path: root/modules-available/remoteaccess/inc/
blob: 37d33d45497c21c592ef9dbd7180d9686c46b0d2 (plain) (tree)










class RemoteAccess

	const PROP_ALLOWED_VNC_NET = 'remoteaccess.allowedvncaccess';

	const PROP_TRY_VIRT_HANDOVER = 'remoteaccess.virthandover';

	public static function getEnabledLocations($group = 0)
		if ($group === 0) {
			return Database::queryColumnArray("SELECT DISTINCT rxl.locationid FROM remoteaccess_x_location rxl
				INNER JOIN remoteaccess_group g ON (g.groupid = rxl.groupid AND = 1)");
		return Database::queryColumnArray("SELECT DISTINCT locationid FROM remoteaccess_x_location
				WHERE groupid = :gid", ['gid' => $group]);

	public static function ensureMachinesRunning()
		if (!Module::isAvailable('rebootcontrol')) {
			error_log("Not waking remote access machines: rebootcontrol missing");

		$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT rg.groupid, rg.groupname, rg.wolcount, GROUP_CONCAT(rxl.locationid) AS locs FROM remoteaccess_group rg
			INNER JOIN remoteaccess_x_location rxl USING (groupid)
			WHERE = 1
			GROUP BY groupid");

		// Consider machines we tried to wake in the past 90 seconds as online
		$wolDeadline = time() - 90;
		while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			if ($row['wolcount'] <= 0)
			// This can't really be anything but a CSV list, but better be safe
			$locs = preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $row['locs']);
			if (empty($locs))
			$active = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS cnt FROM machine m
					INNER JOIN remoteaccess_machine rm USING (machineuuid)
					WHERE m.locationid IN ($locs) AND (m.state = 'IDLE' OR rm.woltime > $wolDeadline)");
			$active = (isset($active['cnt']) ? $active['cnt'] : 0);
			$wantNum = $row['wolcount'] - $active;
			if ($wantNum <= 0)
			self::tryWakeMachines($locs, $wantNum);

	private static function tryWakeMachines($locs, $num)
		$res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT m.machineuuid, m.macaddr, m.clientip FROM machine m
				LEFT JOIN remoteaccess_machine rm USING (machineuuid)
				WHERE m.locationid IN ($locs) AND m.state IN ('OFFLINE', 'STANDBY')
				ORDER BY rm.woltime ASC");
		$NOW = time();
		while ($num > 0) {
			$list = [];
			for ($i = 0; $i < $num && $row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); ++$i) {
				$list[] = $row;
				Database::exec("INSERT INTO remoteaccess_machine (machineuuid, password, woltime)
						VALUES (:uuid, NULL, :now)
						ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE woltime = VALUES(woltime)",
					['uuid' => $row['machineuuid'], 'now' => $NOW]);
			if (empty($list))
				break; // No more clients in this location
			RebootControl::wakeMachines($list, $fails);
			$num -= count($list) - count($fails);
			if (!empty($fails)) {
				$failIds = ArrayUtil::flattenByKey($fails, 'machineuuid');
				// Reduce time so they won't be marked as wol_in_progress
				Database::exec('UPDATE remoteaccess_machine SET woltime = :faketime WHERE machineuuid IN (:fails)',
					['faketime' => $NOW - 95, 'fails' => $failIds]);
		if ($num > 0) {
			error_log("Could not wake $num clients in ($locs)...");
