path: root/src/main.cpp
diff options
authorManuel Schneider2014-04-09 19:44:28 +0200
committerManuel Schneider2014-04-09 19:44:28 +0200
commit141451ea9f34d71d4255f323492cb463d96dd865 (patch)
treef3da5656e3dd393431fbcf9d78dcc810261bc36b /src/main.cpp
parent[beamergui] Removed the need of a configfile in beamergui, because it is hand... (diff)
[beamergui] Several changes
+ mouse position will be centered after changing the resolution. + fixed the bug with the positioning of the gui + fixed curious X async bug + deleted a lot of crap and old debug statements + current resolution will be highlighted
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 6a5fa7c..7c2daab 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -1,330 +1,15 @@
// Copyright 2013, University of Freiburg,
// Author: Manuel Schneider <ms1144>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication> // for Qt4
#include "widget.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- //if (argc != 2) {
- // std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <config file>" << std::endl;
- //} else {
- // // Check if file exists
- // std::ifstream f(argv[1]);
- // if (!f) {
- // std::cerr << "The config file does not exist." << std::endl;
- // exit(1);
- // }
- // else
- // f.close();
- //}
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Widget w;;
return a.exec();
-////////////////////////////////////////// CODE MÜLLEIMER
- // eine datei
-//Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) :
-// QWidget(parent),
-// ui(new Ui::Widget)
-// ui->setupUi(this);
-// for (std::vector<Output>::iterator i = DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().begin();
-// i != DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().end();
-// ++i)
-// {
-// qDebug() << "EDID?" << ( (*i).hasEDID() ? "true" : "false");
-// qDebug() << "Proj?" << ( (*i).isProjector() ? "true" : "false");
-// qDebug() << "Current?"
-// << DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution((*i).getCurrentMode()).width
-// << DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution((*i).getCurrentMode()).height;
-// Resolution res;
-// if ((*i).getPreferredMode())
-// qDebug() << "Preferred?"
-// << DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution((*i).getPreferredMode()).width
-// << DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution((*i).getPreferredMode()).height;
-// QSet<RRMode> modes = (*i).getSupportedModes();
-// for ( QSet<RRMode>::iterator i = modes.begin(); i != modes.end(); ++i )
-// {
-// qDebug() << "---- "
-// << DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution(*i).width
-// << DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution(*i).height;
-// }
-// }
-// switch ( DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().size() ){
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// case 1:// In case of one connected output - xrandr --auto
-// qDebug() << "Normal output";
-// exit(0);
-// break;
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// case 2: // In case of two connected outputs
-// /*********************************************************************/
-// // If one of the two connected outputs is a beamer
-// if ( true)//DisplayManager::Inst()->isProjectorConnected() )
-// {
-// /*
-// Here the usecases have to be listed theoretically there are two
-// in this case. 2 Projectors, 1 projectors and on monitor. Only the
-// latter is asumed here.
-// */
-// // Remember which one is the projector
-// int ProjectorIndex;
-// DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().at(0).isProjector()
-// ? ProjectorIndex = 0 : ProjectorIndex = 0;
-// /*****************************************************************/
-// // If the beamer transmits reliable EDID data.
-// if( DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().at(ProjectorIndex).hasEDID() )
-// {
-// // Now we can assume that the preferred mode of the projector to be correnct
-// // to be correct.
-// // Get the AR of the beamer
-// Resolution res;
-// if ( DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().at(ProjectorIndex).getPreferredMode() )
-// fprintf(stderr, "Beamer has EDID but no preferred mode.");
-// float AR = res.width/res.height;
-// QSet<RRMode> BeamerModes =
-// DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().at(ProjectorIndex).getSupportedModes();
-// QSet<RRMode> MonitorModes =
-// DisplayManager::Inst()->getConnectedOutputs().at(1-ProjectorIndex).getSupportedModes();
-// QSet<RRMode> CommonModes = BeamerModes.unite(MonitorModes);
-// CommonModes.intersect(BeamerModes);
-// CommonModes.intersect(MonitorModes);
-// // Fill treewidget with data from cups dests;
-// for ( QSet<RRMode>::iterator i = CommonModes.begin(); i != CommonModes.end(); ++i )
-// {
-// char * ModeString;
-// sprintf(ModeString, "%dx%d",
-// DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution(*i).width,
-// DisplayManager::Inst()->getResolution(*i).height
-// );
-// qDebug() << ModeString;
-// ui->comboBox->addItem(ModeString, QVariant((unsigned long long int)*i));
-// }
-// }
-// /*****************************************************************/
-// // If the beamer DOES NOT transmits reliable EDID data.
-// else
-// {
-// qDebug() << "beamer output no reliable EDID ";
-// configureWidgetForBeamerWithEDID();
-// }
-// /*****************************************************************/
-// }
-// /*********************************************************************/
-// // If NEITHER of the outputs is a beamer (likely dualscreen setup)
-// else
-// {
-// // Just apply preferred settings
-// qDebug() << "dualscreen output";
-// }
-// break;
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// default:
-// // If there are more than 3 outputs
-// // its up to the user. Quit.
-// exit(0);
-// break;
-// }
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// //Remove borders and stuff
-// setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
-// // QSet<RRMode> outputs0, outputs1;
-// // for (int i = 0; i < XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[0]->nmode; ++i)
-// // outputs0.insert(XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[0]->modes[i]);
-// // for (int i = 0; i < XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[1]->nmode; ++i)
-// // outputs1.insert(XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[1]->modes[i]);
-// // outputs0.intersect(outputs1);
-// // // Fill treewidget with data from cups dests;
-// // for ( QSet<RRMode>::iterator it = outputs0.begin(); it != outputs0.end(); ++it )
-// // {
-// // qDebug() << *it;
-// // qDebug() << XManager::Inst()->getModeMap()[*it];
-// // ui->comboBox->addItem(XManager::Inst()->getModeMap().at(*it), (unsigned long long int)*it);
-// // }
-// // // Fill treewidget with data from cups dests;
-// // for ( map<XID, char *>::iterator it = XManager::Inst()->getModeMap().begin(); it != XManager::Inst()->getModeMap().end(); ++it )
-// // {
-// // qDebug() << it->first ;
-// //// qDebug() << XManager::getInstance()->getModeMap()[*it];
-// //// ui->comboBox->addItem(XManager::getInstance()->getModeMap().at(*it), (unsigned long long int)*it);
-// // }
-// // Resize widget to its content
-// resize(sizeHint());
-// // Center dialog on screenbottom
-// const QRect desktopRect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();
-// this->move( desktopRect.width()/2-this->width()/2,
-// desktopRect.height()-this->height());
-// }
-// Widget::~Widget()
-// {
-// delete ui;
-// }
-// void Widget::configureWidgetForBeamerWithEDID()
-// {
-// }
-// void Widget::configureWidgetForBeamerWithOUTEDID()
-// {
-// }
- // eine andre datei
-//Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) :
-// QWidget(parent),
-// ui(new Ui::Widget)
-// ui->setupUi(this);
-// X11::XManager * XM = X11::XManager::getInstance();
-// switch ( XM->getOutputInfos().size() ){
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// case 1:// In case of one connected output - xrandr --auto
-// qDebug() << "Normal output";
-// exit(0);
-// break;
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// case 2: // In case of two connected outputs
-// /*********************************************************************/
-// // If one of the two connected outputs is a beamer
-// if ( true ) //( XM->getOutputInfos()[0]->mm_width == 0 && XM->getOutputInfos()[0]->mm_height == 0 )
-// // || ( XM->getOutputInfos()[1]->mm_width == 0 && XM->getOutputInfos()[1]->mm_height == 0 ) )
-// {
-// /*****************************************************************/
-// // If the beamer transmits reliable EDID data.
-// if( isReliableEDIDpresent() )
-// {
-// qDebug() << "beamer output reliable EDID ";
-// configureWidgetForBeamerWithEDID();
-// }
-// /*****************************************************************/
-// // If the beamer DOES NOT transmits reliable EDID data.
-// else
-// {
-// qDebug() << "beamer output no reliable EDID ";
-// configureWidgetForBeamerWithEDID();
-// }
-// /*****************************************************************/
-// }
-// /*********************************************************************/
-// // If NEITHER of the outputs is a beamer (likely dualscreen setup)
-// else
-// {
-// // Just apply preferred settings
-// qDebug() << "dualscreen output";
-// }
-// break;
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// default:
-// // If there are more than 3 outputs
-// // its up to the user. Quit.
-// exit(0);
-// break;
-// }
-// /*************************************************************************/
-// Remove borders and stuff
-// setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
-// QSet<RRMode> outputs0, outputs1;
-// for (int i = 0; i < XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[0]->nmode; ++i)
-// outputs0.insert(XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[0]->modes[i]);
-// for (int i = 0; i < XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[1]->nmode; ++i)
-// outputs1.insert(XManager::Inst()->getOutputInfos()[1]->modes[i]);
-// outputs0.intersect(outputs1);
-// // Fill treewidget with data from cups dests;
-// for ( QSet<RRMode>::iterator it = outputs0.begin(); it != outputs0.end(); ++it )
-// {
-// qDebug() << *it;
-// qDebug() << XManager::Inst()->getModeMap()[*it];
-// ui->comboBox->addItem(XManager::Inst()->getModeMap().at(*it), (unsigned long long int)*it);
-// }
-// // Fill treewidget with data from cups dests;
-// for ( map<XID, char *>::iterator it = XManager::Inst()->getModeMap().begin(); it != XManager::Inst()->getModeMap().end(); ++it )
-// {
-// qDebug() << it->first ;
-//// qDebug() << XManager::getInstance()->getModeMap()[*it];
-//// ui->comboBox->addItem(XManager::getInstance()->getModeMap().at(*it), (unsigned long long int)*it);
-// }
-// // Resize widget to its content
-// resize(sizeHint());
-// // Center dialog on screenbottom
-// const QRect desktopRect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();
-// this->move( desktopRect.width()/2-this->width()/2,
-// desktopRect.height()-this->height());