path: root/src/x.h
blob: 855a05c8c5c7ccd7c77c44a2c4865e4504c61b89 (plain) (tree)




#ifndef XRANDR_H
#define XRANDR_H

#include <QDebug>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QString>
#include <QRect>
#include <QSet>
#include <QSize>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>

namespace X
  class Mode;
  class Output;
  class Crtc;

  typedef QSet<RRMode>            ModeSet;
  typedef QSet<RRCrtc>            CrtcSet;
  typedef QSet<RROutput>          OutputSet;

  typedef QList<RRMode>           ModeList;
  typedef QList<RRCrtc>           CrtcList;
  typedef QList<RROutput>         OutputList;


  class Screen
    friend class Crtc;
    friend class Output;


    typedef QMap<RRMode,Mode>       ModeMap;
    typedef QMap<RRCrtc,Crtc>       CrtcMap;
    typedef QMap<RROutput,Output*>  OutputMap;

    int          applyChanges();
    void         createMode(
        unsigned int  resX,
        unsigned int  resY,
        unsigned long dotClock,
        unsigned int  hSyncStart,
        unsigned int  hSyncEnd,
        unsigned int  hTotal,
        unsigned int  vSyncStart,
        unsigned int  vSyncEnd,
        unsigned int  vTotal,
        QString       name);
    void         revertChanges();
    void         updateScreenResources();

    // Getters
    inline const  Display*            display() const {return _display;}
    inline const  XRRScreenResources* screenResources() const {return _screenResources;}
    inline const  ModeMap&            getModeMap() const {return _modeMap;}
    inline const  OutputMap&          getOutputMap() const {return _outputMap;}
    inline const  OutputList&         getConnectedOutputList() const {return _connectedOutputList;}

    // Singleton
    inline static Screen*             inst() {
        if (_instance == 0) _instance = new Screen();
        return _instance;


    static Screen *     _instance;
    Display*            _display;
    XRRScreenResources* _screenResources;
    ModeMap             _modeMap;
    CrtcMap             _crtcMap;
    OutputMap           _outputMap;

    OutputList          _connectedOutputList;


  struct XElement
    XElement(XID = 0);
    XID         _id;
    bool        _validity;
    inline XID  getID() const    {return _id;}
    inline XID  isValid() const  {return _validity;}


  struct Mode : public XElement
      Mode(XRRModeInfo* = NULL);

    // Xlib internal stuff
    QSize           _resolution;
    unsigned long   _dotClock;
    unsigned int    _hSyncStart;
    unsigned int    _hSyncEnd;
    unsigned int    _hTotal;
    unsigned int    _hSkew;
    unsigned int    _vSyncStart;
    unsigned int    _vSyncEnd;
    unsigned int    _vTotal;
    QString         _name;
    XRRModeFlags    _modeFlags;


  class Output : public XElement
    friend int  Screen::applyChanges();
    friend void Screen::revertChanges();

    typedef enum _State {
        Connected       = RR_Connected,
        Disconnected    = RR_Disconnected,
        Unknown         = RR_UnknownConnection
    } State;


    Output(XID, Screen*);

    /** Public interface to modify output settings.
     * This function is the only interface to the outside, which is able to
     * change something  in this object.
     * @param active    Indicates wheter the output shall be on or off.
     * @param mode      The mode wich is used for the output.
     * @param position  The position of the topleft corner on the screen.
     * @return          0 if the config passed teh sanity checks.
    int  changeConfiguration(bool active, XID mode, QPoint position);

    inline QString  getName() const         {return _name;}
    inline ModeSet  getModeSet() const      {return _modes;}
    inline RRMode   getPreferred() const    {return _preferred;}
    inline bool     isActive() const        {return !_crtcs.isEmpty();}
    inline bool     isConnected() const     {return _connection == Connected;}
    inline bool     isProjector() const     {return _isProjector;}
    inline bool     hasReliableEDID() const {return _hasReliableEDID;}


    Screen *_parent;

    // Indicates when the configuration was last set.
    Time _timestamp;

    // The current source CRTC for video data, or Disabled if the
    // output is not connected to any CRTC.
    RRCrtc _crtc;

    // UTF-8 encoded string designed to be presented to the
    // user to indicate which output this is. E.g. "S-Video" or "DVI".
    QString _name;

    // 'widthInMillimeters' and 'heightInMillimeters' report the physical
    // size of the displayed area. If unknown, or not really fixed (e.g.,
    // for a projector), these values are both zero.
    QSize _metricDimension;

    // Indicates whether the hardware was able to detect a
    // device connected to this output. If the hardware cannot determine
    // whether something is connected, it will set this to
    // UnknownConnection.
    State _connection;

//        // Contains the resulting subpixel order of the
//        // connected device to allow correct subpixel rendering.
//        SubpixelOrder _subpixel_order;

    // The list of CRTCs that this output may be connected to.
    // Attempting to connect this output to a different CRTC results in a
    // Match error.
    CrtcList _crtcs;

    // The list of outputs which may be simultaneously
    // connected to the same CRTC along with this output. Attempting to
    // connect this output with an output not in this list
    // results in a Match error.
    OutputList _clones;

    // The list of modes supported by this output. Attempting to
    // connect this output to a CRTC not using one of these modes results
    // in a Match error.
    ModeSet _modes;

    // The first 'num-preferred' modes in 'modes' are preferred by the
    // monitor in some way; for fixed-pixel devices, this would generally
    // indicate which modes match the resolution of the output device.
    RRMode _preferred;

    // Indicates wheter this is a beamer or not.
    bool _isProjector;

    // Indicates wheter the output received reliable data over the DDC.
    // The Display Data Channel, or DDC, is a collection of protocols for
    // digital communication between a computer display and a graphics
    // adapter that enable the display to communicate its supported display
    // modes to the adapter and that enable the computer host to adjust
    // monitor parameters, such as brightness and contrast.
    // Extended display identification data (EDID) is a data structure
    // provided by a digital display to describe its capabilities to a
    // video source.
    bool _hasReliableEDID;


  class Crtc : public XElement
    friend int  Screen::applyChanges();
    friend void Screen::revertChanges();
    friend int  Output::changeConfiguration(bool active, XID mode, QPoint position);
    //friend int  Output::changeConfiguration(bool active, XID mode, QPoint position);


    Crtc(XID, Screen*);

    // Getter
    inline const OutputList &   getConnectedOutputs( ) { return _outputs; }
    inline const QRect          getRect() { return _crtcRect; }

    // Setter

    // Applies the changes made to this crtc
//        int applyChanges();
//        void disable();
//        void connect(const Output *, Mode);


    Screen *_parent;

    // Indicates when the configuration was last set.
    Time _timestamp;

    // 'x' and 'y' indicate the position of this CRTC within the screen
    // region. They will be set to 0 when the CRTC is disabled.
    // 'width' and 'height' indicate the size of the area within the screen
    // presented by this CRTC. This may be different than the size of the
    // mode due to rotation, the projective transform, and the Border
    // property described below.
    // They will be set to 0 when the CRTC is disabled.
    QRect _crtcRect;

    // Indicates which mode is active, or None indicating that the
    // CRTC has been disabled and is not displaying the screen contents.
    RRMode _mode;

    // The list of outputs currently connected to this CRTC,
    // is empty when the CRTC is disabled.
    OutputList _outputs;

    // Lists all of the outputs which may be connected to this CRTC.
    OutputList _possible;

    // The active rotation. Set to Rotate_0 when the CRTC is disabled.
    Rotation _rotation;
    //  enum Rotation {
    //      Normal      = RR_Rotate_0,
    //      Left        = RR_Rotate_270,
    //      Right       = RR_Rotate_90,
    //      UpsideDown  = RR_Rotate_180
    //  };

    // contains the set of rotations and reflections supported by the CRTC
    Rotation _rotations;

#endif // XRANDR_H