path: root/modules-available/statistics/
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/statistics/')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/ b/modules-available/statistics/
index 674cc48d..813e7d54 100644
--- a/modules-available/statistics/
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/
@@ -123,32 +123,20 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
// Maybe log old crashed session
- if ($uptime < 120) {
+ if ($uptime < 150 && $old !== false) {
// See if we have a lingering session, create statistic entry if so
- if ($old !== false && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
+ if ($old['state'] === 'OCCUPIED' && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
$sessionLength = $old['lastseen'] - $old['logintime'];
if ($sessionLength > 30 && $sessionLength < 86400*2) {
- Database::exec('INSERT INTO statistic (dateline, typeid, machineuuid, clientip, username, data)'
- . " VALUES (:start, '~session-length', :uuid, :clientip, '', :length)", array(
- 'start' => $old['logintime'],
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'clientip' => $ip,
- 'length' => $sessionLength
- ));
+ Statistics::logMachineState($uuid, $ip, Statistics::SESSION_LENGTH, $old['logintime'], $sessionLength);
// Write poweroff period length to statistic table
- if ($old !== false && $old['lastseen'] !== 0) {
+ if ($old['lastseen'] !== 0) {
$lastSeen = $old['lastseen'];
$offtime = ($NOW - $uptime) - $lastSeen;
- if ($offtime > 300 && $offtime < 86400 * 90) {
- Database::exec('INSERT INTO statistic (dateline, typeid, machineuuid, clientip, username, data)'
- . " VALUES (:shutdown, '~offline-length', :uuid, :clientip, '', :length)", array(
- 'shutdown' => $lastSeen,
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'clientip' => $ip,
- 'length' => $offtime
- ));
+ if ($offtime > 90 && $offtime < 86400 * 30) {
+ Statistics::logMachineState($uuid, $ip, $old['state'] === 'STANDBY' ? Statistics::SUSPEND_LENGTH : Statistics::OFFLINE_LENGTH, $lastSeen, $offtime);
@@ -173,36 +161,41 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
} else if ($type === '~runstate') {
// Usage (occupied/free)
$sessionLength = 0;
+ $strUpdateBoottime = '';
if ($old === false) die("Unknown machine.\n");
if ($old['clientip'] !== $ip) {
EventLog::warning("[runstate] IP address of client $uuid seems to have changed ({$old['clientip']} -> $ip)");
die("Address changed.\n");
$used = Request::post('used', 0, 'integer');
- if ($old['state'] === 'OFFLINE' && $NOW - $old['lastseen'] > 600) {
- $strUpdateBoottime = ' lastboot = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ';
- } else {
- $strUpdateBoottime = '';
- }
- // 1) Log last session length if we didn't see the machine for a while
- if ($NOW - $old['lastseen'] > 610 && $old['lastseen'] !== 0) {
- // Old session timed out - might be caused by hard reboot
- if ($old['logintime'] !== 0) {
- if ($old['lastseen'] > $old['logintime']) {
- $sessionLength = $old['lastseen'] - $old['logintime'];
- }
- $old['logintime'] = 0;
- }
- }
- // Figure out what's happening - state changes
$params = array(
'uuid' => $uuid,
'oldlastseen' => $old['lastseen'],
'oldstate' => $old['state'],
+ if ($old['state'] === 'OFFLINE') {
+ // This should never happen -- we expect a poweron event before runstate, which would set the state to IDLE
+ // So it might be that the poweron event got lost, or that a couple of runstate events got lost, which
+ // caused our to time out the client and reset it to OFFLINE
+ if ($NOW - $old['lastseen'] > 900) {
+ $strUpdateBoottime = ' lastboot = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ';
+ }
+ // 1) Log last session length if we didn't see the machine for a while
+ if ($NOW - $old['lastseen'] > 900 && $old['lastseen'] !== 0) {
+ // Old session timed out - might be caused by hard reboot
+ if ($old['logintime'] !== 0) {
+ if ($old['lastseen'] > $old['logintime']) {
+ $sessionLength = $old['lastseen'] - $old['logintime'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Figure out what's happening - state changes
if ($used === 0 && $old['state'] !== 'IDLE') {
- // Is not in use, was in use before
- $sessionLength = $NOW - $old['logintime'];
+ if ($old['state'] === 'OCCUPIED' && $sessionLength === 0) {
+ // Is not in use, was in use before
+ $sessionLength = $NOW - $old['logintime'];
+ }
$res = Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'
. $strUpdateBoottime
. " logintime = 0, currentuser = NULL, state = 'IDLE' "
@@ -232,13 +225,7 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
// 9) Log last session length if applicable
if ($mode === false && $sessionLength > 0 && $sessionLength < 86400*2 && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
- Database::exec('INSERT INTO statistic (dateline, typeid, machineuuid, clientip, username, data)'
- . " VALUES (:start, '~session-length', :uuid, :clientip, '', :length)", array(
- 'start' => $old['logintime'],
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'clientip' => $ip,
- 'length' => $sessionLength
- ));
+ Statistics::logMachineState($uuid, $ip, Statistics::SESSION_LENGTH, $old['logintime'], $sessionLength);
} elseif ($type === '~poweroff') {
if ($old === false) die("Unknown machine.\n");
@@ -246,16 +233,10 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
EventLog::warning("[poweroff] IP address of client $uuid seems to have changed ({$old['clientip']} -> $ip)");
die("Address changed.\n");
- if ($mode === false && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
+ if ($mode === false && $old['state'] === 'OCCUPIED' && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
$sessionLength = $old['lastseen'] - $old['logintime'];
if ($sessionLength > 0 && $sessionLength < 86400*2) {
- Database::exec('INSERT INTO statistic (dateline, typeid, machineuuid, clientip, username, data)'
- . " VALUES (:start, '~session-length', :uuid, :clientip, '', :length)", array(
- 'start' => $old['logintime'],
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'clientip' => $ip,
- 'length' => $sessionLength
- ));
+ Statistics::logMachineState($uuid, $ip, Statistics::SESSION_LENGTH, $old['logintime'], $sessionLength);
Database::exec("UPDATE machine SET logintime = 0, lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), state = 'OFFLINE'
@@ -368,13 +349,7 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
$lastSeen = $old['lastseen'];
$duration = $NOW - $lastSeen;
if ($duration > 500 && $duration < 86400 * 14) {
- Database::exec('INSERT INTO statistic (dateline, typeid, machineuuid, clientip, username, data)'
- . " VALUES (:suspend, '~suspend-length', :uuid, :clientip, '', :length)", array(
- 'suspend' => $lastSeen,
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'clientip' => $ip,
- 'length' => $duration
- ));
+ Statistics::logMachineState($uuid, $ip, Statistics::SUSPEND_LENGTH, $lastSeen, $duration);
} else {
@@ -449,9 +424,14 @@ if ($type{0} === '.') {
function checkHardwareChange($old, $new)
if ($new['mbram'] !== 0) {
- if ($new['mbram'] + 1000 < $old['mbram']) {
- $ram1 = round($old['mbram'] / 512) / 2;
- $ram2 = round($new['mbram'] / 512) / 2;
+ if ($new['mbram'] < 6200) {
+ $ram1 = ceil($old['mbram'] / 512) / 2;
+ $ram2 = ceil($new['mbram'] / 512) / 2;
+ } else {
+ $ram1 = ceil($old['mbram'] / 1024);
+ $ram2 = ceil($new['mbram'] / 1024);
+ }
+ if ($ram1 !== $ram2) {
EventLog::warning('[poweron] Client ' . $new['uuid'] . ' (' . $new['clientip'] . "): RAM decreased from {$ram1}GB to {$ram2}GB");
if (!empty($old['cpumodel']) && !empty($new['cpumodel']) && $new['cpumodel'] !== $old['cpumodel']) {