path: root/modules-available/locations/inc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/locations/inc')
3 files changed, 223 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/locations/inc/ b/modules-available/locations/inc/
index 61507ebf..82c61251 100644
--- a/modules-available/locations/inc/
+++ b/modules-available/locations/inc/
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ class AutoLocation
Database::exec("UPDATE machine SET subnetlocationid = :lid WHERE machineuuid IN (:machines)",
['lid' => $lid, 'machines' => $machines]);
+ // While we're at it, try to fix invalid entries, having a fixedlocationid but no actual position information
+ Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET fixedlocationid = NULL
+ WHERE fixedlocationid IS NOT NULL AND Length(position) = 0');
diff --git a/modules-available/locations/inc/ b/modules-available/locations/inc/
index f1f05402..e35670cc 100644
--- a/modules-available/locations/inc/
+++ b/modules-available/locations/inc/
@@ -329,26 +329,30 @@ class Location
if ($uuid !== false) {
// Machine ip maps to a location, and we have a client supplied uuid (which might not be known if the client boots for the first time)
$uuidLoc = self::getFromMachineUuid($uuid);
- if ($uuidLoc === $ipLoc) {
+ if (self::isUuidLocationValid($uuidLoc, $ipLoc)) {
$locationId = $uuidLoc;
- } else if ($uuidLoc !== false) {
- // Validate that the location the IP maps to is in the chain we get using the
- // location determined by the uuid
- $uuidLocations = self::getLocationRootChain($uuidLoc);
- $ipLocations = self::getLocationRootChain($ipLoc);
- if (in_array($uuidLoc, $ipLocations) // UUID loc is further up, OK
- || (in_array($ipLoc, $uuidLocations) && count($ipLocations) + 1 >= count($uuidLocations)) // UUID is max one level deeper than IP loc, accept as well
- ) {
- // Close enough, allow
- $locationId = $uuidLoc;
- }
- // UUID and IP disagree too much, play safe and ignore the UUID
return $locationId;
+ public static function isUuidLocationValid($uuidLoc, $ipLoc)
+ {
+ if ($ipLoc !== false && $uuidLoc !== false && $uuidLoc !== $ipLoc) {
+ // Validate that the location the IP maps to is in the chain we get using the
+ // location determined by the uuid
+ $uuidLocations = self::getLocationRootChain($uuidLoc);
+ $ipLocations = self::getLocationRootChain($ipLoc);
+ if (count($ipLocations) + 2 >= count($uuidLocations) && in_array($ipLoc, $uuidLocations)) {
+ // UUID is max one level deeper than IP loc, accept
+ return true;
+ }
+ // UUID and IP disagree too much, play safe and ignore the UUID
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
* Get all location IDs from the given location up to the root.
@@ -401,62 +405,6 @@ class Location
return $subnets;
- public static function getOverlappingSubnets(&$overlapSelf = false, &$overlapOther = false)
- {
- if ($overlapSelf === false && $overlapOther === false) {
- return;
- }
- $locs = self::getLocationsAssoc();
- $subnets = self::getSubnets();
- if ($overlapSelf) {
- $self = array();
- }
- if ($overlapOther) {
- $other = array();
- }
- $cnt = count($subnets);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) {
- for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $cnt; ++$j) {
- if ($overlapSelf && $subnets[$i]['locationid'] === $subnets[$j]['locationid']
- && self::overlap($subnets[$i], $subnets[$j])
- ) {
- $self[$subnets[$i]['locationid']] = $subnets[$i]['locationid'];
- }
- if ($overlapOther && $subnets[$i]['locationid'] !== $subnets[$j]['locationid']
- && self::overlap($subnets[$i], $subnets[$j])
- ) {
- $a = min($subnets[$i]['locationid'], $subnets[$j]['locationid']);
- $b = max($subnets[$i]['locationid'], $subnets[$j]['locationid']);
- $other["$a|$b"] = array('lid1' => $subnets[$i]['locationid'], 'lid2' => $subnets[$j]['locationid']);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($overlapSelf) {
- $overlapSelf = array();
- foreach ($self as $entry) {
- if (!isset($locs[$entry]))
- continue;
- $overlapSelf[]['locationname'] = $locs[$entry]['locationname'];
- }
- }
- if ($overlapOther) {
- $overlapOther = array();
- foreach ($other as $entry) {
- if (!isset($locs[$entry['lid1']]) || !isset($locs[$entry['lid2']]))
- continue;
- if (in_array($entry['lid1'], $locs[$entry['lid2']]['parents']) || in_array($entry['lid2'], $locs[$entry['lid1']]['parents']))
- continue;
- if (isset($locs[$entry['lid1']])) {
- $entry['name1'] = $locs[$entry['lid1']]['locationname'];
- }
- if (isset($locs[$entry['lid2']])) {
- $entry['name2'] = $locs[$entry['lid2']]['locationname'];
- }
- $overlapOther[] = $entry;
- }
- }
- }
* @return array|bool assoc array mapping from locationid to subnets
@@ -535,9 +483,4 @@ class Location
- private static function overlap($net1, $net2)
- {
- return ($net1['startaddr'] <= $net2['endaddr'] && $net1['endaddr'] >= $net2['startaddr']);
- }
diff --git a/modules-available/locations/inc/ b/modules-available/locations/inc/
index b3d9bbc7..6b18d864 100644
--- a/modules-available/locations/inc/
+++ b/modules-available/locations/inc/
@@ -1 +1,204 @@
+class LocationUtil
+ /**
+ * @param array $overlapSelf List of locations which have subnet definitions that overlap with itself
+ * @param array $overlapOther List of location pairs which have overlapping subnets
+ */
+ public static function getOverlappingSubnets(&$overlapSelf = false, &$overlapOther = false)
+ {
+ if ($overlapSelf === false && $overlapOther === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $locs = Location::getLocationsAssoc();
+ $subnets = Location::getSubnets();
+ if ($overlapSelf) {
+ $self = array();
+ }
+ if ($overlapOther) {
+ $other = array();
+ }
+ $cnt = count($subnets);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) {
+ for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $cnt; ++$j) {
+ if ($overlapSelf && $subnets[$i]['locationid'] === $subnets[$j]['locationid']
+ && self::overlap($subnets[$i], $subnets[$j])
+ ) {
+ $self[$subnets[$i]['locationid']] = $subnets[$i]['locationid'];
+ }
+ if ($overlapOther && $subnets[$i]['locationid'] !== $subnets[$j]['locationid']
+ && self::overlap($subnets[$i], $subnets[$j])
+ ) {
+ $a = min($subnets[$i]['locationid'], $subnets[$j]['locationid']);
+ $b = max($subnets[$i]['locationid'], $subnets[$j]['locationid']);
+ $other["$a|$b"] = array('lid1' => $subnets[$i]['locationid'], 'lid2' => $subnets[$j]['locationid']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($overlapSelf) {
+ $overlapSelf = array();
+ foreach ($self as $entry) {
+ if (!isset($locs[$entry]))
+ continue;
+ $overlapSelf[]['locationname'] = $locs[$entry]['locationname'];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($overlapOther) {
+ $overlapOther = array();
+ foreach ($other as $entry) {
+ if (!isset($locs[$entry['lid1']]) || !isset($locs[$entry['lid2']]))
+ continue;
+ if (in_array($entry['lid1'], $locs[$entry['lid2']]['parents']) || in_array($entry['lid2'], $locs[$entry['lid1']]['parents']))
+ continue;
+ if (isset($locs[$entry['lid1']])) {
+ $entry['name1'] = $locs[$entry['lid1']]['locationname'];
+ }
+ if (isset($locs[$entry['lid2']])) {
+ $entry['name2'] = $locs[$entry['lid2']]['locationname'];
+ }
+ $overlapOther[] = $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get information about machines where the location assigned by roomplanner
+ * mismatches what the subnet configuration says.
+ * If $locationId is 0, return list of all locations where a mismatch occurs,
+ * grouped by the location the client was assigned to via roomplanner.
+ * Otherwise, just return an assoc array with the requested locationid, name
+ * and a list of all clients that are wrongfully assigned to that room.
+ * @param int $locationId
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function getMachinesWithLocationMismatch($locationId = 0, $checkPerms = false)
+ {
+ $locationId = (int)$locationId;
+ if ($checkPerms) {
+ if ($locationId !== 0) {
+ // Query details for specific location -- use assert and fake array
+ User::assertPermission('.roomplanner.edit', $locationId);
+ $roomplannerLocs = [$locationId];
+ } else {
+ // Query summary for all locations -- get actual list
+ $roomplannerLocs = User::getAllowedLocations('.roomplanner.edit');
+ }
+ if (User::hasPermission('subnets.edit')) {
+ $ipLocs = [0];
+ } else {
+ $ipLocs = User::getAllowedLocations('location.edit.subnets');
+ }
+ if (in_array(0, $ipLocs)) {
+ $ipLocs = true;
+ }
+ if (in_array(0, $roomplannerLocs)) {
+ $roomplannerLocs = true;
+ }
+ if ($ipLocs === true && $roomplannerLocs === true) {
+ $checkPerms = false; // User can do everything
+ } elseif ($ipLocs === true || $roomplannerLocs === true) {
+ $combinedLocs = true;
+ } else {
+ $combinedLocs = array_unique(array_merge($ipLocs, $roomplannerLocs));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($checkPerms && empty($combinedLocs))
+ return [];
+ if ($locationId === 0) {
+ if (!$checkPerms || $combinedLocs === true) {
+ $extra = 'IS NOT NULL';
+ $params = [];
+ } else {
+ $extra = 'IN (:locs)';
+ $params = ['locs' => $combinedLocs];
+ }
+ $query = "SELECT subnetlocationid, fixedlocationid
+ FROM machine WHERE fixedlocationid $extra";
+ } else {
+ $query = "SELECT machineuuid, hostname, clientip, subnetlocationid, fixedlocationid
+ FROM machine WHERE fixedlocationid = :locationid";
+ $params = ['locationid' => $locationId];
+ }
+ $res = Database::simpleQuery($query, $params);
+ $return = [];
+ $locs = false;
+ while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ if ($row['subnetlocationid'] === $row['fixedlocationid'])
+ continue;
+ if (Location::isUuidLocationValid((int)$row['fixedlocationid'], (int)$row['subnetlocationid']))
+ continue;
+ $lid = (int)$row['fixedlocationid'];
+ if (!isset($return[$lid])) {
+ if ($locs === false) {
+ $locs = Location::getLocationsAssoc();
+ }
+ $return[$lid] = [
+ 'locationid' => $lid,
+ 'locationname' => $locs[$lid]['locationname'],
+ 'clients' => [],
+ 'count' => 0,
+ ];
+ }
+ if ($locationId === 0) {
+ $return[$lid]['count']++;
+ } else {
+ $slid = (int)$row['subnetlocationid'];
+ $return[$lid]['clients'][] = [
+ 'machineuuid' => $row['machineuuid'],
+ 'hostname' => $row['hostname'],
+ 'clientip' => $row['clientip'],
+ 'iplocationid' => $slid,
+ 'iplocationname' => $locs[$slid]['locationname'],
+ 'canmove' => !$checkPerms || $ipLocs === true || in_array($slid, $ipLocs), // Can machine be moved to subnet's locationid?
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($return))
+ return $return;
+ if ($locationId === 0) {
+ return array_values($return);
+ } else {
+ return $return[$locationId];
+ }
+ }
+ private static function overlap($net1, $net2)
+ {
+ return ($net1['startaddr'] <= $net2['endaddr'] && $net1['endaddr'] >= $net2['startaddr']);
+ }
+ public static function rangeToLongVerbose($start, $end)
+ {
+ $result = self::rangeToLong($start, $end);
+ list($startLong, $endLong) = $result;
+ if ($startLong === false) {
+ Message::addWarning('main.value-invalid', 'start addr', $start);
+ }
+ if ($endLong === false) {
+ Message::addWarning('main.value-invalid', 'end addr', $start);
+ }
+ if ($startLong === false || $endLong === false)
+ return false;
+ if ($startLong > $endLong) {
+ Message::addWarning('main.value-invalid', 'range', $start . ' - ' . $end);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public static function rangeToLong($start, $end)
+ {
+ $startLong = ip2long($start);
+ $endLong = ip2long($end);
+ if ($startLong !== false) {
+ $startLong = sprintf("%u", $startLong);
+ }
+ if ($endLong !== false) {
+ $endLong = sprintf("%u", $endLong);
+ }
+ return array($startLong, $endLong);
+ }