path: root/core/rootfs/rootfs-kernel/
blob: 0ac57b6fb9f33c872df00d3447a1316c7f3dfa85 (plain) (tree)

fetch_source() {

build() {

post_copy() {
	# first copy kernel

	# now copy all the firmware and kernel modules
	# to preserve the build environment, we copy instead of moving
	mkdir -p "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/lib"
	rsync -aAXv "${KERNEL_BASE_DIR}/lib/firmware" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/lib" || \
		perror "Failed to copy firmware to '${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/lib'."
	rsync -aAXv "${KERNEL_BASE_DIR}/lib/modules" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/lib" || \
		perror "Failed to copy kernel modules to '${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/lib'."

	# NOTE: if symlinks are present in ./lib/modules/<version>/kernel, they
	# are likely pointing to mltk's kernel work dir, thus unusable in live
	# systems. We just delete those for now.
	for LINK in "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/lib/modules/${TARGET_KERNEL_LONG}/"{build,source}; do
		if [ -h "${LINK}" ]; then
			pinfo "Removing '${LINK}' as it won't point to a valid path on live systems."
			unlink "${LINK}" || perror "Failed to unlink '${LINK}'."