path: root/doc/boot_config_vars
blob: 299107927721d1c21aa6a4e3e043a07a27b4d21b (plain) (tree)







Summary of variables in the boot 'config' file

The variables follow the form as VAR='value'.
Remember to set all variables in inverted commata: '...'!

NFS-share related variables:
SLX_VM_NFS	FQDN/IP:share name for VM image share.
SLX_STAGE4	FQDN/IP:share name for stage 4 storage (nfs):
            or dnbd3 syntax:
		Example: dnbd3 stage4/default/ubuntu1304.sqfs
SLX_STAGE4_RID    Use specific revision of stage 4. Only used when
                  using dnbd3 for stage 4.

Proxy server related variables:
SLX_PROXY_MODE		Proxy mode, e.g. 'auto'.
SLX_PROXY_IP		Proxy server IP.
SLX_PROXY_PORT		Proxy server port, standard would be 8080.
SLX_PROXY_TYPE		Proxy type, eg. 'http-connect'.
SLX_PROXY_BLACKLIST	Proxy blacklist netmask, e.g. ''.
			Sites in this IP range will not be proxied.

Time server variables:
SLX_NTP_SERVER		Time server FQDN or IP.
SLX_BIOS_CLOCK		BIOS clock type, e.g. 'local'.

Domain related variables:
SLX_NET_DOMAIN		Network domain, e.g. 'here.there.example.tld'.

Configuration server variables:
SLX_CONFIG_SERVERS	IP of configuration server

Addon related variables:
SLX_ADDONS		Space separated list of sqfs-modules to load.
			Example: 'vmware vbox debug'.

VMWare related variables:
SLX_VMWARE_3D  Boolean, sets ''

Client root password related variables:
SLX_ROOT_PASS		Expects a (salted) sha-512 password hash.
			Such hashes can be created using "mkpasswd -m sha-512".

dnbd3 related:
SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS        Space separated list of dnbd3 servers, eg. ''
		The list will be randomized on use.
SLX_DNBD3_PRIO_SERVERS   Space separated list of preferred dnbd3 servers
		The list will not be randomized and is used before the regular list.

remote logging:
SLX_REMOTE_LOG       URL where to post log to, eg. 'http://server/log.php'
	POST variables: type, description, longdesc

user-specific shares (the 'n' in the variable name is an identifier for the share,
can give different shares using different(!) identifiers):
SLX_SHARE_n_PATH         Network path to the share, e.g. //cifs.server/sharename
SLX_SHARE_n_AUTH_TYPE    Type of authentication. Type 'guest' means no authentication 
is required for mounting the share. Type 'pam' means to use the same credentials as the
user logging in. Type 'user' means the credentials defined by SLX_SHARE_n_AUTH_USER and
SLX_SHARE_n_AUTH_PASS will be used. This option is mandatory.
SLX_SHARE_n_AUTH_USER    Only required if SLX_SHARE_n_AUTH_TYPE is 'user'. Defines the
username to use for authenticating the mount of the share.
SLX_SHARE_n_AUTH_PASS    Only required if SLX_SHARE_n_AUTH_TYPE is 'user'. Defines the
password to use for authenticating the mount of the share.
SLX_SHARE_n_PERM         Permissions for the share. Supports 'rw' and 'ro'. Defaults to 'ro'.