path: root/doc/setup_howto
blob: e520973e64cc4403a97d1c59a80b09c8d273ad3f (plain) (tree)




























































This is a little howto to get people started on openSLX. Please expand!

1. Client (template) prerequisites

Hard disk space: As the tm-scripts directory will expand considerably while
	building mini-linux (to 5-6 GB), we recommend to allocate around 8-10 GB
	disk space. mltk will install some packages into the base system
	depending on chosen modules.

Currently supported distributions:
	Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Ubuntu 13.04, openSuse 12.3.

Net access is vital as packages / source will be downloaded from the internet
while building. Please note that root privileges will be needed to run the
scripts, as e.g. needed packages will be installed automatically.

2. Source repositories

openSLX main repository: git://

There are some other git repositories needed by the build process, but they
will be automatically checked out, e.g. busybox or printergui.

3. Deployment server prerequisites

Needed services: dhcp, tftpd, httpd, NFS and/or dnbd3.

4. Getting the source

checkout openSLX git repository:
# git clone git://

5. Getting started

On your client machine that serves as the template for the final system:
Change into directory tm-scripts, and execute the mltk script ('mini linux
toolkit') without parameters (or use -h, --help) to see possible options
including some examples.

mltk will check for some essential basic development tools like gcc, make 
etc. In case of missing development tools mltk will display information 
| [info]     You appear to be missing following development tools.
along with some installation hints about needed package(s) and suggests 
needed packet manager invocations to remedy.

mltk will write detailed log files to the directory 'logs' (stdout.log, 
stderr.log). Detailed information can also be obtained using the '-d' 
(debug) switch. If a kernel is being compiled '-d' will ask if some special 
kernel options arise, if no value was being given through 'make oldconfig', 
as without '-d' the system will assume the default answer is correct.

6. Building

Build Stage31:
# ./mltk stage31 -c -b (-d -> debug when appropriate)

... this will take quite some time, the first time mostly due to kernel compiling.

Build Stage32:
# ./mltk stage32 -c -b (-d )

Build Stage32 for openSuse: (not really needed, should be identical to stage32)
# ./mltk stage32-opensuse -c -b

... this will take some time, mostly due to compiling a couple of packages.

(Re)building a single module:
# ./mltk stage32 -c [module] -b [module] (-d)

Building a single module for openSuse:
./mltk stage32-opensuse -c [module] [module] -b (-d)

Build addons (vmware etc.)
# ./mltk vmware -c -b
# ./mltk vbox -c -b
# ./mltk debug -c -b (as always: -d -> debug when appropriate)

7. Packaging

This should be done on the 'packaging server' which creates the files
required for booting from the remote template machine from above.
You can do this on the same machine you were building mini-linux on,
but it might lead to problems when builsing stage 4 later.
For this you need the openslx script from the tm-scripts repo, which
also needs to be run as root (for proper rsync).

Please note that the remote machine (the machine on which the build process
ran) needs to export the build structure (option -n, see
mltk --help). This option executes a bind mount of the local build directory
to a standardized place, /export/build, which can be accessed later from the
server machine via rsync. To facilitate this rsync-ing it may be wise to
add the ssh key to the build machine (authorized_keys), as then no password
has to be given when syncing from the server machine.

So, remember to execute
# ./mltk -n
on the build machine once after bootup, as the build is usually going to
by synchronized to a dedicated server machine for packing.

7.1 Packaging locally (build and server machine are the same machine)

Even though the usual way to go is using dedicated machines to build and to
serve it is possible to package locally, e.g. for testing purposes. So, to
package stages and addons (for example vmware), presuming the same machine
is used for building and serving:
# ./openslx local stage31 -e cpio
# ./openslx local stage32 -e sqfs
(Use this call for openSuse:)
# ./openslx local stage32-opensuse -e sqfs (for target opensuse)

Addons can be packed the same way:
# ./openslx local vmware -e sqfs

7.2 Remote packaging (needed if build and server machine not identical)

First, do a
# ./openslx <IP of build machine> -s

to synchronize all stage/addon builds in one pass. This synchronizes the
complete build directories from the remote (build) machine to the server.
It is possible to synchronize several build machines (thus different
flavours) to one server. The IP adresses of build machines are used in
server directory structure to distinguish builds; therefore the option
'local' should be used with care.

The stages and addons may be packed in analogue to the 'local case'
mentioned above:

# ./openslx <IP of build machine> stage31 -e cpio
# ./openslx <IP of build machine> stage32 -e sqfs

Use this call for openSuse:
# ./openslx <IP of build machine> stage32-opensuse -e sqfs

# ./openslx <IP of build machine> vmware -e sqfs

You can synchronize and pack at the same time
# ./openslx <IP of build machine> stage31 -e cpio -s
# [...]
# ./openslx <IP of build machine> vmware -e sqfs -s

8. Preparing for client boot

As example we suppose the packaged boot images are expected in 
[webroot]/boot/client. Of course the boot chain (or an (i)pxe-delivered boot 
menu) needs to be pointed to this directory as well. It is possible to use 
more than one directory when using a boot menu, by the way; different 
directories just need to be represented by separate entries in the boot menu.

The packaged stages, addons and the kernel will be found on the server machine 
at .../tm-scripts/server/boot/[IP or local]/. For convenience it is recommended 
to link these files, but they can also be copied to [webroot]/boot/client, of 

So these links should be set:

-> [path to tm-scripts]/server/boot/[IP or local]/initramfs-stage31

-> [path to tm-scripts]/server/boot/[IP or local]/kernel/kernel

-> [path to tm-scripts]/server/boot/[IP or local]/stage32-opensuse.sqfs

-> [path to tm-scripts]/server/boot/[IP or local]/vmware.sqfs
... other addons likewise.

9. Client configurations

Two configuration files will be needed in the directory (following example 
above): [webroot]/boot/client, both config and config.tgz.

The config file will be used for client boot parameters, eg. which NFS share 
will be used for storing VM images, proxy configurations, which addons are to 
be used and the like. Please take note that the client machine root password 
will be defined here. These parameters are documented in doc/boot_config_vars.

The file config.tgz holds localization information for specific environments, 
e.g. specific local authentification, home directories, shares and the like. 
If there is no pre-formatted localization available it's perhaps a good 
idea to just touch config.tgz or pack an empty archive of that name. Example 
localizations may be listed at [path to tm-scripts]/server/configs.

10. iPXE: TODO

This will be most probably not being required in the future, as relevant 
features are available in recent Syslinux versions (6.0.0+).

11. Stage 4 (extract Linux desktop environment)

The script clone_stage4 should not be used on a machine fulfilling only the 
building part; it has to be executed on a machine with server function (which
may be, of course, the same machine used for building). Anyway, to avoid
further confusion about the modes 'remote' and 'server' and possible dysfunction 
the script clone_stage4 rejects 'local' as IP parameter.

To use Stage 4 a nfs export will be necessary, as later on the files of stage4 
will be accessed client-side by nfs. Please keep in mind that 
"./mltk -n" has to be executed on the build machine before cloning 
Stage 4.

Then, be sure all builds are synced to the server machine, if that has not 
happened before:
# ./openslx <IP of build machine> -s

... or, if wanted, sync just some parts, if you know what you're doing. 
Stage31 makes most sense so far, so to say. So, for example:
# ./openslx <IP> stage31 -e cpio -s

Well, then do the cloning work:
# ./scripts/clone_stage4 [IP of build machine] stage32 \
	/path/to/your/nfs/share/stage4     # (this is one line!)

To use Stage 4 the clients need the nfs mount information. This is handled via 
a configuration variable (please consult doc/boot_config_vars for a full 
summary) called SLX_STAGE4.

So now would be a good time to check (or re-check) your base config file in 
the client directory you chose above (see 8. Preparing for client boot) 
contains a line
SLX_STAGE4=[IP of service computer]:/path/to/your/nfs/share/stage4

You should see Stage 4 working after rebooting the client. The Stage 4 entries 
should be placed above the list of virtual machines. 

As a side note it stage4 should be usable without complete reboot, if a 
re-login is done and
# systemctl restart nfs-mount
is being executed.

12. Further reading

Please read also:

setup_localization	Setup howto for localization (location specifics)
setup_dnbd3		Setup howto for dnbd3 server and clients
boot_config_vars	Describes variables used while booting a client
conf_file_vars		Variables used in module configuration files