path: root/modules-available/statistics/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/statistics/')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/statistics/ b/modules-available/statistics/
index 022277fe..d75f4af8 100644
--- a/modules-available/statistics/
+++ b/modules-available/statistics/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
// External mode of operation?
$mode = Request::post('mode', false, 'string');
$NOW = time();
- $old = Database::queryFirst('SELECT clientip, logintime, lastseen, lastboot, mbram, cpumodel FROM machine WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', array('uuid' => $uuid));
+ $old = Database::queryFirst('SELECT clientip, logintime, lastseen, lastboot, state, mbram, cpumodel FROM machine WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', array('uuid' => $uuid));
if ($old !== false) {
settype($old['logintime'], 'integer');
settype($old['lastseen'], 'integer');
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
// Handle event type
if ($mode === false && $type === '~poweron') {
// Poweron & hw stats
- $uptime = Request::post('uptime', '', 'integer');
+ $uptime = Request::post('uptime', 0, 'integer');
if (strlen($macaddr) > 17) die("Invalid MAC.\n");
if ($uptime < 0 || $uptime > 4000000) die("Implausible uptime.\n");
$realcores = Request::post('realcores', 0, 'integer');
@@ -64,6 +64,66 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
$hostname = '';
$data = Request::post('data', '', 'string');
+ // Prepare insert/update to machine table
+ $new = array(
+ 'uuid' => $uuid,
+ 'macaddr' => $macaddr,
+ 'clientip' => $ip,
+ 'lastseen' => $NOW,
+ 'lastboot' => $NOW - $uptime,
+ 'realcores' => $realcores,
+ 'mbram' => $mbram,
+ 'kvmstate' => $kvmstate,
+ 'cpumodel' => $cpumodel,
+ 'systemmodel'=> $systemmodel,
+ 'id44mb' => $id44mb,
+ 'badsectors' => $badsectors,
+ 'data' => $data,
+ 'hostname' => $hostname,
+ 'state' => 'IDLE',
+ );
+ // Create/update machine entry
+ if ($old === false) {
+ $new['firstseen'] = $NOW;
+ $new['hostname'] = $hostname;
+ $res = Database::exec('INSERT INTO machine '
+ . '(machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, firstseen, lastseen, logintime, position, lastboot, realcores, mbram,'
+ . ' kvmstate, cpumodel, systemmodel, id44mb, badsectors, data, hostname, state) VALUES '
+ . "(:uuid, :macaddr, :clientip, :firstseen, :lastseen, 0, '', :lastboot, :realcores, :mbram,"
+ . ' :kvmstate, :cpumodel, :systemmodel, :id44mb, :badsectors, :data, :hostname, :state)', $new, true);
+ if ($res === false) {
+ die("Concurrent insert, ignored. (RESULT=0)\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Update
+ $moresql = ($uptime < 180 ? ' logintime = 0, currentuser = NULL, currentsession = NULL,' : '');
+ if (!empty($hostname)) {
+ $new['hostname'] = $hostname;
+ $moresql .= ' hostname = :hostname,';
+ }
+ $new['oldstate'] = $old['state'];
+ $new['oldlastseen'] = $old['lastseen'];
+ $res = Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET '
+ . ' macaddr = :macaddr,'
+ . ' clientip = :clientip,'
+ . ' lastseen = :lastseen,'
+ . ' lastboot = :lastboot,'
+ . $moresql
+ . ' realcores = :realcores,'
+ . ' mbram = :mbram,'
+ . ' kvmstate = :kvmstate,'
+ . ' cpumodel = :cpumodel,'
+ . ' systemmodel = :systemmodel,'
+ . ' id44mb = :id44mb,'
+ . ' badsectors = :badsectors,'
+ . ' data = :data,'
+ . ' state = :state '
+ . " WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND state = :oldstate AND lastseen = :oldlastseen", $new);
+ if ($res === 0) {
+ die("Concurrent update, ignored. (RESULT=0)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Maybe log old crashed session
if ($uptime < 120) {
// See if we have a lingering session, create statistic entry if so
if ($old !== false && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
@@ -93,44 +153,6 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
- $new = array(
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'macaddr' => $macaddr,
- 'clientip' => $ip,
- 'firstseen' => $NOW,
- 'lastseen' => $NOW,
- 'lastboot' => $NOW - $uptime,
- 'realcores' => $realcores,
- 'mbram' => $mbram,
- 'kvmstate' => $kvmstate,
- 'cpumodel' => $cpumodel,
- 'systemmodel'=> $systemmodel,
- 'id44mb' => $id44mb,
- 'badsectors' => $badsectors,
- 'data' => $data,
- 'hostname' => $hostname,
- );
- // Create/update machine entry
- Database::exec('INSERT INTO machine '
- . '(machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, firstseen, lastseen, logintime, position, lastboot, realcores, mbram,'
- . ' kvmstate, cpumodel, systemmodel, id44mb, badsectors, data, hostname) VALUES '
- . "(:uuid, :macaddr, :clientip, :firstseen, :lastseen, 0, '', :lastboot, :realcores, :mbram,"
- . ' :kvmstate, :cpumodel, :systemmodel, :id44mb, :badsectors, :data, :hostname)'
- . ' macaddr = VALUES(macaddr),'
- . ' clientip = VALUES(clientip),'
- . ' lastseen = VALUES(lastseen),'
- . ($uptime < 180 ? ' logintime = 0, currentuser = NULL, currentsession = NULL,' : '')
- . ' lastboot = VALUES(lastboot),'
- . ' realcores = VALUES(realcores),'
- . ' mbram = VALUES(mbram),'
- . ' kvmstate = VALUES(kvmstate),'
- . ' cpumodel = VALUES(cpumodel),'
- . ' systemmodel = VALUES(systemmodel),'
- . ' id44mb = VALUES(id44mb),'
- . ' badsectors = VALUES(badsectors),'
- . ' data = VALUES(data),'
- . " hostname = If(VALUES(hostname) = '', hostname, VALUES(hostname))", $new);
if (($old === false || $old['clientip'] !== $ip) && Module::isAvailable('locations')) {
// New, or ip changed (dynamic pool?), update subnetlicationid
@@ -153,7 +175,7 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
die("Address changed.\n");
$used = Request::post('used', 0, 'integer');
- if ($old['lastboot'] === 0 && $NOW - $old['lastseen'] > 300) {
+ if ($old['state'] === 'OFFLINE' && $NOW - $old['lastseen'] > 600) {
$strUpdateBoottime = ' lastboot = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ';
} else {
$strUpdateBoottime = '';
@@ -167,31 +189,42 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
$old['logintime'] = 0;
- $old['lastboot'] = 0;
// Figure out what's happening - state changes
- if ($used === 0 && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'uuid' => $uuid,
+ 'oldlastseen' => $old['lastseen'],
+ 'oldstate' => $old['state'],
+ );
+ if ($used === 0 && $old['state'] !== 'IDLE') {
// Is not in use, was in use before
$sessionLength = $NOW - $old['logintime'];
- Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'
+ $res = Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'
. $strUpdateBoottime
- . ' logintime = 0, currentuser = NULL WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', array('uuid' => $uuid));
- } elseif ($used === 1 && $old['logintime'] === 0) {
+ . " logintime = 0, currentuser = NULL, state = 'IDLE' "
+ . " WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND lastseen = :oldlastseen AND state = :oldstate",
+ $params);
+ } elseif ($used === 1 && $old['state'] !== 'OCCUPIED') {
// Machine is in use, was free before
if ($sessionLength !== 0 || $old['logintime'] === 0) {
// This event is a start of a new session, rather than an update
- Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'
+ $params['user'] = Request::post('user', null, 'string');
+ $res = Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'
. $strUpdateBoottime
- . ' logintime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), currentuser = :user WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', array(
- 'uuid' => $uuid,
- 'user' => Request::post('user', null, 'string'),
- ));
+ . " logintime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), currentuser = :user, state = 'OCCUPIED' "
+ . " WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND lastseen = :oldlastseen AND state = :oldstate", $params);
+ } else {
+ $res = 0;
} else {
// Nothing changed, simple lastseen update
- Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET '
+ $res = Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET '
. $strUpdateBoottime
- . ' lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', array('uuid' => $uuid));
+ . ' lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND lastseen = :oldlastseen AND state = :oldstate', $params);
+ }
+ // Did we update, or was there a concurrent update?
+ if ($res === 0) {
+ die("Concurrent update, ignored. (RESULT=0)\n");
// 9) Log last session length if applicable
if ($mode === false && $sessionLength > 0 && $sessionLength < 86400*2 && $old['logintime'] !== 0) {
@@ -221,8 +254,11 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
- Database::exec('UPDATE machine SET logintime = 0, lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), lastboot = 0 WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', array('uuid' => $uuid));
+ Database::exec("UPDATE machine SET logintime = 0, lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), state = 'OFFLINE'
+ WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND state = :oldstate AND lastseen = :oldlastseen",
+ array('uuid' => $uuid, 'oldlastseen' => $old['lastseen'], 'oldstate' => $old['state']));
} elseif ($mode === false && $type === '~screens') {
+ if ($old === false) die("Unknown machine.\n");
$screens = Request::post('screen', false, 'array');
if (is_array($screens)) {
// `devicetype`, `devicename`, `subid`, `machineuuid`
@@ -293,6 +329,47 @@ if ($type{0} === '~') {
+ } else if ($type === '~suspend') {
+ // Client entering suspend
+ if ($old === false) die("Unknown machine.\n");
+ if ($old['clientip'] !== $ip) {
+ EventLog::warning("[suspend] IP address of client $uuid seems to have changed ({$old['clientip']} -> $ip)");
+ die("Address changed.\n");
+ }
+ if ($NOW - $old['lastseen'] < 610 && $old['state'] !== 'OFFLINE') {
+ Database::exec("UPDATE machine SET lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), state = 'STANDBY'
+ WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND state = :oldstate AND lastseen = :oldlastseen",
+ array('uuid' => $uuid, 'oldlastseen' => $old['lastseen'], 'oldstate' => $old['state']));
+ } else {
+ EventLog::info("[suspend] Client $uuid reported switch to standby when it wasn't powered on first. Was: " . $old['state']);
+ }
+ } else if ($type === '~resume') {
+ // Waking up from suspend
+ if ($old === false) die("Unknown machine.\n");
+ if ($old['clientip'] !== $ip) {
+ EventLog::info("[resume] IP address of client $uuid seems to have changed ({$old['clientip']} -> $ip), allowed on resume.");
+ }
+ if ($old['state'] === 'STANDBY') {
+ $res = Database::exec("UPDATE machine SET state = 'IDLE', clientip = :ip, lastseen = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
+ WHERE machineuuid = :uuid AND state = :oldstate AND lastseen = :oldlastseen",
+ array('uuid' => $uuid, 'ip' => $ip, 'oldlastseen' => $old['lastseen'], 'oldstate' => $old['state']));
+ // Write standby period length to statistic table
+ if ($mode === false && $res > 0 && $old['lastseen'] !== 0) {
+ $lastSeen = $old['lastseen'];
+ $duration = $NOW - $lastSeen;
+ if ($duration > 500 && $duration < 86400 * 14) {
+ Database::exec('INSERT INTO statistic (dateline, typeid, machineuuid, clientip, username, data)'
+ . " VALUES (:suspend, '~suspend-length', :uuid, :clientip, '', :length)", array(
+ 'suspend' => $lastSeen,
+ 'uuid' => $uuid,
+ 'clientip' => $ip,
+ 'length' => $duration
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ EventLog::info("[resume] Client $uuid reported wakeup from standby when it wasn't logged as being in standby. Was: " . $old['state']);
+ }
} else {
die("INVALID ACTION '$type'\n");
@@ -321,6 +398,7 @@ function writeStatisticLog($type, $username, $data)
// For backwards compat, we require the . prefix
if ($type{0} === '.') {
if ($type === '.vmchooser-session') {
@@ -352,10 +430,10 @@ function checkHardwareChange($old, $new)
if ($new['mbram'] + 1000 < $old['mbram']) {
$ram1 = round($old['mbram'] / 512) / 2;
$ram2 = round($new['mbram'] / 512) / 2;
- EventLog::warning('Client ' . $new['uuid'] . ' (' . $new['clientip'] . "): RAM decreased from {$ram1}GB to {$ram2}GB");
+ EventLog::warning('[poweron] Client ' . $new['uuid'] . ' (' . $new['clientip'] . "): RAM decreased from {$ram1}GB to {$ram2}GB");
if (!empty($old['cpumodel']) && !empty($new['cpumodel']) && $new['cpumodel'] !== $old['cpumodel']) {
- EventLog::warning('Client ' . $new['uuid'] . ' (' . $new['clientip'] . "): CPU changed from '{$old['cpumodel']}' to '{$new['cpumodel']}'");
+ EventLog::warning('[poweron] Client ' . $new['uuid'] . ' (' . $new['clientip'] . "): CPU changed from '{$old['cpumodel']}' to '{$new['cpumodel']}'");