path: root/modules.d/copy-initrd/hooks/
blob: cdb3f50a23fdf32a87fc3cb73979abc1f27cc3cb (plain) (tree)

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
type emergency_shell >/dev/null 2>&1 || source /lib/

# Needed to be able to go back to dracut at system shutdown.
# only do this if there is enough space in /run since systemd decided to limit
# some tmpfs to 10% of the memory size breaking the system with low memory...
# See:
_run_size_kb="$(slx-tools fs_path_space /run | cut -d' ' -f2)"
_initrd_block_size="$( stat -f / -c%S)"
_initrd_total_blocks="$(stat -f / -c%b)"
_initrd_free_blocks="$(stat -f / -c%a)"
_initrd_used_blocks="$(( _initrd_total_blocks - _initrd_free_blocks ))"
_initrd_size_kb="$(( ( _initrd_used_blocks * _initrd_block_size ) / 1024 ))"
if [ "$(( _run_size_kb - _initrd_size_kb ))" -ge "200000" ]; then
	# more than 200MB space, should be safe to copy initramfs over
	temporary_directory_path="$(mktemp --directory)"
	mount --options bind / "$temporary_directory_path"
	cp --recursive --no-target-directory "$temporary_directory_path" /run/initramfs
	umount "$temporary_directory_path"
	rm --dir "$temporary_directory_path"