* @class ndgui
* @brief the GUI.
* This class is responsible for creating and displaying the user interface.
* It also connects the webView via QWebBridge to javascript functions inside the html files.
#include "ndgui.h"
#include "javascriptinterfacendgui.h"
#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
#include "qlog4cxx.h"
using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
LoggerPtr ndLogger(Logger::getLogger("fbgui.nd"));
* constructor
ndgui::ndgui() :
agui() {
* destructor
ndgui::~ndgui() {
delete _allowUserChoice;
delete _networkDiscovery;
* @brief initialize all variables and prepare everything for a successful run
void ndgui::init() {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "Initializing ndgui...");
_started = false;
_networkDiscovery = new NetworkDiscovery();
_jsi = new JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI(_webView->page()->mainFrame(), _networkDiscovery);
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(abortBoot(QString)), _jsi,
SLOT(abortBoot(const QString)));
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(updateStatus(QString)), _jsi,
SLOT(updateStatus(const QString&)));
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(addInterface(const QString &)), _jsi,
SLOT(addInterface( const QString &)));
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(updateIfStatus(QString,QString)), _jsi,
SLOT(updateIfStatus(const QString &, const QString &)));
SIGNAL(changeProgressBarValue(const QString & , const int& )),
_jsi, SLOT(updateIfProgressBar(const QString & , const int&)));
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(allProcessesFinished(bool)), this,
connect(_jsi, SIGNAL(startFbgui(const QString&)), this,
SLOT(continueBoot(const QString&)));
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(continueBootWithoutCheck(QString )),
this, SLOT(continueBootWithoutCheck(QString)));
connect(_webView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(
javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), _jsi, SLOT(attachToDOM()));
connect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(startNetworkDiscovery()));
if (debugMode > -1) {
} else {
* @brief Add actions
* Add actions which you can trigger with the F5 and F9 Button.
void ndgui::addActions() {
_allowUserChoice = new QAction(tr("&userChoice"), this);
connect(_allowUserChoice, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this->_networkDiscovery, SLOT(activateUserChoice()));
_tryAgain = new QAction(tr("&tryAgain"), this);
connect(_tryAgain, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(tryAgain()));
* @brief start the network discovery
* main starting point of the whole procedure.
* disconnect the loadFinished signal with the startNetworkDiscovery
* and starts the networkDiscovery.
void ndgui::startNetworkDiscovery() {
if (!_started) {
_started = true;
} else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "NetworkDiscovery already started");
* @brief determines if we continue the boot sequence or if we show the chooseInterface or abortBoot dialog
* if we have a user choice (_userChoice = true) than networkDiscovery will
* emit a allProcessesFinished signal if all processes are done.
* This method determines if user will see an abort boot dialog (no interface names in
* the ifNameList list) or an
* choose interface dialog (one or more interface names in the list (add with
* handleConnectionEstablished)).
void ndgui::handleAllProcessesFinished(bool userChoice) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "all Processes finished");
QList<QString> ifConnectedList = _networkDiscovery->getIfConnectedList();
if (ifConnectedList.size() > 0) {
if (userChoice) {
} else {
foreach(QString i, ifConnectedList)
if (_networkDiscovery->checkConnectivity(i)) {
} else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " No usable interfaces found!: " << _networkDiscovery->getErrorStr());
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " list is empty");
_jsi->abortBoot("No usable interfaces found!" + _networkDiscovery->getErrorStr());
* @brief continue the boot sequence
* represents the end of the NetworkDiscovery life time.
* will start the fbgui screen. All networkDiscovery signals
* will be ignored after this point.
void ndgui::continueBoot(const QString& ifName) {
if (_networkDiscovery->checkConnectivity(ifName)) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " continue with interface: " << ifName);
gInterfaceName = ifName;
emit initFbgui();
} else {
_jsi->abortBoot("Interface was suddenly made unusable. Please check the log and try again.");
* @brief continue the boot sequence without further checking if the connection is still possible.
void ndgui::continueBootWithoutCheck(QString ifName) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " continue with interface: " << ifName);
gInterfaceName = ifName;
emit initFbgui();
* @brief crashes everything :)
void ndgui::tryAgain() {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " try again ");
delete _allowUserChoice;
delete _networkDiscovery;