseChannel = fuse_mount( fuseMountPoint, &args );
+ if ( fuseChannel == NULL ) {
+ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "FUSE: Cannot mount to %s", dir );
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ fuseSession = fuse_lowlevel_new( &args, &fuseOps, sizeof( fuseOps ), NULL );
+ if ( fuseSession == NULL ) {
+ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "FUSE: Error initializing fuse session" );
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ fuse_session_add_chan( fuseSession, fuseChannel );
+ if ( 0 != thread_create( &fuseThreadId, NULL, &fuseMainLoop, (void *)NULL ) ) {
+ logadd( LOG_ERROR, "FUSE: Could not start thread" );
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ haveThread = true;
+ // Init OK
+ mutex_unlock( &initLock );
+ return true;
+ cleanupFuse();
+ fuse_opt_free_args( &args );
+ initState = INIT_SHUTDOWN;
+ mutex_unlock( &initLock );
+ return false;
+void dfuse_shutdown()
+ if ( initState == INIT_NONE )
+ return;
+ for ( ;; ) {
+ int ex = INIT_DONE;
+ if ( atomic_compare_exchange_strong( &initState, &ex, INIT_SHUTDOWN ) )
+ break; // OK, do the shutdown
+ if ( ex == INIT_INPROGRESS )
+ continue; // dfuse_init in progress, wait for mutex
+ // Wrong state
+ logadd( LOG_WARNING, "Called dfuse_shutdown without dfuse_init first" );
+ return;
+ }
+ logadd( LOG_INFO, "Shutting down fuse mainloop..." );
+ mutex_lock( &initLock );
+ if ( fuseSession != NULL ) {
+ fuse_session_exit( fuseSession );
+ }
+ if ( !haveThread ) {
+ cleanupFuse();
+ }
+ mutex_unlock( &initLock );
+ if ( haveThread ) {
+ logadd( LOG_DEBUG1, "FUSE: Sending USR1 to mainloop thread" );
+ pthread_kill( fuseThreadId, SIGUSR1 );
+ pthread_join( fuseThreadId, NULL );
+ }
+static void* fuseMainLoop(void *data UNUSED)
+ if ( !atomic_compare_exchange_strong( &initState, &ex, INIT_DONE ) ) {
+ logadd( LOG_WARNING, "FUSE: Unexpected state in fuseMainLoop: %d", ex );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ setThreadName( "fuse" );
+ logadd( LOG_INFO, "FUSE: Starting mainloop" );
+ fuse_session_loop_mt( fuseSession );
+ logadd( LOG_INFO, "FUSE: Left mainloop" );
+ mutex_lock( &initLock );
+ cleanupFuse();
+ mutex_unlock( &initLock );
+ return NULL;
+static void cleanupFuse()
+ if ( fuseChannel != NULL ) {
+ fuse_session_remove_chan( fuseChannel );
+ }
+ if ( fuseSession != NULL ) {
+ fuse_session_destroy( fuseSession );
+ fuseSession = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( fuseMountPoint != NULL && fuseChannel != NULL ) {
+ fuse_unmount( fuseMountPoint, fuseChannel );
+ }
+ fuseChannel = NULL;
+#endif // DNBD3_SERVER_FUSE