path: root/core/modules/qemu/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/plugins/qemukvm/run-virt.include
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/modules/qemu/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/plugins/qemukvm/run-virt.include')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/core/modules/qemu/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/plugins/qemukvm/run-virt.include b/core/modules/qemu/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/plugins/qemukvm/run-virt.include
index a483c637..e497dda2 100644
--- a/core/modules/qemu/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/plugins/qemukvm/run-virt.include
+++ b/core/modules/qemu/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/plugins/qemukvm/run-virt.include
@@ -22,58 +22,12 @@ declare -rg QEMU_INCLUDE_DIR="${QEMU_PLUGIN_DIR}/includes"
# Define which features the QEMU plugin supports
declare -rg PLUGIN_FEATURES="firewall printer usb slxfloppy sound netshares"
-# Function to parse an option's value from the kernel command line
-# Parameter 1: name of the kernel command line option
-# Return : value of the kernel command line option
-function parse_kcl_option() {
- grep -o "\b${1}=[^ ]*" /proc/cmdline | cut -d '=' -f 2
-# Function to parse VFIO PCI-IDs from the kernel command line
-# Return : PCI-IDs of the kernel command line as space separated string
-function parse_kcl_pci_ids() {
- local passthrough_pci_ids="$(parse_kcl_option "vfio-pci.ids")"
- echo "${passthrough_pci_ids}" | tr ',' ' '
-# Function to get state of passthrough
-# Return : 0 (true) if passthrough is enabled, otherwise 1 (false)
-function passthrough_enabled() {
- local passthrough_iommu="$(parse_kcl_option "iommu")"
- if [ "${passthrough_iommu}" == "pt" ]; then
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- fi
-# Function to check validitiy of the passthrough configuration
-# Return : 0 (true) if passthrough is configured properly, otherwise 1 (false)
-function passthrough_check() {
- local passthrough_iommu_intel="$(parse_kcl_option "intel_iommu")"
- local passthrough_iommu_amd="$(parse_kcl_option "amd_iommu")"
- if [ "${passthrough_iommu_intel}" != "on" ] && [ "${passthrough_iommu_amd}" != "on" ]; then
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
-# Function to get PCI address of a PCI device specified by its vendor and product ID
-# Parameter 1: vendor and product ID with the following pattern: "<VENDOR ID>:<PRODUCT ID>"
-# Return : PCI address of the specified PCI device of form "<PCI DOMAIN>:<PCI DEVICE>:<PCI DEVICE>.<PCI FUNCTION>"
-function passthrough_lookup_pci_address() {
- local passthrough_pci_addresses="$(lspci -n -D -d "${1}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
- passthrough_pci_addresses=($(echo "${passthrough_pci_addresses}" | tr '\n' ' '))
- if [ "${#passthrough_pci_addresses[@]}" -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "${passthrough_pci_addresses[0]}"
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- fi
run_plugin() {
+ # include kernel command line utils and functions
+ $(safesource "${QEMU_INCLUDE_DIR}/")
+ # include PCI passthrough utils and functions
+ $(safesource "${QEMU_INCLUDE_DIR}/")
# setup RW image access for operation
local vm_diskfile
if notempty VM_DISKFILE_RO; then
@@ -86,28 +40,8 @@ run_plugin() {
- # setup GPU passthrough if passthrough is enabled
- if passthrough_enabled; then
- # check if passthrough is configured properly
- if ! passthrough_check; then
- return 1;
- fi
- # parse PCI-IDs from the kernel command line
- local passthrough_pci_ids=($(parse_kcl_pci_ids))
- # lookup PCI address of each specified PCI-ID
- local device_pci_address
- local pt_gpu_pci_ids
- for device_vendor_id in "${passthrough_pci_ids[@]}"; do
- device_pci_address="$(passthrough_lookup_pci_address "${device_vendor_id}")"
- if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ]; then
- pt_gpu_pci_ids+=("${device_vendor_id},${device_pci_address}")
- else
- writelog "Failed to lookup PCI address for '${device_vendor_id}'"
- fi
- done
- fi
+ # setup GPU passthrough and obtain PCI addresses and IDs if passthrough is enabled
+ local pt_gpu_pci_ids=($(passthrough_pci_setup))
# write finalized config in debug mode to temporary folder for debugging purposes
if [ "${DEBUG}" = "true" ]; then