path: root/remote/modules/vmware/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmware/includes/
diff options
authorChristian Rößler2016-11-04 15:59:25 +0100
committerChristian Rößler2016-11-04 15:59:25 +0100
commit13a665d7317615b472a66ce08fe6c0d126cdea39 (patch)
treed5fd4b5f9879f97b5032fc99951d6d3aafc7e7df /remote/modules/vmware/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmware/includes/
parent[run-virt] resolution scripts now detect first connected output device (not o... (diff)
parent[rfs-stage32] Run update-issue after setup_partitions for proper /tmp display (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'remote/modules/vmware/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmware/includes/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/remote/modules/vmware/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmware/includes/ b/remote/modules/vmware/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmware/includes/
index 878e9a9d..dec80e1d 100644
--- a/remote/modules/vmware/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmware/includes/
+++ b/remote/modules/vmware/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmware/includes/
@@ -4,156 +4,5 @@
writelog "Parsing virtual machine description file..."
-# check for vmdk file marker %VM_DISK_PATH% and put vmdk path in it's place: also VM_DISK_MODE
-# IMAGE=$(grep -io '<image_path.*"' "${xmlfile}" | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }')
-sed -i 's#%VM_DISK_PATH%#'"$vm_diskfile"'#g' "${TMPCONFIG}"
-sed -i 's#%VM_DISK_MODE%#'"independent-nonpersistent"'#g' "${TMPCONFIG}"
-sed -i 's#%VM_DISK_REDOLOGDIR%#'"$redodir"'#g' "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# Ethernet: All we do is entering a generated MAC, as we do not want to interfere
-# in the possible case no networking is wanted.
-writelog "Guest MAC: $macaddr"
-echo 'ethernet0.addressType = "static"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
-echo 'ethernet0.address = "'"${macaddr}"'"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# XXX: For now it's save to assume ide channel 1 is free, as we support only one HDD, and it it's IDE, it's on channel 0
-cat >> "${TMPCONFIG}" <<-HEREEND
-ide1:0.present = "$cdrom0"
-ide1:0.autodetect = "TRUE"
-ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect"
-ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"
-ide1:1.present = "$cdrom1"
-ide1:1.autodetect = "TRUE"
-ide1:1.fileName = "auto detect"
-ide1:1.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"
-if [ -n "$FLOPPYIMG" ]; then
- floppy1="TRUE"
- floppy1="FALSE"
-# Floppies:
-cat >> "${TMPCONFIG}" <<-HEREEND
-floppy0.present = "$floppy0"
-floppy0.startConnected = "FALSE"
-floppy0.autodetect = "TRUE"
-floppy0.fileName = "auto detect"
-floppy1.present = "$floppy1"
-floppy1.startConnected = "TRUE"
-floppy1.fileType = "file"
-floppy1.fileName = "$FLOPPYIMG"
-writelog "numvcpus = ${cpu_cores} - maxvcpus=${real_core_count}"
-# RAM, CPUs
-cat >> "${TMPCONFIG}" <<-HEREEND
-numvcpus = "$cpu_cores"
-cpuid.coresPerSocket = "$cores_per_socket"
-maxvcpus = "$real_core_count"
-memsize = "$mem"
-MemAllowAutoScaleDown = "FALSE"
-MemTrimRate = "-1"
-# USB
-if [ -n "$SLX_EXAM" ]; then
- # Exam mode: No USB (TODO: Configurable)
- sed -i '/^usb\./d' "${TMPCONFIG}"
- echo 'usb.present = "FALSE"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
- cat >> "${TMPCONFIG}" <<-HEREEND
- usb.present = "TRUE"
- usb.generic.autoconnect = "TRUE"
-# shared folders
-if [ "$HGFS_DISABLED" = "FALSE" ]; then
- cat >> "${TMPCONFIG}" <<-HEREEND
- sharedFolder.option = "alwaysEnabled"
- sharedFolder0.present = "$shfolders"
- sharedFolder0.enabled = "$shfolders"
- sharedFolder0.expiration = "never"
- sharedFolder0.guestName = "$homesharename"
- sharedFolder0.hostPath = "$homesharepath"
- sharedFolder0.readAccess = "TRUE"
- sharedFolder0.writeAccess = "TRUE"
- sharedFolder1.present = "$shfolders"
- sharedFolder1.enabled = "$shfolders"
- sharedFolder1.expiration = "never"
- sharedFolder1.guestName = "$commonsharename"
- sharedFolder1.hostPath = "$commonsharepath"
- sharedFolder1.readAccess = "TRUE"
- sharedFolder1.writeAccess = "FALSE"
- sharedFolder.maxNum = "2"
- hgfs.mapRootShare = "TRUE"
- hgfs.linkRootShare = "TRUE"
-# Isolation tools: settings
-# Serial, parallel: Empty, nothing is being currently set. TODO later.
-# Graphics, GPU: 3D will be enabled (even if vmware doesn't support the chip) if we whitelisted it.
-if [ -n "$SLX_VMWARE_3D" ]; then
- writelog "FORCE3D set - overriding 3D in vmx file."
- echo ' = "TRUE"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
- # We override... play safe and cap the hwVersion to 10, since some i915 chips goofed up with 12
- # Investigate if we might have to do this in other cases where we don't override
- if grep -qi '^mks.enable3d.*true' "${TMPCONFIG}"; then
- vmw_cap_hw_version "10"
- fi
- writelog "FORCE3D not set - 3D will only work if GPU/driver is whitelisted by vmware."
-# Disable DPI scaling information passing via vmware tools
-sed -i '/^gui.applyHostDisplayScaling/d' "${TMPCONFIG}"
-echo 'gui.applyHostDisplayScalingToGuest = "FALSE"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# Additinal exam mode settings
-if [ -n "$SLX_EXAM" ]; then
- echo 'gui.restricted = "true"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# Killing duplicate lines (output much nicer than sort -u):
-awk '!a[$0]++' "${TMPCONFIG}" > "${TMPCONFIG}.tmp" && mv "${TMPCONFIG}.tmp" "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# Apply $maxhardwareversion to final VMX
HWVER=$(grep -i -m1 '^virtualHW.version *= *' "${TMPCONFIG}" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/[^0-9]//g')
-if [ -n "$HWVER" ] && [ "$HWVER" -gt "$maxhardwareversion" ]; then
- writelog "Hardware version capped to $maxhardwareversion (was $HWVER)"
- sed -i 's/^virtualHW\.version.*$/virtualHW.version = "'$maxhardwareversion'"/I' "${TMPCONFIG}"
- HWVER="$maxhardwareversion"
-# Enable nested virtualization if not specified in remote vmx
-if [ -e "/run/hwinfo" ] && ! grep -qi '^vhv\.enable' "${TMPCONFIG}" \
- && grep -qE '^flags\s*:.*\b(ept|npt)\b' "/proc/cpuinfo" \
- && [ "$HWVER" -ge "9" ]; then
- . "/run/hwinfo"
- [ "${HW_KVM}" = "ENABLED" ] && echo 'vhv.enable = "TRUE"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# TODO: Need a way to check if supported by hardware before enabling!
-#grep -qi '^vpmc\.enable' "${TMPCONFIG}" || echo 'vpmc.enable = "TRUE"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# Disable space check warnings
-sed -i '/^mainMem.freeSpaceCheck/d' "${TMPCONFIG}"
-echo 'mainMem.freeSpaceCheck = "FALSE"' >> "${TMPCONFIG}"
-# At last_ Let's copy it to $confdir/run-vmware.conf
-cp -p "${TMPCONFIG}" "$conffile" && writelog "Copied TMPDIR/IMGUUID ${TMPCONFIG} to conffile ${conffile}" || \
- ( writelog "Could not copy TMPDIR/IMGUUID -${TMPCONFIG}- to conffile ${conffile}!"; cleanexit 1 )