diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2016-06-24 11:32:34 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2016-06-24 11:32:34 +0200
commit69f173660e31c83b3db0733fab07734e95b9de65 (patch)
parent[exams] Unify add/edit template; check date ranges; other small fixes (diff)
[exams] Apply formatting
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/exams/ b/modules-available/exams/
index 4b626483..79276236 100644
--- a/modules-available/exams/
+++ b/modules-available/exams/
@@ -2,279 +2,282 @@
class Page_Exams extends Page
- var $action = false;
- var $exams;
- var $locations;
- var $lectures;
- private $currentExam;
- /** if examid is set, also add a column 'selected' **/
- protected function readLocations($examid = NULL)
- {
- if ($examid == NULL) {
- $tmp = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, locationname FROM location;", []);
- } else {
- $tmp = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, locationname, " .
- "EXISTS(SELECT * FROM exams NATURAL JOIN exams_x_location WHERE locationid = x.locationid AND examid= :examid) AS selected FROM location x", compact('examid'));
- }
- while ($loc = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
- $this->locations[] = $loc;
- }
- }
- protected function readExams()
- {
- $tmp = Database::simpleQuery("select examid, starttime, endtime, description, GROUP_CONCAT(locationid) AS locationids, "
- . "GROUP_CONCAT(locationname) AS locationnames FROM "
- . "exams NATURAL LEFT JOIN exams_x_location NATURAL LEFT JOIN location GROUP BY examid", []);
- while ($exam = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
- $this->exams[] = $exam;
- }
- }
- protected function readLectures()
- {
- $tmp = Database::simpleQuery(
- "SELECT lectureid, locationid, displayname, starttime, endtime, isenabled ".
- "FROM sat.lecture NATURAL JOIN sat.lecture_x_location " .
- "WHERE isexam <> 0");
- while ($lecture = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
- $this->lectures[] = $lecture;
- }
- }
- protected function makeItemsForVis()
- {
- $out = [];
- /* foreach group also add an invisible item on top */
- foreach ($this->locations as $l) {
- $out[] = [ 'id' => 'spacer_' . $l['locationid'],
- 'group' => $l['locationid'],
- 'className' => 'spacer',
- 'start' => 0,
- 'content' => 'spacer',
- 'end' => 99999999999999,
- 'subgroup' => 0
- ];
- }
- $unique_ids = 1;
- /* add the red shadows */
- foreach ($this->exams as $e) {
- foreach(explode(',', $e['locationids']) as $locationid) {
- $out[] = [ 'id' => 'shadow_' . $unique_ids++,
- 'content' => '',
- 'start' => intval($e['starttime']) * 1000,
- 'end' => intval($e['endtime']) * 1000,
- 'type' => 'background',
- 'group' => $locationid,
- ];
- }
- }
- /* add the lectures */
- $i = 2;
- foreach ($this->lectures as $l) {
- $mark = '<span class="' . ($l['isenabled'] ? '' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign') . '"></span>';
- $out[] = [
- 'id' => $l['lectureid'] . '/' . $l['locationid'],
- 'content' => htmlspecialchars($l['displayname']) . $mark ,
- 'title' => $l['isenabled'] ? '' : Dictionary::translate('warning_lecture_is_not_enabled'),
- 'start' => intval($l['starttime']) * 1000,
- 'end' => intval($l['endtime']) * 1000,
- 'group' => $l['locationid'],
- 'className' => $l['isenabled'] ? '' : 'disabled',
- 'editable' => false,
- 'subgroup' => $i++
- ];
- }
- return json_encode($out);
- }
- protected function makeGroupsForVis()
- {
- $out = [];
- foreach ($this->locations as $l) {
- $out[] = [
- 'id' => $l['locationid'],
- 'content' => $l['locationname']
- ];
- }
- return json_encode($out);
- }
- protected function makeExamsForTemplate() {
- $out = [];
- foreach ($this->exams as $exam) {
- $tmp = $exam;
- $tmp['starttime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $tmp['starttime']);
- $tmp['endtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $tmp['endtime']);
- $out[] = $tmp;
- }
- return $out;
- }
- private function dateSane($time)
- {
- if ($time < strtotime('-1 day'))
- return false;
- if ($time > strtotime('+90 day'))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- private function saveExam()
- {
- if (!Request::isPost()) {
- Util::traceError('Is not post');
- }
- /* process form-data */
- $locationids = Request::post('locations', [], "ARRAY");
- /* global room has id 0 */
- if(empty($locationids)) {
- $locationids[] = 0;
- }
- $examid = Request::post('examid', 0, 'int');
- $starttime = strtotime(Request::post('starttime_date') . " " . Request::post('starttime_time'));
- $endtime = strtotime(Request::post('endtime_date') . " " . Request::post('endtime_time'));
- $description = Request::post('description');
- if (!$this->dateSane($starttime)) {
- Message::addError('starttime-invalid', Request::post('starttime_date') . " " . Request::post('starttime_time'));
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- }
- if (!$this->dateSane($endtime)) {
- Message::addError('endtime-invalid', Request::post('endtime_date') . " " . Request::post('endtime_time'));
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- }
- if ($endtime <= $starttime) {
- Message::addError('end-before-start');
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- }
- if ($examid === 0) {
- // No examid given, is add
- $res = Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams(starttime, endtime, description) VALUES(:starttime, :endtime, :description);",
- compact('starttime', 'endtime', 'description')) !== false;
- $exam_id = Database::lastInsertId();
- foreach ($locationids as $lid) {
- $res = $res && Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams_x_location(examid, locationid) VALUES(:exam_id, :lid)", compact('exam_id', 'lid')) !== false;
- }
- if ($res === false) {
- Message::addError('exam-not-added');
- } else {
- Message::addInfo('exam-added-success');
- }
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- }
- // Edit
- $this->currentExam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid", array('examid' => $examid));
- if ($this->currentExam === false) {
- Message::addError('invalid-exam-id', $examid);
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- }
- /* update fields */
- $res = Database::exec("UPDATE exams SET starttime = :starttime, endtime = :endtime, description = :description WHERE examid = :examid",
- compact('starttime', 'endtime', 'description', 'examid')) !== false;
- /* drop all connections and reconnect to rooms */
- $res = $res && Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid = :examid", compact('examid')) !== false;
- /* reconnect */
- foreach ($locationids as $lid) {
- $res = $res && Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams_x_location(examid, locationid) VALUES(:examid, :lid)", compact('examid', 'lid')) !== false;
- }
- if ($res !== FALSE) {
- Message::addInfo("changes-successfully-saved");
- } else {
- Message::addError("error-while-saving-changes");
- }
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- }
- protected function doPreprocess()
- {
- User::load();
- $req_action = Request::any('action', 'show');
- if (in_array($req_action, ['show', 'add', 'delete', 'edit', 'save'])) {
- $this->action = $req_action;
- }
- if ($this->action === 'show') {
- $this->readExams();
- $this->readLocations();
- $this->readLectures();
- } elseif ($this->action === 'edit') {
- $examid = Request::get('examid', 0, 'int');
- $this->currentExam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid", array('examid' => $examid));
- if ($this->currentExam === false) {
- Message::addError('invalid-exam-id', $examid);
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- }
- $this->readLocations($examid);
- } elseif ($this->action === 'save') {
- $this->saveExam();
- } elseif ($this->action === 'delete') {
- if (!Request::isPost()) { die('delete only works with a post request'); }
- $examid = Request::post('examid');
- $res = Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid;", compact('examid'));
- $res = Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid = :examid;", compact('examid'));
- if ($res === false) {
- Message::addError('exam-not-deleted-error');
- } else {
- Message::addInfo('exam-deleted-success');
- }
- Util::redirect('?do=exams');
- } elseif ($this->action === false) {
- Util::traceError("action not implemented");
- }
- }
- protected function doRender()
- {
- if ($this->action === "show") {
- Render::setTitle("All Exams");
- Render::addTemplate('page-exams',
- [ 'exams' => $this->makeExamsForTemplate(),
- 'exams_json' => $this->makeItemsForVis(),
- 'rooms_json' => $this->makeGroupsForVis(),
- 'vis_begin' => strtotime('-5 minute') * 1000,
- 'vis_end' => strtotime('+2 day') * 1000,
- 'vis_min_date' => strtotime('-1 day') * 1000,
- 'vis_max_date' => strtotime('+3 month') * 1000
- ]);
- } elseif ($this->action === "add") {
- Render::setTitle(Dictionary::translate('title_add-exam'));
- $this->readLocations();
- Render::addTemplate('page-add-edit-exam', ['locations' => $this->locations]);
- } elseif ($this->action === 'edit') {
- Render::setTitle(Dictionary::translate('title_edit-exam'));
- $exam = [
- 'examid' => $this->currentExam['examid'],
- 'starttime_date' => date('Y-m-d', $this->currentExam['starttime']),
- 'starttime_time' => date('H:i', $this->currentExam['starttime']),
- 'endtime_date' => date('Y-m-d', $this->currentExam['endtime']),
- 'endtime_time' => date('H:i', $this->currentExam['endtime']),
- 'description' => $this->currentExam['description']
- ];
- Render::addTemplate('page-add-edit-exam', ['exam' => $exam, 'locations' => $this->locations]);
- }
- }
+ var $action = false;
+ var $exams;
+ var $locations;
+ var $lectures;
+ private $currentExam;
+ /** if examid is set, also add a column 'selected' **/
+ protected function readLocations($examid = null)
+ {
+ if ($examid == null) {
+ $tmp = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, locationname FROM location;", []);
+ } else {
+ $tmp = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, locationname, " .
+ "EXISTS(SELECT * FROM exams NATURAL JOIN exams_x_location WHERE locationid = x.locationid AND examid= :examid) AS selected FROM location x", compact('examid'));
+ }
+ while ($loc = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $this->locations[] = $loc;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function readExams()
+ {
+ $tmp = Database::simpleQuery("select examid, starttime, endtime, description, GROUP_CONCAT(locationid) AS locationids, "
+ . "GROUP_CONCAT(locationname) AS locationnames FROM "
+ . "exams NATURAL LEFT JOIN exams_x_location NATURAL LEFT JOIN location GROUP BY examid", []);
+ while ($exam = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $this->exams[] = $exam;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function readLectures()
+ {
+ $tmp = Database::simpleQuery(
+ "SELECT lectureid, locationid, displayname, starttime, endtime, isenabled " .
+ "FROM sat.lecture NATURAL JOIN sat.lecture_x_location " .
+ "WHERE isexam <> 0");
+ while ($lecture = $tmp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ $this->lectures[] = $lecture;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function makeItemsForVis()
+ {
+ $out = [];
+ /* foreach group also add an invisible item on top */
+ foreach ($this->locations as $l) {
+ $out[] = ['id' => 'spacer_' . $l['locationid'],
+ 'group' => $l['locationid'],
+ 'className' => 'spacer',
+ 'start' => 0,
+ 'content' => 'spacer',
+ 'end' => 99999999999999,
+ 'subgroup' => 0
+ ];
+ }
+ $unique_ids = 1;
+ /* add the red shadows */
+ foreach ($this->exams as $e) {
+ foreach (explode(',', $e['locationids']) as $locationid) {
+ $out[] = ['id' => 'shadow_' . $unique_ids++,
+ 'content' => '',
+ 'start' => intval($e['starttime']) * 1000,
+ 'end' => intval($e['endtime']) * 1000,
+ 'type' => 'background',
+ 'group' => $locationid,
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ /* add the lectures */
+ $i = 2;
+ foreach ($this->lectures as $l) {
+ $mark = '<span class="' . ($l['isenabled'] ? '' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign') . '"></span>';
+ $out[] = [
+ 'id' => $l['lectureid'] . '/' . $l['locationid'],
+ 'content' => htmlspecialchars($l['displayname']) . $mark,
+ 'title' => $l['isenabled'] ? '' : Dictionary::translate('warning_lecture_is_not_enabled'),
+ 'start' => intval($l['starttime']) * 1000,
+ 'end' => intval($l['endtime']) * 1000,
+ 'group' => $l['locationid'],
+ 'className' => $l['isenabled'] ? '' : 'disabled',
+ 'editable' => false,
+ 'subgroup' => $i++
+ ];
+ }
+ return json_encode($out);
+ }
+ protected function makeGroupsForVis()
+ {
+ $out = [];
+ foreach ($this->locations as $l) {
+ $out[] = [
+ 'id' => $l['locationid'],
+ 'content' => $l['locationname']
+ ];
+ }
+ return json_encode($out);
+ }
+ protected function makeExamsForTemplate()
+ {
+ $out = [];
+ foreach ($this->exams as $exam) {
+ $tmp = $exam;
+ $tmp['starttime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $tmp['starttime']);
+ $tmp['endtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $tmp['endtime']);
+ $out[] = $tmp;
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ private function dateSane($time)
+ {
+ if ($time < strtotime('-1 day'))
+ return false;
+ if ($time > strtotime('+90 day'))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function saveExam()
+ {
+ if (!Request::isPost()) {
+ Util::traceError('Is not post');
+ }
+ /* process form-data */
+ $locationids = Request::post('locations', [], "ARRAY");
+ /* global room has id 0 */
+ if (empty($locationids)) {
+ $locationids[] = 0;
+ }
+ $examid = Request::post('examid', 0, 'int');
+ $starttime = strtotime(Request::post('starttime_date') . " " . Request::post('starttime_time'));
+ $endtime = strtotime(Request::post('endtime_date') . " " . Request::post('endtime_time'));
+ $description = Request::post('description');
+ if (!$this->dateSane($starttime)) {
+ Message::addError('starttime-invalid', Request::post('starttime_date') . " " . Request::post('starttime_time'));
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ }
+ if (!$this->dateSane($endtime)) {
+ Message::addError('endtime-invalid', Request::post('endtime_date') . " " . Request::post('endtime_time'));
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ }
+ if ($endtime <= $starttime) {
+ Message::addError('end-before-start');
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ }
+ if ($examid === 0) {
+ // No examid given, is add
+ $res = Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams(starttime, endtime, description) VALUES(:starttime, :endtime, :description);",
+ compact('starttime', 'endtime', 'description')) !== false;
+ $exam_id = Database::lastInsertId();
+ foreach ($locationids as $lid) {
+ $res = $res && Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams_x_location(examid, locationid) VALUES(:exam_id, :lid)", compact('exam_id', 'lid')) !== false;
+ }
+ if ($res === false) {
+ Message::addError('exam-not-added');
+ } else {
+ Message::addInfo('exam-added-success');
+ }
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ }
+ // Edit
+ $this->currentExam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid", array('examid' => $examid));
+ if ($this->currentExam === false) {
+ Message::addError('invalid-exam-id', $examid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ }
+ /* update fields */
+ $res = Database::exec("UPDATE exams SET starttime = :starttime, endtime = :endtime, description = :description WHERE examid = :examid",
+ compact('starttime', 'endtime', 'description', 'examid')) !== false;
+ /* drop all connections and reconnect to rooms */
+ $res = $res && Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid = :examid", compact('examid')) !== false;
+ /* reconnect */
+ foreach ($locationids as $lid) {
+ $res = $res && Database::exec("INSERT INTO exams_x_location(examid, locationid) VALUES(:examid, :lid)", compact('examid', 'lid')) !== false;
+ }
+ if ($res !== false) {
+ Message::addInfo("changes-successfully-saved");
+ } else {
+ Message::addError("error-while-saving-changes");
+ }
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ }
+ protected function doPreprocess()
+ {
+ User::load();
+ $req_action = Request::any('action', 'show');
+ if (in_array($req_action, ['show', 'add', 'delete', 'edit', 'save'])) {
+ $this->action = $req_action;
+ }
+ if ($this->action === 'show') {
+ $this->readExams();
+ $this->readLocations();
+ $this->readLectures();
+ } elseif ($this->action === 'edit') {
+ $examid = Request::get('examid', 0, 'int');
+ $this->currentExam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid", array('examid' => $examid));
+ if ($this->currentExam === false) {
+ Message::addError('invalid-exam-id', $examid);
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ }
+ $this->readLocations($examid);
+ } elseif ($this->action === 'save') {
+ $this->saveExam();
+ } elseif ($this->action === 'delete') {
+ if (!Request::isPost()) {
+ die('delete only works with a post request');
+ }
+ $examid = Request::post('examid');
+ $res = Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams WHERE examid = :examid;", compact('examid'));
+ $res = Database::exec("DELETE FROM exams_x_location WHERE examid = :examid;", compact('examid'));
+ if ($res === false) {
+ Message::addError('exam-not-deleted-error');
+ } else {
+ Message::addInfo('exam-deleted-success');
+ }
+ Util::redirect('?do=exams');
+ } elseif ($this->action === false) {
+ Util::traceError("action not implemented");
+ }
+ }
+ protected function doRender()
+ {
+ if ($this->action === "show") {
+ Render::setTitle("All Exams");
+ Render::addTemplate('page-exams',
+ ['exams' => $this->makeExamsForTemplate(),
+ 'exams_json' => $this->makeItemsForVis(),
+ 'rooms_json' => $this->makeGroupsForVis(),
+ 'vis_begin' => strtotime('-5 minute') * 1000,
+ 'vis_end' => strtotime('+2 day') * 1000,
+ 'vis_min_date' => strtotime('-1 day') * 1000,
+ 'vis_max_date' => strtotime('+3 month') * 1000
+ ]);
+ } elseif ($this->action === "add") {
+ Render::setTitle(Dictionary::translate('title_add-exam'));
+ $this->readLocations();
+ Render::addTemplate('page-add-edit-exam', ['locations' => $this->locations]);
+ } elseif ($this->action === 'edit') {
+ Render::setTitle(Dictionary::translate('title_edit-exam'));
+ $exam = [
+ 'examid' => $this->currentExam['examid'],
+ 'starttime_date' => date('Y-m-d', $this->currentExam['starttime']),
+ 'starttime_time' => date('H:i', $this->currentExam['starttime']),
+ 'endtime_date' => date('Y-m-d', $this->currentExam['endtime']),
+ 'endtime_time' => date('H:i', $this->currentExam['endtime']),
+ 'description' => $this->currentExam['description']
+ ];
+ Render::addTemplate('page-add-edit-exam', ['exam' => $exam, 'locations' => $this->locations]);
+ }
+ }