path: root/public/media/js/jquery.keyboard.js
diff options
authorSimon2011-04-19 22:25:43 +0200
committerSimon2011-04-19 22:25:43 +0200
commit42c3b8fcf253406677811ec0631e77ff628bdae7 (patch)
tree6464b751a67d31ddd5a83e53fee25414ad9f76ef /public/media/js/jquery.keyboard.js
parentTicket #230 - BootIso heißt nun BootMedium (diff)
Ticket #226 - Tastatur wurde ersetzt, funktioniert nun auch mit verschiedenen TstaturLayouts
Diffstat (limited to 'public/media/js/jquery.keyboard.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 963 deletions
diff --git a/public/media/js/jquery.keyboard.js b/public/media/js/jquery.keyboard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a286079..0000000
--- a/public/media/js/jquery.keyboard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
-jQuery UI Virtual Keyboard
-Version 1.7.3
-Author: Jeremy Satterfield
-Modified: Rob G (Mottie on github)
-Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
-Caret code from jquery.caret.1.02.js
-Licensed under the MIT License:
-An on-screen virtual keyboard embedded within the browser window which
-will popup when a specified entry field is focused. The user can then
-type and preview their input before Accepting or Canceling.
-As a plugin to jQuery UI styling and theme will automatically
-match that used by jQuery UI with the exception of the required
-CSS listed below.
- jQuery
- jQuery UI (this version no longer requires the widget factory)
- $('input[type=text], input[type=password], textarea')
- .keyboard({
- layout:"qwerty",
- customLayout:
- [["q w e r t y {bksp}","Q W E R T Y {bksp}"],
- ["s a m p l e {shift}","S A M P L E {shift}"],
- ["{accept} {space} {cancel}","{accept} {space} {cancel}"]]
- });
- layout
- [String] specify which keyboard layout to use
- qwerty - Standard QWERTY layout (Default)
- international - US international layout
- alpha - Alphabetical layout
- dvorak - Dvorak Simplified layout
- num - Numerical (ten-key) layout
- custom - Uses a custom layout as defined by the customLayout option
- customLayout
- [Array] Specify a custom layout
- An Array of arrays.
- Each internal array is a new keyboard row.
- Each internal array can contain one to four rows (default, shifted, alt and alt-shift... respectively).
- String elements (Lower case and Upper case, alt lower case and alt-upper case respectively).
- Each string element must have each character or key seperated by a space.
- In the list below where two special/"Action" keys are shown, both keys have the same action but different appearances.
- Special/"Action" keys include:
- {a}, {accept} - Updates element value and closes keyboard
- {alt},{altgr} - AltGr for International keyboard
- {b}, {bksp} - Backspace
- {c}, {cancel} - Clears changes and closes keyboard
- {clear} - Clear input window - used in num pad
- {dec} - Decimal for numeric entry, only allows one decimal (optional use in num pad)
- {e}, {enter} - Return/New Line
- {s}, {shift} - Shift/Capslock
- {sign} - Change sign of numeric entry (positive or negative)
- {sp:#} - Replace # with a numerical value, adds blank space, value of 1 ~ width of one key
- {space} - Spacebar
- {t}, {tab} - Tab
- .ui-keyboard { padding: .3em; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 16000; }
- .ui-keyboard div { font-size: 1.1em; }
- .ui-keyboard-button { height: 2em; width: 2em; margin: .1em; }
- .ui-keyboard-widekey { width: 4em; }
- .ui-keyboard-space { width: 15em; }
- .ui-keyboard-preview { width: 100%; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 3px; }
- .ui-keyboard-keyset { text-align: center; }
- .ui-keyboard-input { text-align: left; }
- .ui-keyboard-overlay { height: 100%; width: 100%; background: transparent; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 15999; }
- $.keyboard = function(el, options){
- var base = this;
- // Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element
- base.$el = $(el);
- base.el = el;
- // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
- base.$"keyboard", base);
- base.init = function(){
- base.options = $.extend(true, {}, $.keyboard.defaultOptions, options);
- // Shift and Alt key toggles
- base.shiftActive = false;
- base.altActive = false;
- base.metaActive = false;
- // true if a layout has more than one keyset - used for mousewheel message
- base.sets = false;
- // Class names of the basic key set - meta keysets are handled by the keyname
- base.rows = ['ui-keyboard-keyset-default', 'ui-keyboard-keyset-shift', 'ui-keyboard-keyset-alt', 'ui-keyboard-keyset-alt-shift' ];
- base.acceptedKeys = [];
- base.msie = $.browser.msie;
- base.inPlaceholder = base.$el.attr('placeholder') || '';
- base.watermark = (typeof(document.createElement('input').placeholder) !== 'undefined' && base.inPlaceholder !== ''); // html 5 placeholder/watermark
- // Bind events
- $.each('visible change hidden canceled accepted'.split(' '), function(i,o){
- if ($.isFunction(base.options[o])){
- base.$el.bind(o, base.options[o]);
- }
- });
- // Close with esc key & clicking outside
- $(document).bind('mousedown keyup', function(e){
- if (base.isVisible && ( e.type === 'mousedown' || (e.type === 'keyup' && e.which === 27) )){
- base.escClose(e);
- }
- });
- // Display keyboard on focus
- base.$el
- .addClass('ui-keyboard-input ui-widget-content ui-corner-all')
- .attr({ 'aria-haspopup' : 'true', 'role' : 'textbox' })
- .bind('focus', function(){
- if (!base.isVisible) {
- base.reveal();
- setTimeout(function(){ base.$preview.focus(); }, 100); // needed for Opera
- }
- });
- if (!base.watermark && base.$el.val() === '' && base.$el.attr('placeholder') !== '') {
- base.$el
- .addClass('placeholder') // css watermark style (darker text)
- .val( base.inPlaceholder );
- }
- };
- base.reveal = function(){
- // close all keyboards
- $('.ui-keyboard').hide();
- // build keyboard if it doesn't exist
- if (typeof(base.$keyboard) === 'undefined') { base.startup(); }
- // clear watermark
- if (!base.watermark && base.el.value === base.inPlaceholder) {
- base.$el
- .removeClass('placeholder')
- .val('');
- }
- // save starting content, in case we cancel
- base.originalContent = base.$el.val();
- base.$preview.val( base.originalContent );
- // show & position keyboard
- base.$keyboard
- // position and show the keyboard before positioning (required for UI position utility)
- .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0 })
- .show()
- .position({
- // get single target position || target stored in element data (multiple targets) || default, at the element
- of: base.options.position.of || base.$'keyboardPosition') || base.$el,
- my:,
- at:,
- collision: 'fit'
- });
- // adjust keyboard preview window width
- base.$preview
- .css('width', ((base.msie) ? base.$keyboard.width() : '100%' )) // IE thinks 100% means across the screen
- .focus();
- base.isVisible = true;
- base.checkDecimal();
- // IE caret haxx0rs
- if (base.msie){
- // ensure caret is at the end of the text (needed for IE)
- var caret = base.$preview.val().length;
- base.$preview.caret(caret, caret);
- // Add overlay under the keyboard to prevent clicking in and not opening a new keyboard while one is open
- $('<div class="ui-keyboard-overlay"></div>')
- .click(function(){
- $(this).remove();
- base.close();
- })
- .appendTo('body');
- }
- base.$el.trigger( 'visible', base.$el );
- return base;
- };
- base.startup = function(){
- base.$keyboard = base.buildKeyboard();
- base.$allKeys = base.$keyboard.find('.ui-keyboard-button');
- base.$preview = base.$keyboard.find('.ui-keyboard-preview');
- base.preview = base.$preview[0];
- base.$decBtn = base.$keyboard.find('.ui-keyboard-dec');
- base.wheel = $.isFunction( $.fn.mousewheel ); // is mousewheel plugin loaded?
- base.$preview
- .keypress(function(e){
- // restrict input
- if (base.options.restrictInput) {
- var k = (!e.charCode) ? String.fromCharCode(e.which) : String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
- if (base.acceptedKeysStr.indexOf(k) === -1) { e.preventDefault(); }
- }
- })
- .bind('keyup', function(e){
- switch (e.which) {
- // Insert tab key
- case 9 :
- // Added a flag to prevent from tabbing into an input, keyboard opening, then adding the tab to the keyboard preview
- // area on keyup. Sadly it still happens if you don't release the tab key immediately because keydown event auto-repeats
- if ( {
- = false;
- }
- break;
- // Escape will hide the keyboard
- case 27:
- base.close();
- break;
- }
- base.$el.trigger( 'change', base.$el );
- })
- .bind('keydown', function(e){
- switch (e.which) {
- // prevent tab key from leaving the preview window
- case 9 :
- = true; // see keyup comment above
- e.preventDefault(); // Opera ignores this =(
- break;
- case 13:
- // Accept content - shift-enter
- if (e.shiftKey) {
- base.close(true);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- case 86:
- // prevent ctrl-v
- if (e.ctrlKey) {
- if (base.options.preventPaste) { e.preventDefault(); return; }
- base.$preview.val( base.checkCombos(base.$preview.val())[0] ); // check pasted content
- }
- break;
- }
- });
- // If preventing paste, block context menu (right click)
- if (base.options.preventPaste){
- base.$preview.bind('contextmenu', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
- base.$el.bind('contextmenu', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
- }
- base.$keyboard.appendTo('body');
- base.$allKeys
- .bind(base.options.keyBinding, function(e){
- // 'key', { action: doAction, original: n, curTxt : n, curNum: 0 }
- var txt, key = $.data(this, 'key'), action = key.action.split(':')[0];
- if (action.match('meta')) { action = 'meta'; }
- if (base.keyaction.hasOwnProperty(action)) {
- base.keyaction[action](this);
- } else if (typeof key.action !== 'undefined') {
- txt = (base.wheel && !$(this).is('.ui-keyboard-actionkey')) ? key.curTxt : key.action;
- base.insertText(txt);
- }
- base.$el.trigger( 'change', base.$el );
- base.$preview.focus();
- e.preventDefault();
- })
- // Change hover class and tooltip
- .bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e){
- var el = this, $this = $(this),
- // 'key' = { action: doAction, original: n, curTxt : n, curNum: 0 }
- key = $.data(el, 'key');
- if (e.type === 'mouseenter' && base.el.type !== 'password' ){
- $this
- .addClass('ui-state-hover')
- .attr('title', function(i,t){
- // show mouse wheel message
- return (base.wheel && t === '' && base.sets) ? base.options.wheelMessage : t;
- });
- }
- if (e.type === 'mouseleave'){
- key.curTxt = key.original;
- key.curNum = 0;
- $.data(el, 'key', key);
- $this
- .removeClass( (base.el.type === 'password') ? '' : 'ui-state-hover') // needed or IE flickers really bad
- .attr('title', function(i,t){ return (t === base.options.wheelMessage) ? '' : t; })
- .val( key.original ); // restore original button text
- }
- })
- // Allow mousewheel to scroll through other key sets of the same key
- .bind('mousewheel', function(e, delta){
- if (base.wheel) {
- var txt, $this = $(this), key = $.data(this, 'key');
- txt = key.layers || base.getLayers( $this );
- key.curNum += (delta > 0) ? -1 : 1;
- if (key.curNum > txt.length-1) { key.curNum = 0; }
- if (key.curNum < 0) { key.curNum = txt.length-1; }
- key.layers = txt;
- key.curTxt = txt[key.curNum];
- $.data(this, 'key', key);
- $this.val( txt[key.curNum] );
- return false;
- }
- })
- .bind('mouseup', function(e){
- base.$preview.focus();
- });
- if (base.$decBtn.length) {
- base.${
- base.checkDecimal();
- });
- }
- };
- base.insertText = function(txt){
- var i, t,
- caret = base.$preview.caret().start,
- prevw = base.$preview.val(),
- len = prevw.length;
- if (base.msie && caret > 0) {
- // silly IE hacks... it still messes up with in a text area with lots of carriage returns (in Opera too)
- t = caret;
- i = t - 1;
- // count how many enters there are before the caret and subtract that from the caret position
- if (caret < len){
- while (i--) {
- if (prevw.substring(i - 1, i) === '\n') { caret -= 1; }
- }
- }
- // if the content ends in a return, adjust the caret
- if (prevw.slice(-1) === '\n' && t === len - 1) { caret += 1; }
- }
- if (txt === 'bksp') {
- // backspace
- t = [prevw.substring(0, caret-1) + prevw.substring(caret, len)];
- caret -= 1;
- } else {
- // inject text at caret
- prevw = prevw.substring(0, caret) + txt + prevw.substring(caret, len);
- t = base.checkCombos(prevw); // t = [ text, length change ];
- caret += t[1] + txt.length;
- }
- base.$preview
- .val(t[0])
- .caret(caret, caret); // move caret to correct position
- // set scrollTop to 0 if caret is in the first 1/2 of content, it'll have to do =/
- base.preview.scrollTop = (caret > len/2) ? base.preview.scrollHeight : 0;
- return base;
- };
- base.showKeySet = function(el){
- var key, toShow;
- base.$keyboard.find('.ui-keyboard-actionkey[name*=key_meta]').removeClass('ui-state-active');
- if (base.metaActive) {
- key ='_')[1];
- base.$keyboard
- .find('.ui-keyboard-alt, .ui-keyboard-shift, .ui-keyboard-actionkey[class*=meta]').removeClass('ui-state-active').end()
- .find('.ui-keyboard-actionkey.ui-keyboard-' + key).addClass('ui-state-active').end()
- .find('.ui-keyboard-keyset').hide().end()
- .find('.ui-keyboard-keyset-' + key ).show();
- } else {
- toShow = (base.shiftActive) ? 1 : 0;
- toShow += (base.altActive) ? 2 : 0;
- base.$keyboard
- .find('.ui-keyboard-alt')[(base.altActive) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ui-state-active').end()
- .find('.ui-keyboard-shift')[(base.shiftActive) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ui-state-active').end()
- .find('.ui-keyboard-keyset').hide().end()
- .find('.' + base.rows[toShow]).show();
- }
- };
- // check for key combos (dead keys)
- base.checkCombos = function(txt){
- var i, s = txt.length, t;
- if (base.options.useCombos) {
- // keep 'a' and 'o' in the regex for ae and oe ligature (æ,œ)
- // thanks to KennyTM:
- txt = txt.replace(/([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/ig, function(s, accent, letter){
- return (base.options.combos.hasOwnProperty(accent)) ? base.options.combos[accent][letter] || s : s;
- });
- }
- // check restrictions - to do: figure out how to check this on keydown
- if (base.options.restrictInput) {
- t = txt.split('');
- for (i=0; i<s; i++){
- if ($.inArray( t[i], base.acceptedKeys ) < 0) { txt = txt.replace(t[i], ''); }
- }
- }
- // check max length too!
- if (base.options.maxLength !== false && txt.length > base.options.maxLength) { txt = txt.substring(0, base.options.maxLength); }
- return [ txt, txt.length - s ]; // return new text and change in length
- };
- // Decimal button for num pad - only allow one (not used by default)
- base.checkDecimal = function(){
- if (/\./.test(base.$decBtn.closest('.ui-keyboard').find('.ui-keyboard-preview').val())) {
- base.$decBtn
- .attr({ 'disabled': 'disabled', 'aria-disabled': 'true' })
- .removeClass('ui-state-default ui-state-hover')
- .addClass('ui-state-disabled');
- } else {
- base.$decBtn
- .removeAttr('disabled')
- .attr({ 'aria-disabled': 'false' })
- .addClass('ui-state-default')
- .removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
- }
- };
- // get other layer values for a specific key
- base.getLayers = function(el){
- var key, keys;
- key = el.attr('name');
- keys = el.closest('.ui-keyboard').find('input[name=' + key + ']').map(function(){
- return this.value;
- }).get();
- return keys;
- };
- // Close the keyboard, if visible. Pass a status of true, if the content was accepted (for the event trigger).
- base.close = function(accepted){
- if (base.$':visible')) {
- base.$keyboard.hide();
- base.isVisible = false;
- base.el.value = (accepted) ? base.checkCombos(base.preview.value)[0] : base.originalContent;
- base.$el
- .scrollTop( base.el.scrollHeight )
- .trigger( (accepted || false) ? 'accepted' : 'canceled', base.$el )
- .trigger( 'hidden', base.$el )
- .blur();
- if (!base.watermark && base.el.value === '') {
- base.$el
- .addClass('placeholder')
- .val(base.inPlaceholder);
- }
- }
- };
- base.accept = function(){
- base.close(true);
- };
- base.escClose = function(e){
- if ( !$('.ui-keyboard').length ) {
- base.close( (base.options.autoAccept) ? true : false );
- }
- };
- // build default button
- base.keyBtn = $('<input />')
- .attr({ 'type': 'button', 'role': 'button', 'aria-disabled': 'false' })
- .addClass('ui-keyboard-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all');
- // Add key function
- // keyName = name added to key, name = display option name (e.g. tab or t),
- // doAction = what is done/added when the button is clicked, regKey = true when it is not an action key
- base.addKey = function(keyName, name, regKey ){
- var t, keyType, n = (regKey === true) ? keyName : base.options.display[name] || keyName,
- nm = n.split(':'); // find key label
- n = (nm[0] !== '' && nm.length > 1) ? $.trim(nm[0]) : n;
- t = (nm.length > 1) ? $.trim(nm[1]).replace(/_/g, " ") || '' : ''; // added to title
- // Action keys will have the 'ui-keyboard-actionkey' class
- // '\u2190'.length = 1 because the unicode is converted, so if more than one character, add the wide class
- keyType = (n.length > 1) ? ' ui-keyboard-widekey' : '';
- keyType += (regKey !== true) ? ' ui-keyboard-actionkey' : '';
- return base.keyBtn
- .clone()
- .attr({ 'name': 'key_' + keyName, 'title' : t })
- .data('key', { action: keyName, original: n, curTxt : n, curNum: 0 })
- .val( n )
- // add "ui-keyboard-" + keyName, if this is an action key (e.g. "Bksp" will have 'ui-keyboard-bskp' class)
- // add "ui-keyboard-" + unicode of 1st character (e.g. "~" is a regular key, class = 'ui-keyboard-126' (126 is the unicode value - same as typing &#126;)
- .addClass('ui-keyboard-' + ((regKey === true) ? keyName.charCodeAt(0) : keyName) + keyType );
- };
- base.buildKeyboard = function(){
- var action, row, newRow, newSet,
- currentSet, key, keys, margin,
- sets = 0,
- container = $('<div />')
- .addClass('ui-keyboard ui-widget-content ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix')
- .attr({ 'role': 'textbox' })
- .hide();
- // build preview display
- base.$preview = base.$el.clone(false)
- .removeAttr('id')
- .removeAttr('placeholder')
- .show() // for hidden inputs
- .attr( (base.options.lockInput) ? { 'readonly': 'readonly'} : {} )
- .removeClass('placeholder')
- .addClass('ui-widget-content ui-keyboard-preview ui-corner-all')
- .bind('keyup', function(){
- var caret = base.$preview.caret().start,
- t = base.checkCombos( base.$preview.val() );
- if (t[1] !== 0) {
- caret += t[1];
- base.$preview
- .val(t[0])
- .caret( caret, caret); // reposition caret based on # of replacments
- }
- });
- // build preview container and append preview display
- $('<div />')
- .append(base.$preview)
- .appendTo(container);
- // setup custom keyboard
- if (base.options.layout === 'custom') {
- $.keyboard.layouts.custom = base.options.customLayout || { 'default' : ['{cancel}'] };
- }
- // Main keyboard building loop
- $.each($.keyboard.layouts[base.options.layout], function(set, keySet){
- if (set !== "") {
- sets++;
- newSet = $('<div />')
- .attr('name', set) // added for typing extension
- .addClass('ui-keyboard-keyset ui-keyboard-keyset-' + set)
- .appendTo(container)[(set === 'default') ? 'show' : 'hide']();
- for ( row = 0; row < keySet.length; row++ ){
- newRow = $('<div />')
- .addClass('ui-keyboard-row ui-keyboard-row' + row )
- .appendTo(newSet);
- // remove extra spaces before spliting (regex probably could be improved)
- currentSet = $.trim(keySet[row]).replace(/\{(\.?)[\s+]?:[\s+]?(\.?)\}/g,'{$1:$2}');
- keys = currentSet.split(/\s+/);
- for ( key = 0; key < keys.length; key++ ) {
- // ignore empty keys
- if (keys[key].length === 0) { continue; }
- // process here if it's an action key
- if( /^\{\S+\}$/.test(keys[key])){
- action = keys[key].match(/^\{(\S+)\}$/)[1].toLowerCase();
- // add empty space
- if (/^sp:(\.?\d+)$/.test(action)) {
- margin = action.match(/^sp:(\.?\d+)$/)[1] || 0;
- $('<span>&nbsp;</span>')
- .css('margin','0 ' + margin + 'em')
- .appendTo(newRow);
- }
- // meta keys
- if (/^meta\d+\:?(\w+)?/.test(action)){
- base.addKey(action, action).appendTo(newRow);
- continue;
- }
- switch(action){
- case 'a':
- case 'accept':
- base.addKey('accept', action)
- .addClass(base.options.actionClass)
- .appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- case 'alt':
- case 'altgr':
- base.addKey('alt', 'alt').appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- case 'b':
- case 'bksp':
- base.addKey('bksp', action).appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- case 'c':
- case 'cancel':
- base.addKey('cancel', action)
- .addClass(base.options.actionClass)
- .appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- // for NumPad
- case 'clear':
- base.addKey('clear', 'clear').appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- // Decimal - unique decimal point (num pad layout)
- case 'dec':
- base.acceptedKeys.push('.');
- base.addKey('dec', 'dec').appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'enter':
- base.addKey('enter', action).appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'shift':
- base.addKey('shift', action).appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- // Change sign (for num pad layout)
- case 'sign':
- base.acceptedKeys.push('-');
- base.addKey('sign', 'sign').appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- case 'space':
- base.acceptedKeys.push(' ');
- base.addKey('space', 'space').appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- case 't':
- case 'tab':
- base.addKey('tab', action).appendTo(newRow);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // regular button (not an action key)
- base.acceptedKeys.push(keys[key].split(':')[0]);
- base.addKey(keys[key], keys[key], true)
- .attr('name','key_' + row + '_'+key)
- .appendTo(newRow);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- if (sets > 1) { base.sets = true; }
- base.acceptedKeysStr = base.acceptedKeys.join('');
- return container;
- };
- base.destroy = function() {
- $(document).unbind('mousedown keyup', base.escClose );
- base.$keyboard.remove();
- base.$el
- .removeClass('ui-keyboard-input ui-widget-content ui-corner-all')
- .removeAttr('aria-haspopup')
- .removeAttr('role')
- .unbind('focus accepted canceled hidden visible')
- .removeData('keyboard');
- };
- // Action key function list
- base.keyaction = {
- accept : function(){
- base.close(true);
- },
- alt : function(el){
- base.altActive = !base.altActive;
- base.metaActive = false;
- base.showKeySet(el);
- },
- bksp : function(){
- base.insertText('bksp');
- },
- cancel : function(){
- base.close();
- },
- clear : function(){
- base.$preview.val('');
- },
- dec : function(){
- base.insertText('.');
- },
- enter : function() {
- base.insertText('\r\n');
- },
- meta : function(el){
- base.metaActive = ($(el).is('.ui-state-active')) ? false : true;
- base.showKeySet(el);
- },
- shift : function(el){
- base.shiftActive = !base.shiftActive;
- base.metaActive = false;
- base.showKeySet(el);
- },
- sign : function(){
- if(/^\-?\d*\.?\d*$/.test( base.$preview.val() )) {
- base.$preview.val( (base.$preview.val() * -1) );
- }
- },
- space : function(){
- base.insertText(' ');
- },
- tab : function() {
- base.insertText('\t');
- }
- };
- // Run initializer
- base.init();
- };
- // Default keyboard layouts
- $.keyboard.layouts = {
- 'alpha' : {
- 'default': [
- '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
- '{tab} a b c d e f g h i j [ ] \\',
- 'k l m n o p q r s ; \' {enter}',
- '{shift} t u v w x y z , . / {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
- ],
- 'shift': [
- '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}',
- '{tab} A B C D E F G H I J { } |',
- 'K L M N O P Q R S : " {enter}',
- '{shift} T U V W X Y Z < > ? {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
- ]
- },
- 'qwerty' : {
- 'default': [
- '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
- '{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\',
- 'a s d f g h j k l ; \' {enter}',
- '{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
- ],
- 'shift': [
- '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}',
- '{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |',
- 'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}',
- '{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
- ]
- },
- 'international' : {
- 'default': [
- '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
- '{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\',
- 'a s d f g h j k l ; \' {enter}',
- '{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
- ],
- 'shift': [
- '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}',
- '{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |',
- 'A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}',
- '{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
- ],
- 'alt': [
- '~ \u00a1 \u00b2 \u00b3 \u00a4 \u20ac \u00bc \u00bd \u00be \u2018 \u2019 \u00a5 \u00d7 {bksp}',
- '{tab} \u00e4 \u00e5 \u00e9 \u00ae \u00fe \u00fc \u00fa \u00ed \u00f3 \u00f6 \u00ab \u00bb \u00ac',
- '\u00e1 \u00df \u00f0 f g h j k \u00f8 \u00b6 \u00b4 {enter}',
- '{shift} \u00e6 x \u00a9 v b \u00f1 \u00b5 \u00e7 > \u00bf {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
- ],
- 'alt-shift': [
- '~ \u00b9 \u00b2 \u00b3 \u00a3 \u20ac \u00bc \u00bd \u00be \u2018 \u2019 \u00a5 \u00f7 {bksp}',
- '{tab} \u00c4 \u00c5 \u00c9 \u00ae \u00de \u00dc \u00da \u00cd \u00d3 \u00d6 \u00ab \u00bb \u00a6',
- '\u00c4 \u00a7 \u00d0 F G H J K \u00d8 \u00b0 \u00a8 {enter}',
- '{shift} \u00c6 X \u00a2 V B \u00d1 \u00b5 \u00c7 . \u00bf {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {alt} {cancel}'
- ]
- },
- 'dvorak' : {
- 'default': [
- '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 [ ] {bksp}',
- '{tab} \' , . p y f g c r l / = \\',
- 'a o e u i d h t n s - {enter}',
- '{shift} ; q j k x b m w v z {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
- ],
- 'shift' : [
- '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } {bksp}',
- '{tab} " < > P Y F G C R L ? + |',
- 'A O E U I D H T N S _ {enter}',
- '{shift} : Q J K X B M W V Z {shift}',
- '{accept} {space} {cancel}'
- ]
- },
- 'num' : {
- 'default' : [
- '= ( ) {b}',
- '{clear} / * -',
- '7 8 9 +',
- '4 5 6 {sign}',
- '1 2 3 %',
- '0 . {a} {c}'
- ]
- }
- };
- $.keyboard.defaultOptions = {
- // *** choose layout & positioning ***
- layout : 'qwerty',
- customLayout : null,
- position : {
- of : null, // optional - null (attach to input/textarea) or a jQuery object (attach elsewhere)
- my : 'center top',
- at : 'center top'
- },
- // *** change keyboard language & look ***
- display : {
- 'a' : '\u2714:Accept (Shift-Enter)', // check mark - same action as accept
- 'accept' : 'Accept:Accept (Shift-Enter)',
- 'alt' : 'AltGr:Alternate Graphemes',
- 'b' : '\u2190:Backspace', // Left arrow (same as &larr;)
- 'bksp' : 'Bksp:Backspace',
- 'c' : '\u2716:Cancel (Esc)', // big X, close - same action as cancel
- 'cancel' : 'Cancel:Cancel (Esc)',
- 'clear' : 'C:Clear', // clear num pad
- 'dec' : '.:Decimal', // decimal point for num pad (optional) - if used, only one decimal point is allowed
- 'e' : '\u21b5:Enter', // down, then left arrow - enter symbol
- 'enter' : 'Enter:Enter',
- 's' : '\u21e7:Shift', // thick hollow up arrow
- 'shift' : 'Shift:Shift',
- 'sign' : '\u00b1:Change Sign', // +/- sign for num pad
- 'space' : 'Space:Space',
- 't' : '\u21e5:Tab', // right arrow to bar (used since this virtual keyboard works with one directional tabs)
- 'tab' : '\u21e5 Tab:Tab' // \u21b9 is the true tab symbol (left & right arrows)
- },
- // Message added to the key title while hovering, if the mousewheel plugin exists
- wheelMessage : 'Use mousewheel to see other keys',
- // Class added to the Accept and cancel buttons (originally 'ui-state-highlight')
- actionClass : 'ui-state-active',
- // *** Useability ***
- // Auto-accept content when clicking outside the keyboard (popup will close)
- autoAccept : false,
- // Prevents direct input in the preview window when true
- lockInput : false,
- // Prevent keys not in the displayed keyboard from being typed in
- restrictInput: false,
- // Prevent pasting content into the area
- preventPaste : false,
- // Set the max number of characters allowed in the input, setting it to false disables this option
- maxLength : false,
- // When the character is added to the input (clicking on the keyboard)
- keyBinding : 'mousedown',
- // combos (emulate dead keys :
- // if user inputs `a the script converts it to à, ^o becomes ô, etc.
- useCombos : true,
- combos : {
- '`' : { a:"\u00e0", A:"\u00c0", e:"\u00e8", E:"\u00c8", i:"\u00ec", I:"\u00cc", o:"\u00f2", O:"\u00d2", u:"\u00f9", U:"\u00d9"},
- "'" : { a:"\u00e1", A:"\u00c1", e:"\u00e9", E:"\u00c9", i:"\u00ed", I:"\u00cd", o:"\u00f3", O:"\u00d3", u:"\u00fa", U:"\u00da", y:"\u00fd", Y:"\u00dd", c:"\u00e7", C:"\u00c7"},
- '"' : { a:"\u00e4", A:"\u00c4", e:"\u00eb", E:"\u00cb", i:"\u00ef", I:"\u00cf", o:"\u00f6", O:"\u00d6", u:"\u00fc", U:"\u00dc"},
- '^' : { a:"\u00e2", A:"\u00c2", e:"\u00ea", E:"\u00ca", i:"\u00ee", I:"\u00ce", o:"\u00f4", O:"\u00d4", u:"\u00fb", U:"\u00db"},
- '~' : { a:"\u00e3", A:"\u00c3", e:"\u1ebd", E:"\u1ebc", i:"\u0129", I:"\u0128", o:"\u00f5", O:"\u00d5", u:"\u0169", U:"\u0168", n:"\u00f1", N:"\u00d1"},
- 'a' : { e: '\u00e6' },
- 'A' : { E: '\u00c6' },
- 'o' : { e: '\u0153' },
- 'O' : { E: '\u0152' }
- },
- // *** Methods ***
- // Callbacks - attach a function to any of these callbacks as desired
- accepted : null,
- canceled : null,
- hidden : null,
- visible : null
- };
- $.fn.keyboard = function(options){
- return this.each(function(){
- (new $.keyboard(this, options));
- });
- };
- // This function breaks the chain, but returns
- // the keyboard if it has been attached to the object.
- $.fn.getkeyboard = function(){
- return"keyboard");
- };
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 C. F., Wong (<a href="">Cloudgen Examplet Store</a>)
- * Licensed under the MIT License:
- *
- *
- */
-(function($, len, createRange, duplicate){
-$.fn.caret = function(options,opt2) {
- var s, start, e, end, selRange, range, stored_range, te, val,
- selection = document.selection, t = this[0], sTop = t.scrollTop, browser = $.browser.msie;
- if (typeof(t) === 'undefined') { return; }
- if (typeof options === "number" && typeof opt2 === "number") {
- start = options;
- end = opt2;
- }
- if (typeof start !== "undefined") {
- if (browser){
- selRange = t.createTextRange();
- selRange.collapse(true);
- selRange.moveStart('character', start);
- selRange.moveEnd('character', end-start);
- } else {
- t.selectionStart=start;
- t.selectionEnd=end;
- }
- t.focus();
- t.scrollTop = sTop;
- return this;
- } else {
- if (browser) {
- if (t.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") {
- val = this.val();
- range = selection[createRange]()[duplicate]();
- range.moveEnd("character", val[len]);
- s = (range.text === "" ? val[len] : val.lastIndexOf(range.text));
- range = selection[createRange]()[duplicate]();
- range.moveStart("character", -val[len]);
- e = range.text[len];
- } else {
- range = selection[createRange]();
- stored_range = range[duplicate]();
- stored_range.moveToElementText(t);
- stored_range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range);
- s = stored_range.text[len] - range.text[len];
- e = s + range.text[len];
- }
- } else {
- s = t.selectionStart;
- e = t.selectionEnd;
- }
- te = t.value.substring(s,e);
- return { start : s, end : e, text : te, replace : function(st){
- return t.value.substring(0,s) + st + t.value.substring(e, t.value[len]);
- }};
- }
-})(jQuery, "length", "createRange", "duplicate"); \ No newline at end of file