path: root/remote
diff options
authorManuel2013-07-02 17:02:45 +0200
committerManuel2013-07-02 17:02:45 +0200
commit02f5288ef93683cc73a9ca079cb3d7e6756dbe95 (patch)
tree8e6a1bdad428a713ccb488ec4ac2efc1d55b7387 /remote
parentadd nscd link to stage32-opensuse (diff)
Beamerscript prototype added.
Diffstat (limited to 'remote')
5 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remote/modules/beamer/TODO b/remote/modules/beamer/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..651759eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/beamer/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Zenity durch eigen QT app ersetzen
diff --git a/remote/modules/beamer/ b/remote/modules/beamer/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd189b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/beamer/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+fetch_source() {
+ :
+build() {
+ COPYLIST="list_dpkg_output"
+ [ -e "$COPYLIST" ] && rm "$COPYLIST"
+ list_packet_files >> "$COPYLIST"
+ tarcopy "$(cat "$COPYLIST" | sort -u)" "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}"
+ return 0
+post_copy() {
+ :
diff --git a/remote/modules/beamer/beamer.conf b/remote/modules/beamer/beamer.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..270dbd1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/beamer/beamer.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ zenity
+ zenity
+ zenity
diff --git a/remote/modules/beamer/data/opt/openslx/bin/ b/remote/modules/beamer/data/opt/openslx/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..feabe7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/beamer/data/opt/openslx/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+RES1610=(1920x1200 1680x1050 1440x900 1280x800 )
+RES169=(1920x1080 1600x900 1280x720 )
+RES54=(1280x1024 )
+RES43=(1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 )
+ALLRES=( ${RES1610[@]} ${RES169[@]} ${RES54[@]} ${RES43[@]} )
+echo -e "\e[32mSupported resolutions\e[0m"
+for i in ${ALLRES[@]}
+ echo -n "$i - "
+ echo "scale=2; $i" | tr "x" "/" | bc -l
+# Get initial data
+XRANDR=$( xrandr )
+XRANDRV=$( xrandr --verbose )
+# Get the connected outputs
+declare -a OUTPUTNAMES
+while read line; do
+ OUTPUTNAMES+=("$(echo "$line" | grep -o "^\S*" )")
+done < <( echo "$XRANDR" | grep -i " connected" )
+echo -e "Connected outputs: \e[32m${OUTPUTNAMES[@]}\e[0m"
+if [ ${#OUTPUTNAMES[@]} -eq 1 ]; then
+ # In case of one connected output
+ xrandr --auto
+ exit
+elif [ ${#OUTPUTNAMES[@]} -eq 2 ]; then
+ # In case of two connected outputs
+ # If one of the two connected outputs is a beamer, based on the assumption
+ # that a beamer can not output a reasonable dimension.
+ if ! ( echo "$XRANDR" | egrep "^${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}.*[[:digit:]]{2,}mm x [[:digit:]]{2,}mm" > /dev/null \
+ && echo "$XRANDR" | egrep "^${OUTPUTNAMES[1]}.*[[:digit:]]{2,}mm x [[:digit:]]{2,}mm" > /dev/null ); then
+ # If one scree is a beamer. First check which one is the BEAMER
+ if [[ -z "$(echo "$XRANDR" | egrep "^${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}.*[[:digit:]]{2,}mm x [[:digit:]]{2,}mm")" ]]
+ then BEAMER=0; else BEAMER=1; fi
+ echo -ne "${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} is a beamer. "
+ # Get the supported modes of the outputs
+ # Get resolutions of output #0
+ for RES in $( echo "$XRANDR" | grep -Pzo \
+ "(?s)^${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} connected\N*\n(\t+\N*\n)*(\ +\N*\n)*" \
+ | egrep -o "\ \ [[:digit:]]+x[[:digit:]]+" ); do
+ OUTPUT0+=("$RES");
+ done
+ echo -e "\e[31mOUTPUT0:\e[0m"
+ for i in ${OUTPUT0[@]}; do echo "$i";done
+ # Get resolutions of output #1
+ for RES in $( echo "$XRANDR" | grep -Pzo \
+ "(?s)^${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} connected\N*\n(\t+\N*\n)*(\ +\N*\n)*" \
+ | egrep -o "\ \ [[:digit:]]+x[[:digit:]]+" ); do
+ OUTPUT1+=("$RES");
+ done
+ echo -e "\e[31mOUTPUT1:\e[0m"
+ for i in ${OUTPUT1[@]}; do echo "$i";done
+ # Find out, if the beamer transmits reliable EDID data. The data in xrandr
+ # should be reliable if the EDID is present.
+ if echo "$XRANDRV" | grep -Pzo \
+ "^${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]}\N*\n((\ |\t)+\N*\n)+" \
+ | grep EDID > /dev/null ; then
+ echo "EDID present"
+ # If the beamer transmits reliable EDID data, get the perfect match
+ # Presumed the preferred resolution is the native one, get both native
+ # resolutions
+ | grep -Pzo "^${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]}\N*\n((\ |\t)+\N*\n)+" \
+ | grep preferred | awk '{print $1}')
+ echo -e "\e[32mBEAMERPREF\e[0m=$BEAMERPREF"
+ | grep -Pzo "^${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]}\N*\n((\ |\t)+\N*\n)+" \
+ | grep preferred | awk '{print $1}')
+ echo -e "\e[32mMONITORPREF\e[0m=$MONITORPREF"
+ # Compute the optimal resolution for presentations
+ # which is min( 1280, M.X, B.X )
+ AR=$(echo "$BEAMERPREF" | tr "x" "/" | bc -l) # "scale=2; 5/4"
+ OPTIMALRESY=$(echo "scale=0; $OPTIMALRESX / $(echo "$AR" | bc -l)" | bc -l)
+ echo -e "\e[32mOPTIMALRESX\e[0m=$OPTIMALRESX"
+ echo -e "\e[32mOPTIMALRESY\e[0m=$OPTIMALRESY"
+ echo -e "\e[32mOPTIMALRES\e[0m=$OPTIMALRES"
+ echo -e "\e[32mAR\e[0m=$AR"
+ # Generate a list of common resolutions (Greedy fun)
+ for RES1 in ${OUTPUT0[@]}; do
+ for RES2 in ${OUTPUT1[@]}; do
+ if [ $RES1 = $RES2 ]; then
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ echo -e "\e[31mCOMMONMATCHES:\e[0m"
+ for i in "${COMMONMATCHES[@]}"
+ do echo "$i - $( echo "scale=2; $i" | tr "x" "/" | bc -l)"
+ done
+ # Compute the additional resolutions
+ for i in ${ALLRES[@]}; do
+ if (( $( echo "$i == $AR" | tr "x" "/" | bc -l ) )); then
+ if echo ${COMMONMATCHES[@]} | grep "$i" > /dev/null; then
+ if [ "$OPTIMALRES" = "$i" ]; then continue; fi
+ else
+ xrandr \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} "$i" \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} "$i" \
+ && ADDITIONALRES+=("$i")
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -e "\e[31mADDITIONALRES:\e[0m"
+ for i in "${ADDITIONALRES[@]}"
+ do echo "$i - $( echo "scale=2; ${i% *}" | tr "x" "/" | bc -l)"
+ done
+ # Apply the optimal resolution
+ xrandr \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} $OPTIMALRES \
+ xrandr \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} --mode $OPTIMALRES \
+ --primary \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} --mode $OPTIMALRES \
+ --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]}
+ # Ask for a resolution
+ CHOSENRES=$( zenity --list \
+ --title="Resolution Chooser" \
+ --ok-label="Apply" \
+ --cancel-label="Cancel" \
+ --text "Choose a resolution\nor press cancel." \
+ --width=300 --height=400 \
+ --column="Resolution" "$OPTIMALRES (optimal)" "${ADDITIONALRES[@]}" \
+ --print-column=1 \
+ --hide-header ) || exit
+ echo "Chosen resolution $CHOSENRES"
+ # Apply resolution
+ xrandr \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+ --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}
+ # If beamer DOES NOT transmit reliable EDID data
+ else
+ echo "EDID is not present"
+ # Compute the additional resolutions
+ for i in ${ALLRES[@]}; do
+ if ! xrandr \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} "$i" \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} "$i"; then
+ if xrandr --newmode \
+ "$i" $( cvt $(echo "$i" | tr "x" " " ) \
+ | grep Modeline | cut -d " " -f3-); then
+ if ! xrandr --dryrun \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} "$i" \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} "$i"; then
+ continue;
+ fi
+ else
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ AR=$(echo "scale=2; $i" | tr "x" "/" | bc -l )
+ case $AR in
+ "1.60")
+ ADDITIONALRES+=("$i (16:10)")
+ ;;
+ "1.77")
+ ADDITIONALRES+=("$i (16:9)")
+ ;;
+ "1.25")
+ ADDITIONALRES+=("$i (5:4)")
+ ;;
+ "1.33")
+ ADDITIONALRES+=("$i (4:3)")
+ ;;
+ *)
+ esac
+ done
+ echo -e "\e[31mADDITIONALRES:\e[0m"
+ for i in "${ADDITIONALRES[@]}"
+ do echo "$i - $( echo "scale=2; ${i% *}" | tr "x" "/" | bc -l)"
+ done
+ TEXT="The connected beamer did not transmit reliable configuration\n" \
+ TEXT+="data. To avoid clipping or streching, it is recommended to\n" \
+ TEXT+="choose a resolution equal to the aspect ratio of the native\n" \
+ TEXT+="resolution of the beamer." \
+ # Ask for a resolution
+ CHOSENRES=$( zenity --list \
+ --title="Resolution Chooser" \
+ --ok-label="Apply" \
+ --cancel-label="Cancel" \
+ --text "$TEXT" \
+ --width=300 --height=400 \
+ --column="Resolution" "${ADDITIONALRES[@]}" \
+ --print-column=1 \
+ --hide-header ) || exit
+ echo "Chosen resolution ${CHOSENRES%% *}"
+ # Apply resolution
+ xrandr \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+ --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} ${CHOSENRES%% *};
+ xrandr \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+ --primary \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+ --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]}
+ fi
+ else
+ # If neiter of the outputs is a beamer (likely dualscreen
+ # setup) just apply preferred settings
+ echo "no beamer"
+ xrandr \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} --preferred \
+ --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} --preferred \
+ --right-of ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}
+ fi
+ # If there are more than 3 outputs
+ # its up to the user. Quit.
+ exit;
+ # Find out, if the beamer transmits reliable EDID data.
+ # For the first assumption the beamer transmits reliable data, if in
+ # Xorg.log '*EDID for output $BEAMER*' is succeded by '*Manufacturer*'
+ # and '*Year*'.
+ # while read line
+ # do
+ # if echo $line | grep "EDID for output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]}" > /dev/null
+ # then
+ # read line
+ # if echo $line | grep "Manufacturer" > /dev/null
+ # then
+ # break
+ # fi
+ # fi
+ # done < "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"
+# # if one of the outputs is a beamer, offer a choice
+# declare -a OUTPUT1
+# declare -a OUTPUT2
+# # Make sure the desired resolutions are existent
+# #for in
+# ####################################DEBUG###################################
+# echo ${NATIVEMATCHES[@]}
+# echo -e "\e[31m--------------------------------\e[0m"
+# ############################################################################
+# # Add some experimental standard resolutions, which the outputs should be
+# # able to display via interpolation.
+# declare -a EXPERIMENTALMATCHES=("1920x1080 (16:9)" "1366x768 (16:9)" "1280x960 (4:3)" "1280x720 (16:9)")
+# ## Form an interactive dialog to suit the users preferred resolution
+# #zenity --question \
+# # --timeout=10 \
+# # --text="Do you want to change the resolution?" \
+# # --ok-label "Yes" \
+# # --cancel-label "No"
+# false; while [ "$?" != 0 ] #bash do{...}while(...) imitation
+# do
+# CHOSENRES=$( zenity --list \
+# --title="Resolution Chooser" \
+# --ok-label="Apply" \
+# --cancel-label="Cancel" \
+# --text "Choose a resolution\nor press cancel." \
+# --width=300 --height=400 \
+# --column="Resolution" 1920x1080 1366x768 1280x720 1024x768 \
+# --print-column=1 \
+# --hide-header )
+# ####################################DEBUG#################################
+# echo "Chosen resolution $CHOSENRES"
+# echo -e "\e[31m--------------------------------\e[0m"
+# ##########################################################################
+# if [ $? != 0 ]
+# then
+# break
+# fi
+# xrandr \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+# --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}
+# # in case the mode is unknown
+# if [ $? != 0 ]
+# then
+# xrandr \
+# --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} ${CHOSENRES%% *} \
+# --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} ${CHOSENRES%% *}
+# xrandr \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} --primary \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} --mode ${CHOSENRES%% *} --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}
+# #CVT="$(cvt $(echo ${CHOSENRES%% *} | cut -d " " -f1 | tr "x" " ") | grep Modeline)"
+# #MODENAME=echo $CVT | cut -d " " -f2)
+# #MODELINE=echo $CVT | cut -d " " -f3-)
+# fi
+# zenity --question \
+# --text="Do you want to stay with this resolution?" \
+# --ok-label "Yes" \
+# --cancel-label "No"
+# # In case of timeout
+# #if [ $? -eq 5]; then ;fi
+# done
+# # If the beamer fits in the monitor, teach the monitor the preferred
+# # mode of the beamer
+# xrandr --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} $BEAMERPREF
+# xrandr --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} \
+# --mode $BEAMERPREF \
+# --primary \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} \
+# --mode $BEAMERPREF \
+# --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]}
+# echo -e "\e[32mPERFECTMATCH\e[0m=$BEAMERPREF"
+# # If the monitor fits in the beamer, teach the beamer the preferred
+# # mode of the monitor
+# xrandr --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} $MONITORPREF
+# xrandr --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} \
+# --mode $MONITORPREF \
+# --primary \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[$BEAMER]} \
+# --mode $MONITORPREF \
+# --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]}
+# Offer a mode selection
+# 1920x1080, 1366x768, 1280x800 and 1024x800 have to be available.
+# Check if the TFT supports the resolution
+# if echo "$XRANDRV" \
+# | grep -Pzo "^${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]}\N*\n((\ |\t)+\N*\n)+" \
+# | grep $MODE > /dev/null
+# then
+# # If so, just assign the beamers preferred resolution to the TFT
+# xrandr \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} --mode $MODE \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} --mode $MODE \
+# --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}
+# else
+# # If not, teach the TFT the mode
+# xrandr \
+# --addmode ${OUTPUTNAMES[$((1-$BEAMER))]} $MODE
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]} --mode $MODE \
+# --output ${OUTPUTNAMES[1]} --mode $MODE \
+# --same-as ${OUTPUTNAMES[0]}
+# fi
+# #OfferChoice
+# #echo "Offered choice"
diff --git a/remote/targets/stage32/beamer b/remote/targets/stage32/beamer
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..0fbeaeca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/targets/stage32/beamer
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../modules/beamer/ \ No newline at end of file