path: root/modules-available/usblockoff/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules-available/usblockoff/')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules-available/usblockoff/ b/modules-available/usblockoff/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52a98b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules-available/usblockoff/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+function HandleParameters()
+ $getAction = Request::get('action', 0, 'string');
+ if ($getAction == "newdevice") {
+ $id = Request::get('id', '', 'string');
+ $serial = Request::get('serial', '', 'sting');
+ $name = Request::get('name', '', 'string');
+ $ip = Request::get('ip', 0, 'string');
+ $client = Database::queryFirst("SELECT m.machineuuid AS 'muid', m.currentuser AS 'user' FROM machine AS m WHERE m.clientip=:ip", array('ip' => $ip));
+ // TODO: product and vendor id necessary? It's already in the hwname part.
+ list($vid, $pid) = explode(':', $id);
+ $hwProps = array(
+ 'vendorid' => $vid,
+ 'productid' => $pid,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'with-interface' => Request::get('with-interface', '', 'string')
+ );
+ // TODO: WITH INTERFACE in the HW table?! Should be equal for every device but not guaranteed (ODROID).
+ $deviceProps = array(
+ 'hash' => Request::get('hash', '', 'string'),
+ 'parent-hash' => Request::get('parent-hash', '', 'string'),
+ 'via-port' => Request::get('via-port', '', 'string'),
+ 'interface-policy' => Request::get('interface-policy', '', 'string'),
+ 'machineuuid' => $client['muid'],
+ 'user' => $client['user'],
+ 'lastseen' => time()
+ );
+ newDevice($id, $serial, $hwProps, $deviceProps);
+ } elseif ($getAction === "deletedevice") {
+ $id = Request::get('id', '', 'string');
+ $serial = Request::get('serial', '', 'string');
+ deleteDevice($id, $serial);
+ } elseif ($getAction === "getrule") {
+ $configid = Request::get('configid', '0', 'int');
+ getRule($configid);
+ } elseif ($getAction === "getidlist") {
+ echo getIDList();
+ }
+ * Adds a new USB-Device to the db.
+ *
+ * @param string $id USB-Device id.
+ * @param string $serial USB-Device serial number.
+ * @param string $name USB-Device name.
+ */
+function newDevice($id, $serial, $hwProps, $deviceProps)
+ // Add or Update the usb device in the statistic_hw table.
+ $hwid = (int)Database::insertIgnore('statistic_hw', 'hwid', array(
+ 'hwtype' => DeviceType::USB,
+ 'hwname' => $id));
+ // TODO: Is it okay to use the id (vendor:product) as hwname to identify a usb device?
+ // Add all the global prop values to the statistics_hw_prop table.
+ // productid, vendorid, name, interfaces
+ // TODO:
+ addHwProps('statistic_hw_prop', $hwid, $hwProps);
+ // Only when the device has a serial number add the specific hw props.
+ // TODO: !!! Are there data transfer devices without a serial number? !!!
+ if (!empty($serial)) {
+ // Add the hwid -> serial in the usblockoff_hw table if not already existent.
+ $dbquery2 = Database::queryFirst("Select * FROM `usblockoff_hw` WHERE hwid=:hwid AND serial=:serial", array(
+ 'hwid' => $hwid,
+ 'serial' => $serial
+ ));
+ if (empty($dbquery2)) {
+ Database::exec("INSERT INTO `usblockoff_hw` (hwid, serial) VALUES (:hwid, :serial)", array(
+ 'hwid' => $hwid,
+ 'serial' => $serial
+ ));
+ }
+ // Add all the prop values to the usblockoff_hw_prop table.
+ // PROP: serial, machineuuid, time, user, ruleInformation, Port, hash, interface-policy
+ addUSBHwProps('usblockoff_hw_prop', $hwid, $serial, $deviceProps);
+ echo "Successfully added";
+ } else {
+ echo "No specific props were added. Device has no serial number";
+ }
+function getRule($configid) {
+ // Get the config from the db.
+ $config = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM `usb_configs` WHERE configid=:configid", array(
+ "configid" => $configid
+ ));
+ $idList = array();
+ $rules = array();
+ // For each $id get the rule information and build the rule.
+ foreach (json_decode($config['rulesconfig']) as $id) {
+ $idList[] = $id;
+ // TODO: Make more efficient with one query instead of one per id.
+ $dbquery = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT * FROM `usb_rule_prop` WHERE ruleid=:id", array(
+ "id" => $id
+ ));
+ $rule = "";
+ while ($attribute = $dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+ if ($attribute['prop'] == "target") {
+ $rule = $attribute['value'] . $rule;
+ } else {
+ if ($attribute['prop'] == "serial" || $attribute['prop'] == "name" || $attribute['prop'] == "hash" ||
+ $attribute['prop'] == "parent-hash" || $attribute['prop'] == "via-port") {
+ $rule = $rule . " " . $attribute['prop'] . " \"" . $attribute['value'] . "\"";
+ } else {
+ $rule = $rule . " " . $attribute['prop'] . " " . $attribute['value'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $rules[] = $rule;
+ }
+ // Return the completed rules.conf.
+ echo implode("\n", $rules);
+function addHwProps($table, $hwid, $propArray) {
+ foreach ($propArray as $prop => $value) {
+ if (empty($value)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Database::exec("INSERT INTO " . $table . " (hwid, prop, value) VALUES (:hwid, :prop, :value) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=:value", array(
+ 'hwid' => $hwid,
+ 'prop' => $prop,
+ 'value' => $value
+ ));
+ }
+function addUSBHwProps($table, $hwid, $serial, $propArray) {
+ foreach ($propArray as $prop => $value) {
+ if (empty($value)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Database::exec("INSERT INTO " . $table . " (hwid, serial, prop, value) VALUES (:hwid, :serial, :prop, :value) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=:value", array(
+ 'hwid' => $hwid,
+ 'serial' => $serial,
+ 'prop' => $prop,
+ 'value' => $value
+ ));
+ }
+ * Deletes a device from the db given a serial number.
+ *
+ * @param string $serial USB-Device serial number.
+ */
+function deleteDevice($id, $serial)
+ $hw = Database::queryFirst("SELECT * FROM `statistic_hw` WHERE hwname=:id", array('id' => $id));
+ if($hw['hwtype'] === DeviceType::USB) {
+ Database::exec("DELETE FROM `usblockoff_hw` WHERE hwid=:hwid AND serial=:serial", array(
+ 'hwid' => $hw['hwid'],
+ 'serial' => $serial));
+ echo "Successfully deleted.";
+ } else {
+ echo "Type is not a USB device";
+ }
+ * Return a sorted list with all vendor / id information as JSON
+ */
+function getIDList() {
+ $usblist = array();
+ // TODO: Online version takes a bit longer to load but is more accurate. (2018 instead of 2015)
+ //$lines = file('');
+ $lines = file('/var/lib/usbutils/usb.ids');
+ $currentVendor = '';
+ $br = false;
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ if ($line === "\n" && $br) {
+ // If its the first part (vid - name / pid - name) skip comments else break because the part we needed is finished.
+ break;
+ } else if ($line[0] === '#' || $line === "\n") {
+ continue;
+ } else if (!ctype_space($line[0])) {
+ $br = true;
+ // It's a vendor id.
+ $l = explode(' ', preg_replace('~[\r\n\t]+~', '', $line));
+ $vendor = array();
+ $vendor['name'] = $l[1];
+ $vendor['products'] = array();
+ $currentVendor = $l[0];
+ $usblist[$l[0]] = $vendor;
+ } else if (!ctype_space($line[1])) {
+ // It's a product id.
+ $l = explode(' ', preg_replace('~[\r\n\t]+~', '', $line));
+ $usblist[$currentVendor]['products'][$l[0]] = $l[1];
+ } else {
+ // It's a interface
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $sortVendorName = [];
+ $sortVendorId = [];
+ foreach ($usblist as $key => $value) {
+ $sortVendorName[] = (string)$value['name'];
+ $sortVendorId[] = (string)$key;
+ $sortProductName = [];
+ $sortProductId = [];
+ $tmp = $value['products'];
+ $keys2 = array_keys($tmp);
+ foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
+ $sortProductName[] = $v;
+ $sortProductId[] = $k;
+ }
+ array_multisort($sortProductName, SORT_ASC, $sortProductId, SORT_ASC, $tmp, $keys2);
+ $usblist[$key]['products'] = array_combine($keys2, $tmp);
+ }
+ $keys = array_keys($usblist);
+ array_multisort($sortVendorName, SORT_ASC, $sortVendorId, SORT_ASC, $usblist, $keys);
+ return json_encode(array_combine($keys, $usblist));