path: root/Mustache/Compiler.php
blob: dd5307d4c2bb39b15fb2b61927ca55aa276fd867 (plain) (tree)


 * This file is part of Mustache.php.
 * (c) 2012 Justin Hileman
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

 * Mustache Compiler class.
 * This class is responsible for turning a Mustache token parse tree into normal PHP source code.
class Mustache_Compiler

    private $sections;
    private $source;
    private $indentNextLine;
    private $customEscape;
    private $charset;

     * Compile a Mustache token parse tree into PHP source code.
     * @param string $source       Mustache Template source code
     * @param string $tree         Parse tree of Mustache tokens
     * @param string $name         Mustache Template class name
     * @param bool   $customEscape (default: false)
     * @param string $charset      (default: 'UTF-8')
     * @return string Generated PHP source code
    public function compile($source, array $tree, $name, $customEscape = false, $charset = 'UTF-8')
        $this->sections       = array();
        $this->source         = $source;
        $this->indentNextLine = true;
        $this->customEscape   = $customEscape;
        $this->charset        = $charset;

        return $this->writeCode($tree, $name);

     * Helper function for walking the Mustache token parse tree.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException upon encountering unknown token types.
     * @param array $tree  Parse tree of Mustache tokens
     * @param int   $level (default: 0)
     * @return string Generated PHP source code
    private function walk(array $tree, $level = 0)
        $code = '';
        foreach ($tree as $node) {
            switch ($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE]) {
                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_SECTION:
                    $code .= $this->section(

                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_INVERTED:
                    $code .= $this->invertedSection(

                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARTIAL:
                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARTIAL_2:
                    $code .= $this->partial(
                        isset($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDENT]) ? $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDENT] : '',

                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_UNESCAPED:
                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_UNESCAPED_2:
                    $code .= $this->variable($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], false, $level);

                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_COMMENT:

                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_ESCAPED:
                    $code .= $this->variable($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], true, $level);

                case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_TEXT:
                    $code .= $this->text($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::VALUE], $level);

                    throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown node type: '.json_encode($node));

        return $code;

    const KLASS = '<?php

        class %s extends Mustache_Template
            public function renderInternal(Mustache_Context $context, $indent = \'\', $escape = false)
                $buffer = \'\';

                if ($escape) {
                    return %s;
                } else {
                    return $buffer;

     * Generate Mustache Template class PHP source.
     * @param array  $tree Parse tree of Mustache tokens
     * @param string $name Mustache Template class name
     * @return string Generated PHP source code
    private function writeCode($tree, $name)
        $code     = $this->walk($tree);
        $sections = implode("\n", $this->sections);

        return sprintf($this->prepare(self::KLASS, 0, false), $name, $code, $this->getEscape('$buffer'), $sections);

    const SECTION_CALL = '
        // %s section
        $buffer .= $this->section%s($context, $indent, $context->%s(%s));

    const SECTION = '
        private function section%s(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) {
            $buffer = \'\';
            if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) {
                $source = %s;
                $buffer .= $this->mustache
                    ->loadLambda((string) call_user_func($value, $source)%s)
                    ->renderInternal($context, $indent);
            } elseif (!empty($value)) {
                $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value);
                foreach ($values as $value) {

            return $buffer;

     * Generate Mustache Template section PHP source.
     * @param array  $nodes Array of child tokens
     * @param string $id    Section name
     * @param int    $start Section start offset
     * @param int    $end   Section end offset
     * @param string $otag  Current Mustache opening tag
     * @param string $ctag  Current Mustache closing tag
     * @param int    $level
     * @return string Generated section PHP source code
    private function section($nodes, $id, $start, $end, $otag, $ctag, $level)
        $method = $this->getFindMethod($id);
        $id     = var_export($id, true);
        $source = var_export(substr($this->source, $start, $end - $start), true);

        if ($otag !== '{{' || $ctag !== '}}') {
            $delims = ', '.var_export(sprintf('{{= %s %s =}}', $otag, $ctag), true);
        } else {
            $delims = '';

        $key    = ucfirst(md5($delims."\n".$source));

        if (!isset($this->sections[$key])) {
            $this->sections[$key] = sprintf($this->prepare(self::SECTION), $key, $source, $delims, $this->walk($nodes, 2));

        return sprintf($this->prepare(self::SECTION_CALL, $level), $id, $key, $method, $id);

    const INVERTED_SECTION = '
        // %s inverted section
        $value = $context->%s(%s);
        if (empty($value)) {

     * Generate Mustache Template inverted section PHP source.
     * @param array  $nodes Array of child tokens
     * @param string $id    Section name
     * @param int    $level
     * @return string Generated inverted section PHP source code
    private function invertedSection($nodes, $id, $level)
        $method = $this->getFindMethod($id);
        $id     = var_export($id, true);

        return sprintf($this->prepare(self::INVERTED_SECTION, $level), $id, $method, $id, $this->walk($nodes, $level));

    const PARTIAL = '
        if ($partial = $this->mustache->loadPartial(%s)) {
            $buffer .= $partial->renderInternal($context, %s);

     * Generate Mustache Template partial call PHP source.
     * @param string $id     Partial name
     * @param string $indent Whitespace indent to apply to partial
     * @param int    $level
     * @return string Generated partial call PHP source code
    private function partial($id, $indent, $level)
        return sprintf(
            $this->prepare(self::PARTIAL, $level),
            var_export($id, true),
            var_export($indent, true)

    const VARIABLE = '
        $value = $context->%s(%s);
        if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) {
            $value = $this->mustache
                ->loadLambda((string) call_user_func($value))
                ->renderInternal($context, $indent);
        $buffer .= %s%s;

     * Generate Mustache Template variable interpolation PHP source.
     * @param string  $id     Variable name
     * @param boolean $escape Escape the variable value for output?
     * @param int     $level
     * @return string Generated variable interpolation PHP source
    private function variable($id, $escape, $level)
        $method = $this->getFindMethod($id);
        $id     = ($method !== 'last') ? var_export($id, true) : '';
        $value  = $escape ? $this->getEscape() : '$value';

        return sprintf($this->prepare(self::VARIABLE, $level), $method, $id, $this->flushIndent(), $value);

    const LINE = '$buffer .= "\n";';
    const TEXT = '$buffer .= %s%s;';

     * Generate Mustache Template output Buffer call PHP source.
     * @param string $text
     * @param int    $level
     * @return string Generated output Buffer call PHP source
    private function text($text, $level)
        if ($text === "\n") {
            $this->indentNextLine = true;

            return $this->prepare(self::LINE, $level);
        } else {
            return sprintf($this->prepare(self::TEXT, $level), $this->flushIndent(), var_export($text, true));

     * Prepare PHP source code snippet for output.
     * @param string  $text
     * @param int     $bonus          Additional indent level (default: 0)
     * @param boolean $prependNewline Prepend a newline to the snippet? (default: true)
     * @return string PHP source code snippet
    private function prepare($text, $bonus = 0, $prependNewline = true)
        $text = ($prependNewline ? "\n" : '').trim($text);
        if ($prependNewline) {

        return preg_replace("/\n( {8})?/", "\n".str_repeat(" ", $bonus * 4), $text);

    const DEFAULT_ESCAPE = 'htmlspecialchars(%s, ENT_COMPAT, %s)';
    const CUSTOM_ESCAPE  = 'call_user_func($this->mustache->getEscape(), %s)';

     * Get the current escaper.
     * @param string $value (default: '$value')
     * @return string Either a custom callback, or an inline call to `htmlspecialchars`
    private function getEscape($value = '$value')
        if ($this->customEscape) {
            return sprintf(self::CUSTOM_ESCAPE, $value);
        } else {
            return sprintf(self::DEFAULT_ESCAPE, $value, var_export($this->charset, true));

     * Select the appropriate Context `find` method for a given $id.
     * The return value will be one of `find`, `findDot` or `last`.
     * @see Mustache_Context::find
     * @see Mustache_Context::findDot
     * @see Mustache_Context::last
     * @param string $id Variable name
     * @return string `find` method name
    private function getFindMethod($id)
        if ($id === '.') {
            return 'last';
        } elseif (strpos($id, '.') === false) {
            return 'find';
        } else {
            return 'findDot';

    const LINE_INDENT = '$indent . ';

     * Get the current $indent prefix to write to the buffer.
     * @return string "$indent . " or ""
    private function flushIndent()
        if ($this->indentNextLine) {
            $this->indentNextLine = false;

            return self::LINE_INDENT;
        } else {
            return '';